There are already many other TicTacToe implementations but most of them are missing some features like if duplicate input is entered exception and immediate termination of the program occurs board is not updated and so on I tried my level best to bring the proper one
using namespace std;
class Players // Used to store the detais of the players
string player1, player2; // Names of the players are stored here
char choice1, choice2; // either X or O
map<int, char> Board; // the board itself
class TicTacToe:protected Players
int player_choices[9]; //arbitary value assumption see assin definition for more details
bool winp1 = false;
bool winp2 = false;
bool set_players(string name1, string name2,char Choice1,char Choice2); // Used to assign player details
void board(); // display board
void assign(); // set values
bool check(int no,char name); // validating the input
void update(); // used to update the board
bool TicTacToe::set_players(string name1, string name2, char Choice1, char Choice2)
player1 = name1;
player2 = name2;
choice1 = Choice1;
choice2 = Choice2;
if (isalpha(choice1) && isalpha(choice2))
if(isupper(choice1)&&isupper(choice2))return true;
else cout << "Upper case characters please for convineance!" << endl;
return false;
// Used to display the board in the console/terminal
void TicTacToe::board()
cout << "Make yourself familiar with the structure of the board" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "*-----*-----*-----*" << endl;
cout << "| 0 | 1 | 2 |" << endl;
cout << "*-----*-----*-----*" << endl;
cout << "| 3 | 4 | 5 |" << endl;
cout << "*-----*-----*-----*" << endl;
cout << "| 6 | 7 | 8 |" << endl;
cout << "*-----*-----*-----*" << endl;
bool TicTacToe::check(int no,char name) // Member Function will check whether the element is taken or not return type = boolean (bool)
if ((no>=0)&&(no<=8)) {
map<int, char>::iterator check_if_element_exists;
check_if_element_exists = Board.find(no);
if (check_if_element_exists != Board.end())
cout << "The value is already taken by " << check_if_element_exists->second;
return false;
Board[no] = name;
return true;
// you may add some conditional statements for clarity
cout << "Check the board the number is greater or lesser!" << endl;
// This function is used to assign the values
Arbitary value usage:
since I have used maps it would need an iterator to access those X and O characters
which would make code lengthy so I have came with a mathematical approach for solving this TicTacToe
by assuming an arbitary values to the players
Player1 = 20
Player2 = 10
void TicTacToe::assign()
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
int tempVariable;
bool surity1 = false; // This will make sure non-duplicated entry is enterd!
bool surity2 = false;
while (surity1 != true) {
cout << "Player 1: Enter your no" << endl;
cin >> tempVariable;
bool add = check(tempVariable, choice1);
if (add == true)
player_choices[tempVariable] = 20; // arbitary value
surity1 = true;
cout << endl << endl << "Player 2\'s Choice" << endl;
while (surity2 != true) {
cout << "Player 2: Enter your no" << endl;
cin >> tempVariable;
bool add = check(tempVariable, choice2);
if (add == true) {
player_choices[tempVariable] = 10; // arbitary value
surity2 = true;
//For each entry there may be winning or loosing and it must be announted!
