I have written code that can compile, execute, generate output and match that output with the actual output of the given code, kind of like this site. Currently, this supports only Java and C++ code. I need some suggestions about design, OO, architecture, packaging or any other suggestion that I could improve on.
This is main method from where the application start:
public class App {
QueueService<Submission> queue;
Compiler compiler;
VerdictService verdictService;
public static void main( String[] args ) {
AbstractApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);
App app = context.getBean(App.class);
private void task() {
while (true) {
if (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Submission submission = queue.get();
Verdict verdict = compiler.submit(submission);
The compiler
object takes a submission object that is a hibernate entity class. It contains the source code and has a relation with problem
entity that contains the input file and the actual output of that problem. The latter generated output from the given code will match with that actual output whether the submitted code is right or wrong.
I have used lombok for the getter and setter:
public class Submission {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "submission_id")
private long id;
@Column(name = "username")
private String userName;
@Column(name = "status")
private boolean status;
@ManyToOne(optional = false)
@JoinColumn(name = "problem_id", referencedColumnName = "problem_id")
private Problem problem;
@Column(name = "language")
private String lang;
@Column(name = "src_file", length = 100000)
private byte[] srcFile;
@Column(name = "time")
private Date time;
Problem entity:
public class Problem {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "problem_id")
private long id;
@Column(name = "name")
private String name;
@Column(name = "time_limit", nullable = false)
private Long timeLimit;
@Column(name = "memory_limit", nullable = false)
private Long memoryLimit;
@Column(name = "in_file", length = 100000)
private byte[] inputFile;
@Column(name = "res_file", length = 100000)
private byte[] resultFile;
@Column(name = "time")
private Date time;
The compiler class, from where code will be compiled, executed and match the output:
public class CompilerImpl implements Compiler {
private String WORKING_DIR;
private String FILE_NAME_CPP;
private String FILE_NAME_JAVA;
private String INPUT_FILE;
private String OUTPUT_FILE;
private String RESULT_FILE;
Engine engine;
DiffChecker diffChecker;
private Submission submission;
private DTO dto;
public Verdict submit(Submission submission) {
this.submission = submission;
boolean flow = true;
CompileStatus status;
ProcessBuilder compile = ProcessBuilderFactory.getProcessBuilder(dto);
ProcessBuilder execute = ProcessBuilderFactory.getExecutionProcessBuilder(dto);
status = engine.compile(compile);
if (status != CompileStatus.COMPILE_SUCCESS) //CompileStatus is enum class
flow = false;
if (flow) {
status = engine.execute(execute, dto);
if (status != CompileStatus.EXECUTION_SUCCESS)
flow = false;
if (flow) {
status = diffCheck();
logger.info("Diff checker, {}", status);
Verdict verdict = new Verdict(); //Verdict is also entity class that has one to one relation with submission entity.
return verdict;
private void init() {
FileUtil.batchCreate(submission, dto);
private void makeDTO() {
String fileName = Language.langCheck(submission.getLang()).equals(Language.CPP) ? FILE_NAME_CPP : FILE_NAME_JAVA;
this.dto = new DTO(
WORKING_DIR + submission.getId(),
private CompileStatus diffCheck() {
String codeResult = FileUtil.fileToString(dto.getResultFilePath());
String judgeOutput = FileUtil.fileToString(dto.getOutputFilePath());
return diffChecker.check(codeResult, judgeOutput);
I am a creating a working directory based on the submission id
. It's like the main directory /home/seal/test/
, and if the submission is like 123
, the working directory will be /home/seal/test/123
. In that directory I create three file: src file, input file, and output file.
