I am comparing two columns of data (~20k rows) to find the items that do not match. Actually one of my files is an export from an Oracle database, but I have not gotten to the point of working with databases in python yet.
The code works as intended, but as I am new to this I am wondering if there is a more efficient way to do all of this.
First I read the columns into a list:
import openpyxl
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('file.XLSX')
ws = wb['dirtyfile']
dirtysource = []
cleansource = []
for col in ws['A']:
ws2 = wb['Database Export']
for col in ws2['A']:
The data I have extracted from the database is already cleaned. The other data set is in an inconsistent format:
dirtysource = [u'Tom Jones (01134)', u'Bob Smith (On Leave) (598711)', u'Jane Doe (00004)', u'100627 - Juan Carlos' ]
Next I clean the data up. I am slicing out the name, and just keeping the ID. The ID can be of a variable length. When it appears at the end of the string it is enclosed in parentheses. When it is at the beginning it is delimited by a '-'.
j = 0
for i in dirtysource:
if i.endswith(')'):
dirtysource[j] = str(i[i.rfind('(')+1:len(i)-1])
dirtysource[j] = str(i[0:i.find('-')-1])
j = j +1
The only thing I am doing to the clean list is to convert it from unicode:
j = 0
for i in cleansource:
cleansource[j] = str(i)
j = j + 1
Finally I compare the two lists to find the non-matching values:
delta = []
for i in dirtysource:
if i in cleansource: continue
print delta
delta1 = []
for i in cleansource:
if i in dirtysource: continue
print delta1
Eventually I will be passing the two lists into some queries, but I have more to learn before I do that.