Consider a pair of consecutive integers of the form (2K+0, 2K+1)
. When XOR'd these values will demonstrate destructive interference in every bit but the 1's bit. Examples:
010 (2) 110 (6)
011 (3) 111 (7)
------- --------
001 (1) 001 (1)
Consider a given row ranging from:
L = [S+0, S+1, ... S+(W-1)]
The XOR operation is commutative and associative, meaning that we can resolve the XOR operation upon this row in any order we would like and can move the last and first elements anywhere else in the ordering as convenient while preserving the result.
If the head element of S+0
is odd then the destructive partner to its left is out of range. If this proves true then let us temporarily remove the head from the list for convenience.
If the tail element of S+(W-1)
is even then the destructive partner to its right is out of range. If this proves true then let us temporarily remove the tail from the list for convenience.
We now may guarantee a list of the following form:
L' = [ 2k+0, 2k+1, ... 2k+(w'-2), 2k+(w'-1) ]
Consider now how this list will look after processing each destructive pair with XOR operation:
[ 1, ... 1] //total length of w' / 2
By inspecting the parity of the length of the sublist (w') we may resolve the result of the entire arbitrarily sized sublist with a single operation. if 4 divides w' then the sublist resolves 0, otherwise it will resolve 1 as the size of the list is even but the count of destructive pairs is odd.
Lastly we will XOR the head and tail items with the retrieved result from the rest of the list. For calculating the XOR over a range interval this will allow processing in \$O(1)\$ time complexity.
The next step in addressing the problem is the specific instance of calculating the upper left partition of the matrix to calculate:
XOR(M[i,j]) for all (i,j) such that i + j < w
The simplest means to achieve this is now to calculate the range-based XOR for each row partition of the matrix and take the result. Below is a simple C++ program achieving this in \$O(W)\$ time which may easily be converted to Python:
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
//#calculates XOR of range interval in O(1) time
unsigned fastXOR(unsigned x, unsigned N) {
//trivial cases
switch (N) {
case 0:
return 0;
case 1:
return x;
case 2:
return x ^ (x + 1);
//#at least 3 items to XOR
//#if head odd then decrement count and pop head out
unsigned head = (x & 1) ? (N--, x++) : 0;
//#if tail even then decrement count and pop tail off
unsigned tail = (N & 1) ? (x + (--N)) : 0;
//#if remaining list divides by 2 but not 4 then odd parity added
unsigned parity = (N % 4) ? 1 : 0;
return parity ^ head ^ tail;
//#calculates XOR of upperleft of NxN range interval matrix in O(N) time
unsigned upperLeft(unsigned x, unsigned N) {
unsigned rv = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++) {
//#for each row calculate with only valid
//#member portion of length N
rv = rv ^ fastXOR(x + i * N, N - i);
return rv;
//# x notes starting position of range, N notes matrix WIDTH (full size is Width squared)
void performTest(unsigned x, unsigned N) {
constexpr unsigned uSize = sizeof(unsigned) * 8;
typedef std::bitset<uSize> bits;
auto R = upperLeft(x,N);
bits xb(x);
bits Nb(N);
bits Rb(R);
std::cout << "F(" << xb << ", " << Nb << ") -> " << Rb << " = " << R << std::endl;
int main() {
performTest(0, 100);
performTest(132, 400000);
return 0;