I have created a simple Javascript game and want some second opinions on the code. How can it be done more efficiently for example?
Please see the code below, plus a link to a live working version on github.
Thanks in advance.
// The intro element. This element displays some introductory text and a button to start
// playing
var intro = document.getElementById("intro");
// hide the listcontainer at first
var listContainer = document.getElementById('positions');
listContainer.style.display = 'none';
var sectionTitle = document.getElementById("section-title");
sectionTitle.style.display = 'none';
// the button to start the game
var displayPositions = document.getElementById("playButton");
// when we click the display button, we hide the intro element then display the
// list of options and section titles
displayPositions.onclick = function() {
intro.style.display = 'none';
sectionTitle.style.display = 'block';
listContainer.style.display = 'block';
* Create a function to display all positions
function createPositions() {
// the array of positions
var positions = [
"Doggy style",
"Reverse Cowgirl",
"Girl on top",
// get hold of the list container on the page
var listContainer = document.getElementById('positions');
// loop through all the positions and place each one in an li element
for(var i = 0, n = positions.length; i < n; i++) {
// create an li element
var listElement = document.createElement("button");
// set the attribute and ID to be the position index
var listValue = listElement.setAttribute("value", "position-" + [i]);
listElement.setAttribute("id", "position-" + [i]);
listElement.setAttribute("class", "choice-buttons");
// create the text to be placed in the element
var listContent = document.createTextNode(positions[i]);
// append the text to the li
// append the li to the ul
// call function
* Create a function that gets the selections
* from the user
function getSelection() {
// create an empty array
var selections = [];
var femaleSelections = [];
var maleSelections = [];
// get the main container of the page
var container = document.getElementById("main-container");
// get this again to access the dom element
var listContainer = document.querySelector('#positions');
// get the element where we put the answer. This is where we will see the final results
var answerElement = document.getElementById("chosenPositions");
var answerP = document.createElement("P");
// create a p element that we will display the final answer / chosen positions in
// initially don't display this element
answerElement.style.display = 'none';
// start out with a default class
container.className = "female";
// store the choices as an array
var choices = listContainer.querySelectorAll('button');
// get the length of the choices so we can loop over all of them
var choicesLength = choices.length;
// start loop
for(var i = 0; i < choicesLength; i++) {
// for each element in the array, add an event listener to the
// button which is clicked
choices[i].addEventListener("click", function(){
// the position, as in "sexual" position, is the value of the
// current element / button
var position = this.getAttribute("value");
// push that position into the selections array
// selections.push(position);
// for debugging - TODO: delete this:
// console.log(selections);
// First get the female selections
if(femaleSelections.length < 2) {
// push them into the femaleSections array
this.disabled = true;
// change the classname to male once female selections reach 2
if(femaleSelections.length == 2) {
container.className = "male";
sectionTitle.innerHTML = 'Gents';
sectionTitle.className += ' slideInRight';
// now get male selections
else if(maleSelections.length < 2) {
// push them into the maleSelections array
this.disabled = true;
// change the classname to results once the male sections reach 2
// and disable all the buttons so no more selections can be made
if(maleSelections.length == 2) {
container.className = "results";
sectionTitle.innerHTML = 'Results';
sectionTitle.className += ' tada';
// randomly get a selection from each array
var randomSelectionF = Math.floor(Math.random() * femaleSelections.length);
var randomSelectionM = Math.floor(Math.random() * maleSelections.length);
// get the male and female positions as text
var femalePosition = document.getElementById(femaleSelections[randomSelectionF]).innerHTML;
var malePosition = document.getElementById(maleSelections[randomSelectionM]).innerHTML;
// get the actually button we clicked on so we can add classes to it
var femaleSelected = document.getElementById(femaleSelections[randomSelectionF]);
var maleSelected = document.getElementById(maleSelections[randomSelectionM]);
femaleSelected.className += ' selected animated infinite pulse';
maleSelected.className += ' selected animated infinite pulse';
// if the two randmon choices are the same position, manually choose them.
// NOTE: I'm not sure if this is the best approach to this?
if(femaleSelections[randomSelectionF] === maleSelections[randomSelectionM]) {
femalePosition = document.getElementById(femaleSelections[0]).innerHTML;
malePosition = document.getElementById(maleSelections[1]).innerHTML;
// Create the decision string, ie what your final positions will be
var decision = femalePosition + " and " + malePosition;
// display the answer element
answerElement.style.display = 'block';
// Put the answer into the HTML element
answerP.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Looks like you'll be doing " + decision + " tonight!"));
// disable all the buttons so no more selections can be made
element.disabled = true;
}) ;
// get hold of the play again button
var playAgain = document.getElementById("startOver");
// to play again we reset all out variables to their
// original values
playAgain.addEventListener("click", function(){
selections = [];
femaleSelections = [];
maleSelections = [];
container.className = "female";
sectionTitle.innerHTML = 'Ladies';
sectionTitle.className += ' slideInLeft';
answerElement.style.display = 'none';
element.disabled = false;
}) ;
answerP.innerHTML = '';
femaleSelected.classList.remove('selected', 'animated', 'pulse', 'inifinte');
maleSelected.classList.remove('selected', 'animated', 'pulse', 'inifinte');
// call the function