I recently decided to try my hand at this problem of calculating the number of days between two given dates including leap years in the calculation. I chose to do it in C++ as it is the language I feel most comfortable with and was wondering about the quality of my code.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef struct Date{
int day;
int month;
int year;
Date(int d, int m, int y):day(d), month(m), year(y)
bool operator== (const Date& rhs)
return day==rhs.day && month==rhs.month && year==rhs.year;
vector<int> splitBy(string input, char delimiter)
vector<int> output;
int startDayIndex = 0;
int endIndex = 0;
int length = input.length();
while(input.find(delimiter, startDayIndex)!=string::npos)
endIndex = input.find(delimiter, startDayIndex);
startDayIndex = endIndex+1;
return output;
int NextMonth(int currentMonth)
if(currentMonth == 12) return 1;
return currentMonth+1;
int NextYear(int month, int currentYear)
return month==1?currentYear+1:currentYear;
bool isLeapYear(int year)
if(year%4!=0) return false;
else if(year%100!=0) return true;
else if(year%400!=0) return false;
else return true;
int DaysInMonth(int month, int year)
vector<int> days = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
if(isLeapYear(year)) days[1] = 29;
return days[month-1];
bool errorCheck(Date start, Date end)
if(start.year>end.year) return true;
else if(start.month>end.month && start.year==end.year) return true;
else if(start.day>end.day && start.month==end.month && start.year==end.year) return true;
return false;
int start(string firstDate, string endDate)
vector<int> initDate = splitBy(firstDate, '/');
vector<int> finDate = splitBy(endDate, '/');
Date startDay(initDate[0], initDate[1], initDate[2]);
Date endDay(finDate[0], finDate[1], finDate[2]);
if(errorCheck(startDay,endDay)) return -1;
int count = 0;
int days = DaysInMonth(startDay.month, startDay.year);
startDay.day = startDay.day + 1;
return count;
startDay.day = 1;
startDay.month = NextMonth(startDay.month);
startDay.year = NextYear(startDay.month,startDay.year);
days = DaysInMonth(startDay.month, startDay.year);
return count;
int main()
cout << "Enter date in format DD/MM/YYYY\n";
string startDayDate;
string endDate;
cout << "Enter first date\n";
cin >> startDayDate;
cout << "Enter second date\n";
cin >> endDate;
int result = start(startDayDate, endDate);
result==-1?cout << "Invalid input\n":cout << "The number of days are: " << result << endl;
return 0;
I know off the bat that using namespace std
is an issue, are there any other issues with regards to readability, efficiency, etc.? Does the code I have written to accomplish this task qualify as "good" code?