if ((player_choices[0] == 20) && (player_choices[1] == 20) && (player_choices[2] == 20))
cout << "Player 1 is the Winner";
winp1 = true;
else if ((player_choices[3] == 20) && (player_choices[4] == 20) && (player_choices[5] == 20))
cout << "Player 1 is the Winner";
winp1 = true;
else if ((player_choices[6] == 20) && (player_choices[7] == 20) && (player_choices[8] == 20))
cout << "Player 1 is the Winner";
winp1 = true;
//Linear lines - Vertical
else if ((player_choices[0] == 20) && (player_choices[3] == 20) && (player_choices[6] == 20))
cout << "Player 1 is the Winner";
winp1 = true;
else if ((player_choices[1] == 20) && (player_choices[4] == 20) && (player_choices[7] == 20))
cout << "Player 1 is the Winner";
winp1 = true;
else if ((player_choices[2] == 20) && (player_choices[7] == 20) && (player_choices[8] == 20))
cout << "Player 1 is the Winner";
winp1 = true;
// Diagonal
else if ((player_choices[0] == 20) && (player_choices[4] == 20) && (player_choices[8] == 20))
cout << "Player 1 is the Winner";
winp1 = true;
else if ((player_choices[2] == 20) && (player_choices[4] == 20) && (player_choices[6] == 20))
cout << "Player 1 is the Winner";
winp1 = true;
cout << endl;
============================For Player 2======================================
if ((player_choices[0] == 10) && (player_choices[1] == 10) && (player_choices[2] == 10))
cout << "Player 2 is the Winner";
winp2 = true;
else if ((player_choices[3] == 10) && (player_choices[4] == 10) && (player_choices[5] == 10))
cout << "Player 2 is the Winner";
winp2 = true;
else if ((player_choices[6] == 10) && (player_choices[7] == 10) && (player_choices[8] == 10))
cout << "Player 2 is the Winner";
winp2 = true;
//Linear lines - Vertical
else if ((player_choices[0] == 10) && (player_choices[3] == 10) && (player_choices[6] == 10))
cout << "Player 2 is the Winner";
winp2 = true;
else if ((player_choices[1] == 10) && (player_choices[4] == 10) && (player_choices[7] == 10))
cout << "Player 2 is the Winner";
winp2 = true;
else if ((player_choices[2] == 10) && (player_choices[5] == 10) && (player_choices[8] == 10))
cout << "Player 2 is the Winner";
winp2 = true;
// Diagonal
else if ((player_choices[0] == 10) && (player_choices[4] == 10) && (player_choices[8] == 10))
cout << "Player 2 is the Winner";
winp2 = true;
else if ((player_choices[2] == 10) && (player_choices[4] == 10) && (player_choices[6] == 10))
cout << "Player 2 is the Winner";
winp2 = true;
cout << endl;
if (i == 8) {
if ((winp1 == false) && (winp2 == false))
cout << "Draw match!" << endl;
void TicTacToe::update()
// Have an eye with those manipulators any change will shakle the structure
cout << endl;
cout << "*-----*-----*-----*"<<endl;
// Not interested in thinking(merely wasting time) in thinking for creating
// a new for loop where three loop can be shotened like this for{for{}} may be if
// you are free then you can try it :)
for (int i = 0; i <=2; i++)// For displaying first row
map<int, char>::iterator itr;
itr = Board.find(i);
if (itr != Board.end())cout << " " << itr->second << " ";
else cout << " ";
cout << "\n*-----*-----*-----*" << endl;
for (int i = 3; i <=5; i++)// For displaying first row
map<int, char>::iterator itr;
itr = Board.find(i);
if (itr != Board.end())cout << " " << itr->second << " ";
else cout << " ";
cout << "\n*-----*-----*-----*" << endl;
for (int i = 6; i <=8; i++)// For displaying first row
map<int, char>::iterator itr;
itr = Board.find(i);
if (itr != Board.end())cout << " " << itr->second << " ";
else cout << " ";
int main()
string p1, p2;
char c1, c2;
TicTacToe game;
cout << "Enter the name of the player1 :" << endl;
getline(cin, p1);
cout << "Enter the name of the player2 :" << endl;
getline(cin, p2);
cout << "Enter the choice of the player1 :" << endl;
cin >> c1;
cout << "Enter the choice of the player2 :" << endl;
cin >> c2;
bool assign_player_details;
assign_player_details = game.set_players(p1, p2, c1, c2);
if (assign_player_details == true)cout << endl << "All details have been assigned successfully!" << endl;
cout << "\nSometing went wrong" << endl;
return -1;
cout << endl << "Alright let\'s begin" << endl;
int stay; cin >> stay;
return 0;
Any suggestions and revision for this code or even comments is welcome!
also posted in github