I an a newcomer in the Scala world, and I would like some advice from more experienced people to find out whether what I am writing goes in the direction of idiomatic code.
In particular, I have to write a simple algorithm that will do the following. We are given an integer number of, say, candies to be distributed, and a list of proportions, which are also integers. We should split the candies into groups, such that the proportions are respected as accurately as possible, given that a single candy cannot be broken up.
For instance, given 17
candies to distribute in proportions of (3, 2, 5)
we should obtain (5, 4, 8)
Here is my code, including a quick ScalaCheck test.
import org.scalacheck.Prop._
import org.scalacheck.Gen
object Distribution {
private class IntWithDivision(val self: Int) {
def @/(other: Int): Float = self.toFloat / other
private implicit def divisibleInt(int: Int) = new IntWithDivision(int)
def distribute(amount: Int, proportions: Seq[Int]): Seq[Int] = {
val sum = proportions.sum
val byDifect = proportions map { x => (amount * x @/ sum).toInt }
val approximations = (byDifect, proportions).zipped map { (x, y) => x @/ y }
val lowValuesIndices = (
sortBy { _._1 }
take (amount - byDifect.sum)
map { _._2 }
val remainders = (
map { x => if (lowValuesIndices contains x._2) 1 else 0 }
(byDifect, remainders).zipped map { _ + _ }
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val pos = Gen.choose(1, 50000)
val posList = Gen.containerOf[List, Int](pos)
val propSum = forAll(pos, posList) { (amount: Int, proportions: List[Int]) =>
(proportions.size > 0) ==> (amount == distribute(amount, proportions).sum)
In particular, I would like advice on the following points:
- The algorithm goes over the list of proportions and derived lists a few times. I would like to use more laziness, but using
at the beginning and then returning aforce
gives a type error. - The code is more convoluted than I would like. I think it may be simplified knowing the Collections API better.
Any help or suggestion is welcomed.
is lowest, and repeat. It is easy to see that in this way, the no kid will get more than one leftover, so I directly compute those kids having the lowest value and assing one candy to all of them. \$\endgroup\$