The cin
input is not combined with the a
and b
inputs of the same cycle,
but of the previous cycle.
For example, for the input sequence
a b cin
0010 0000 0
0020 0000 1
0030 0000 0
the output sequence is 0011
, 0020
, 0030
instead of 0010
, 0021
, as I would expect:
Don't confuse signals and variables
Confusion about the behaviour of these two kinds of objects is likely the
source of the bug.
--Put the inputs in the variables, […] -- not quite true
BCD_a <= unsigned('0' & BCD_add_a_i);
BCD_b <= unsigned('0' & BCD_add_b_i);
cin := BCD_add_cin_i;
a := BCD_a;
b := BCD_b;
But BCD_a
and BCD_b
are signals, not variables, so their values are only
updated in the next clock cycle. No intermediate signal is used for cin
, so
it becomes misaligned with the a
and b
Unconventional timing
Since there is no internal state on which the outputs depend, the adder could
be an entirely combinational circuit and no clock is actually required.
If the circuit should be synchronous to a clock, then it is conventional that
the outputs are valid one clock cycle after the inputs, usually by placing
registers before the outputs.
In the posted code there are additional registers after some of the inputs, and
there is this construct:
if rising_edge(bcd_add_clk_i) then
bcd_sum <= …;
bcd_cout <= …;
end if;
--assign outputs. …
bcd_add_sum_o <= bcd_sum;
bcd_add_cout_o <= bcd_cout;
end process;
This means that bcd_add_sum_o
and bcd_add_cout_o
get updated when the
clock changes (because the assignment is inside the process sensitive to the
clock), but not at a rising edge, in other words, at the next
falling edge of the clock.
The outputs therefore are delayed by 2½ clock cycles with respect to the
inputs, instead of 0 (in the case of combinational logic) or 1 clock cycles, as
can be seen in the screenshot above.
What you maybe meant to write was
if rising_edge(bcd_add_clk_i) then
bcd_sum <= …;
bcd_cout <= …;
end if;
end process;
--assign outputs. […] -- outside the clock process
bcd_add_sum_o <= bcd_sum;
bcd_add_cout_o <= bcd_cout;
or simply
if rising_edge(bcd_add_clk_i) then
bcd_add_sum_o <= …; -- no intermediate signal
bcd_add_cout_o <= …;
end if;
end process;
Comments, naming, and interface design
Some comments are simply not needed. For example:
--input and output ports
The port();
syntax is already a pretty strong suggestion that it contains
a list of input and output ports.
Other comments could be made unnecessary by using better names. For example:
--bcd_add_dec_size is the amount of decimal digits. […]
bcd_add_dec_size : integer := 3
Using the name num_digits
would already explain its purpose. (Besides, it
makes no sense to have fewer than one digit, so it should be a positive
, not
an integer
Using the bcd_
or bcd_add_
prefixes would be appropriate in a higher level
of the design hierarchy in order to distinguish names from similar names
that do not belong to the BCD adder. However, inside the BCD adder, there is
nothing to distinguish and the prefixes just add noise.
The _i
and _o
suffixes used for port names are fine, because they
distinguish the ports from internal signals. I would not use the _i
for the clock, however, because it is clear that it is an input.
I would list the clock individually as the first port (so that it becomes
obvious that it is a sequential circuit), instead of grouping it with cin
The two ports may have the same type and direction, but conceptually they are
different things.
Use better abstractions
Manipulating bits by hand in order to implement arithmetic functions is
error-prone and hard to understand and check for correctness by a human. The
package defines the operators to let you simply write + 6
and - 6
instead of using the increment6
and decrement6
functions. (Also,
converting from unsigned
to std_logic_vector
and back was not necessary.)
Define some types representing the different kinds of values that occur in the
design, and corresponding functions to operate on them. This lets you emphasize
what the design accomplishes and reduces the possibilities for errors in
details about how it is done, for example when counting the indices of
a large bit vector in several places.
Suggested solution
This may seem a bit over-engineered for such a simple design, but chances are
that you need to deal with BCD numbers in other places, too. Then you can
re-use the types and functions by placing them in a package.
Omitting the type conversions at entity boundaries and only doing them at
the very top level will then also simplify individual entities.
This should by synthesizable with any VHDL-93 compiler. I tested it with
Cadence RTL Compiler version 14, and apart from 24 fewer flip-flops compared to
the original code, there is practically no difference in gate count.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity bcd_adder is
generic (
num_digits : integer := 3);
port (
clk : in std_logic;
a_i, b_i : in std_logic_vector(4 * num_digits - 1 downto 0);
cin_i : in std_logic;
sum_o : out std_logic_vector(4 * num_digits - 1 downto 0);
cout_o : out std_logic);
end entity;
architecture behavioral of bcd_adder is
subtype bcd_digit is natural range 0 to 9;
type bcd_number is array (num_digits - 1 downto 0) of bcd_digit;
constant bits_per_digit : natural := 4;
subtype bcd_vector is unsigned(bits_per_digit * num_digits - 1 downto 0);
function from_vector (v : bcd_vector) return bcd_number is
variable offset : natural;
variable result : bcd_number;
for digit in bcd_number'range loop
offset := digit * bits_per_digit;
result(digit) := to_integer(
v(offset + bits_per_digit - 1 downto offset));
end loop;
return result;
end function;
function to_vector (num : bcd_number) return bcd_vector is
variable offset : natural;
variable result : bcd_vector;
for digit in bcd_number'range loop
offset := digit * bits_per_digit;
result(offset + bits_per_digit - 1 downto offset) :=
to_unsigned(num(digit), bits_per_digit);
end loop;
return result;
end function;
subtype carry is natural range 0 to 1;
type bcd_sum is record
s : bcd_number;
c : carry;
end record;
function add_numbers (a, b : bcd_number; c : carry) return bcd_sum is
variable result : bcd_sum;
variable digit_sum : natural;
variable ripple : carry := c;
for digit in bcd_number'right to bcd_number'left loop
digit_sum := a(digit) + b(digit) + ripple;
if digit_sum >= 10 then
result.s(digit) := digit_sum - 10;
ripple := 1;
result.s(digit) := digit_sum;
ripple := 0;
end if;
end loop;
result.c := ripple;
return result;
end function;
signal a, b : bcd_number;
signal cin : carry;
signal sum : bcd_sum;
a <= from_vector(unsigned(a_i));
b <= from_vector(unsigned(b_i));
cin <= 1 when cin_i = '1' else 0;
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
sum <= add_numbers(a, b, cin);
end if;
end process;
sum_o <= std_logic_vector(to_vector(sum.s));
cout_o <= '1' when sum.c = 1 else '0';
end architecture;