I previously attempted to implement a Graph
class which has a method that returns a path between 2 nodes using depth-first search. This is my latest attempt at this (using the feedback I got from last time).
I'm doing this to improve my style and to improve my knowledge of fundamental algorithms/data structures for an upcoming coding interview.
class Graph:
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = set()
def add_node(self, id):
new_node = Node(id)
return new_node
def get_node(self, id):
for node in self.nodes:
if node.id == id:
return node
return None
def dfs(self, start, end):
stack = [start]
parents = {}
seen = set([start])
while stack:
cur_node = stack.pop()
if cur_node is not end:
for neighbour in cur_node.neighbours:
if neighbour not in seen:
parents[neighbour] = cur_node
path = self.get_path(start, cur_node, parents)
return path
return None
def get_path(self, start, end, parents):
stack = [end]
cur_node = end
while cur_node is not start:
cur_node = parents[cur_node]
path = []
while stack:
cur_node = stack.pop()
return path
class Node:
def __init__(self, id):
self.id = id
self.neighbours = {}
def add_neighbour(self, to, weight):
self.neighbours[to] = weight