Question: You're in a hotel and you forgot what room number you were in but remember that the sum of it's divisors is greater than the number, yet there is no subset of those divisors that add up to the number itself. There are 100 rooms in the Hotel, what's your room number?
My Answer in CoffeeScript: Looking for constructive criticism of my solution, as well as styling suggestions specific to CoffeeScript.
# splashinn
findRoom = (totalRooms) ->
findDivisors = (number) ->
divisors = []
iterator = number
divisors.push iterator if number % iterator is 0 while iterator--
# Returns true or false based on whether the number is found in the sum of array subsets
isSubsetSum = (number, array) ->
hasSubset = false
(findSubset = (total, numbers) ->
not hasSubset and (hasSubset = total is number)
return if hasSubset or total > number
numbers.forEach (num, index) ->
findSubset total + num, numbers.slice(0, index).concat(numbers.slice(index + 1))
) 0, array
# Need a simple helper method that returns the sum of an array
sumArray = (array) ->
array.reduce ((memo, num) ->
memo + num
), 0
# Find the room using the provided functions
divisors = undefined
room = 0
while room <= totalRooms
divisors = findDivisors(room)
# The sum of all the divisors must be greater than the number
return room if sumArray(divisors) > room and not isSubsetSum(room, divisors)
0 # No room number found