I take the necessary thing from the submission object to place in DTO
public class DTO {
private final String lang;
private final String srcFileName;
private final String inputFileName;
private final String outputFileName;
private final String resultFile;
private final String workingDir;
private final long timeLimit;
private final long memoryLimit;
public String getLang() {
return lang.toLowerCase();
public String getSrcPath() {
return workingDir + "/" + srcFileName;
public String getInputFilePath() {
return workingDir + "/" + inputFileName;
public String getOutputFilePath() {
return workingDir + "/" + outputFileName;
public String getWorkingDir() {
return workingDir;
public String getResultFilePath() {
return workingDir + "/" + resultFile;
// if var == true then return file name with extension A.cpp otherwise without extension like A
public String getSrcName(boolean var) {
String f = null;
if (var) {
f = srcFileName;
} else {
String[] strings = srcFileName.split("\\.");
f = strings[0];
return f;
This is the ProcessBuilderFactory
that will return the ProcessBuilder
for compilation or execution:
public class ProcessBuilderFactory {
public static ProcessBuilder getProcessBuilder(DTO dto) {
ProcessBuilder processBuilder = null;
switch (dto.getLang()) {
case Language.CPP :
processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("g++", dto.getSrcName(true), "-o", dto.getSrcName(false));
case Language.JAVA :
processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("javac", dto.getSrcName(true));
processBuilder.directory(new File(dto.getWorkingDir()));
return processBuilder;
public static ProcessBuilder getExecutionProcessBuilder(DTO dto) {
ProcessBuilder processBuilder = null;
switch (dto.getLang()) {
case Language.CPP :
processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("./" + dto.getSrcName(false));
case Language.JAVA :
processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("java", "-cp", ".", dto.getSrcName(false));
processBuilder.directory(new File(dto.getWorkingDir()));
processBuilder.redirectInput(new File(dto.getInputFilePath()));
processBuilder.redirectOutput(new File(dto.getResultFilePath()));
return processBuilder;
This Engine
class will compile and execute:
public class Engine {
public CompileStatus compile(ProcessBuilder processBuilder) {
boolean compiled = true;
try {
Process process = processBuilder.start();
InputStream inputStream = process.getInputStream();
String temp;
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))) {
while ((temp = reader.readLine()) != null) {
compiled = false;
if (!compiled) {
return CompileStatus.COMPILE_ERROR;
return CompileStatus.COMPILE_SUCCESS;
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
return CompileStatus.COMPILE_ERROR;
public CompileStatus execute(ProcessBuilder processBuilder, DTO dto) {
try {
Process process = processBuilder.start();
if (!process.waitFor(dto.getTimeLimit(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
return CompileStatus.TIME_LIMIT_EXIT;
int exitCode = process.exitValue();
if (exitCode != 0) {
return CompileStatus.RUN_TIME_ERROR;
} catch (Exception e) {
return CompileStatus.EXECUTION_ERROR;
return CompileStatus.EXECUTION_SUCCESS;
This class will check the original output and the output generated by the submitted code:
public class DiffCheckerImpl implements DiffChecker {
private static final String REGRX = "(?m)(^\\s+|[\\t\\f ](?=[\\t\\f ])|[\\t\\f ]$|\\s+\\z)";
public CompileStatus check(String codeOutput, String output) {
codeOutput = codeOutput.replaceAll(REGRX, "").trim();
output = output.trim();
DiffMatchPatch dmp = new DiffMatchPatch();
CompileStatus status;
List<DiffMatchPatch.Diff> list = dmp.diffMain(codeOutput, output);
if (list.size() == 1 && list.get(0).operation == DiffMatchPatch.Operation.EQUAL)
status = CompileStatus.ACCEPTED;
status = CompileStatus.WRONG;
return status;
This is my utility class:
public class FileUtil {
public static byte[] readFileAsByte(String path) {
byte[] bytes = null;
try {
bytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return bytes;
public static void writeByteToFile(byte[] bytes, String path) {
try {
Files.write(Paths.get(path), bytes);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static void createDirectory(String path) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static void batchCreate(Submission submission, DTO dto) {
FileUtil.writeByteToFile(submission.getSrcFile(), dto.getSrcPath());
FileUtil.writeByteToFile(submission.getProblem().getInputFile(), dto.getInputFilePath());
FileUtil.writeByteToFile(submission.getProblem().getResultFile(), dto.getOutputFilePath());
Here is my package architecture:
I'll also give my GitHub repo if someone needs it.