I am very new to Perl and decided to work on a simple script that could solve a problem I encounter in my day to day work. The purpose of the code that follows is to search over a body of text and extract English case law publication references. There are quite a few flavours of reference style, so I have several expressions looking for different reference structures.
I'm very much at the "hooray, I've managed to make it work"-stage on the Perl learning curve, but know enough to recognise that this code is pretty hideous.
There are two main areas I'm aiming to improve:
- Getting the source text from a file, rather than plonking it directly into the code.
- Getting the output to write to a output.txt file.
An examples of obvious poor practice is that I have used strict
or warnings
. The interpreter didn't like various aspects of the code.
I'd be really grateful for some feedback on this very modest first attempt to use Perl in an applied way. It is pretty hideous and I'm sure there are endless ways in which this could be achieved more elegantly.
The Code
# Paste text to review below
$search_text = <<EOD;
In Salomon v A Salomon and Co Ltd [1897] AC 22, the House of Lords held that these principles applied as much to a company that was wholly owned and controlled by one man as to any other company. In Macaura v Northern Assurance Co Ltd [1925] AC 619, the House of Lords held that the sole owner and controller of a company did not even have an insurable interest in property of the company, although economically he was liable to suffer by its destruction. Lord Buckmaster, at pp 626-627 said:
print "\n-----------------------------\n";
print "Case References Found in Text";
print "\n-----------------------------\n";
# Find NCits
print "\n***** NCits...\n\n";
while ($search_text =~ m/((\(|\[)\d{4}(\)|\]))(\s+((EWHC)|(EWHC\s+Admin)|(CAT)|(EWCA)|(EWCA\s+Civ)|(EWCA\s+Crim)|(EWCOP)|(EWFC)|(EWFC\s+B)|(EWPCC)|(UKHL)|(UKIAT)|(UKPC)|(UKSC)|(CSOH)|(CSIH)|(NICA)|(IESC)|(IECCA)|(IECA)|(IEHC)|(UKUT))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";
# Find WLR
print "\n***** WLR references...\n\n";
while ($search_text =~ m/((|\[)\d{4}(\)|\]))(\s+\d+\s+((WLR))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";
# Find AC with vol number
print "\n***** Appeal Cases references...\n\n";
while ($search_text =~ m/((|\[)\d{4}(\)|\]))(\s+\d+\s+((AC))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";
# Find AC with no vol number
while ($search_text =~ m/((|\[)\d{4}(\)|\]))(\s+((AC))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";
# Find QB with vol number
print "\n***** Queen's Bench Cases cases...\n\n";
while ($search_text =~ m/((|\[)\d{4}(\)|\]))(\s+\d+\s+((QB))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";
# Find QB with no vol number
while ($search_text =~ m/((|\[)\d{4}(\)|\]))(\s+((QB))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";
print "\n***** External references...\n\n";
while ($search_text =~ m/((\(|\[)\d{4}(\)|\])){0,1}(\s*\d+\s+((TLR)|(TLR\s+\(Pt\s+1\))|(TLR\s+\(Pt\s+2\))|(LGR)|(Cr\s*App\s*R)|(Cr\s*App\s*R\s*\(S\))|(Ll\s*L\s*Rep)|(LlLR)|(TC)|(FLR)|(BCLC))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";
# Find NIQB
print "\n***** NI Queen's Bench Cases cases...\n\n";
while ($search_text =~ m/((|\[)\d{4}(\)|\]))(\s+((NIQB))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";
# Find NZLR
print "\n***** NZLR references...\n\n";
while ($search_text =~ m/((|\[)\d{4}(\)|\]))(\s+\d+\s+((NZLR))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";
# Find All ER
while ($search_text =~ m/((|\[)\d{4}(\)|\]))(\s+\d+\s+((All ER))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";
# Find ECR
print "\n***** ECR references...\n\n";
while ($search_text =~ m/((|\[)\d{4}(\)|\]))(\s+((ECR))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";
# Old Style ICLR Refs
print "\n***** Older volume references...\n\n";
while ($search_text =~ m/(\d+\s+((App\s*Cas)|(Ch\s*D)|(CPD)|(Ex\s*D)|(P.D.)|(Q.B.D.))\s+\d+)/ig) {
print "$1$4\n";