This code is a server for websocket connections, it handles the low level stuff and delegates incoming messages to handler objects. I wanted performance to win in any trade off against maintenance costs or readability, but security should be as good as possible without becoming unfit for purpose.
It "works" and I'm using it for a multiplayer shooter which is near finished, but I wanted to get a second opinion on its quality, as it is a core element of the network infrastructure of the game.
I wanted it to be robust enough that bad input from a client won't allow the server to be crashed, and that bad code within handler objects is also unable to crash the server (its OK if those objects crash but this code should run indefinitely).
It has to handle errors internally so that one bad actor doesn't bring down the server for everybody else - a delay of even a few milliseconds while the server recovers from bad input would reduce the user experience on the client. If a client sends bad input it should experience a silent failure.
It also needs to compress its output to reduce traffic, so I chose a library to handle this, and it shouldn't (in theory) be possible to inject code via JSON as I've used the node library "json-safe-parse"
"use strict";
var websocket = {
Server : require("websocket").server
var http = require("http");
var jsonSafeParse = require("json-safe-parse");
var lz_string = require("lz-string");
* @class server.Server
* @desc Game server, handles client connections and disconnections and delegates events to any message handlers it is given
* @param {Number} port the port to run from
function Server(port) {
var THIS = this;
this.port = port;
// list of currently connected clients (users)
this.clients = {};
// array of objects which will respond to messages from clients
this.messageHandlers = [];
// build HTTP server
this.server = http.createServer();
this.server.listen(this.port, function() {
console.log((new Date()) + " Server is listening on port " + THIS.port);
// build websocket server, which is attached to the HTTP server
this.wsServer = new websocket.Server({httpServer: this.server});
// connect the server callbacks to this object
* @method Server#getClients
* @desc get the clients on this server
* @returns {Object} a hash of the clients
Server.prototype.getClients = function(){
return this.clients;
* @method Server#getClient
* @desc Get the client with the given ID, or null if none exists
* @param {String} clientId
* @returns {Client|null} client if one is found, null otherwise
Server.prototype.getClient = function(clientId) {
// return null if no client was found
if (!this.clients.hasOwnProperty(clientId)) {
return null;
// if it was found, we can return the client
return this.clients[clientId];
* @method Server#addMessageHandler
* @desc Add a message handler - this object will be called when messages come through that the server doesnt handle internally
* @param {Object} handler the handler object
Server.prototype.addMessageHandler = function(handler){
// guarantee that its not already attached
for (var i = 0; i < this.messageHandlers.length; i++) {
if (this.messageHandlers[i] == handler) {
* @method Server#serialize
* @desc take this object and turn it into a string for transportation using lzw compression
* @param {Object} object the object to be serialized, be sure it doesn't contain cycles
* @return {String} a serialized string
Server.prototype.serialize = function(object) {
var json = JSON.stringify(object);
var lz = lz_string.compressToUTF16(json);
return lz;
* @method Server#sendMessages
* @desc Send a message
* @param {Client|String} client who to send it to - either their ID or the actual client
* @param {String} type message type
* @param {Object} params object of all the parameters
Server.prototype.sendMessage = function(client, type, params) {
if( typeof(client) == typeof (" ")) {
client = this.getClient(client);
var message = {
type : type,
params : params
// encode as a string, utf format
* @method Server#broadcastMessage
* @desc Broadcast the given message to all clients
* @param {String} type the type of message
* @param {Object} params the parameters of the message
Server.prototype.broadcastMessage = function(type, params) {
// send a message to each client
for (var send_k in this.clients) {
if (this.clients.hasOwnProperty(send_k)) {
this.sendMessage(this.clients[send_k], type, params);
// Hook up all the callbacks that the server will require
Server.prototype.__connectCallbacks = function() {
var THIS = this;
this.wsServer.on('request', function(request) {
return THIS.addNewClient(request);
* @method Server#handleAuthentication
* @desc handle an authentication message on the given client
* @param client the client
* @param params the parameters of auth message
Server.prototype.handleAuthentication = function(client, params) {
// if they are already authenticated, ignore this
if (client.authenticated) {
// the server then has to check the database to ensure the client was registered
client.authenticated = true;
// give a new nick
client.nickname = params.requested_name + Math.round(Math.random() * 255);
// now that they've authenticated, make the client permanent
this.clients[client.clientId] = client;
// send back the "accepted" string along with their new nickname, which may be different than what they wanted
console.log("Connection accepted for client " + client.clientId);
// send the client's details, include times to allow the client to synchronise with the server
var connectionAcceptedParams = {
clientId : client.clientId,
nickname : client.nickname,
lastTime : client.lastTime,
currentTime : client.currentTime
// send
this.sendMessage(client, 'CONNECTION_ACCEPTED', connectionAcceptedParams);
// now delegate to message handlers
for ( var i = 0; i < this.messageHandlers.length; i++) {
try {
} catch(err) {
* @method Server#handleNetworkMessage
* @desc handle messages (other than authentication, which is seperate) on the given client
* @param client the client the message came from
* @param messageType the type of message
* @param params the paramaters of the message
Server.prototype.handleNetworkMessage = function(client, messageType, params) {
// until they are authenticated, ignore other types of message - silently fail
if (!client.authenticated) {
// update the client's "last seen" time
client.lastSeenTime =;
// response to ping includes the given send time, so the client can judge latency
if (messageType === "PING") {
this.sendMessage(client, "ACK", {sendTime : params.sendTime});
// now delegate to message handlers
for ( var i = 0; i < this.messageHandlers.length; i++) {
try {
this.messageHandlers[i].handleNetworkMessage(client, messageType, params);
} catch(err) {
* @method Server#onMessage
* @desc called when Recieved a message from a client
* @param client the client it came from
* @param message the contents of the message
Server.prototype.onMessage = function(client, message) {
// as far as the client is concerned, silently fail if the server had an error
try {
// accept only utf8
// silently fail from the client's perspecive
if (message.type !== 'utf8') {
// safely parse the json - this library restricts certain things which may allow code injections
message = jsonSafeParse(message.utf8Data);
// make message types case insensitive
var messageType = message.type.toUpperCase();
var messageParams = message.params;
// specific type of message which the server will always handle itself, without delegating the handshaking
if (messageType === "CONNECTION_REQUEST") {
this.handleAuthentication(client, messageParams);
// for all other messages, process normally
} else {
// now route the message through this function
this.handleNetworkMessage(client, messageType, messageParams);
} catch(err) {
* @method Server#closeConnection
* @desc CLose the connection to the given client
* @param client the client to disconnect
Server.prototype.closeConnection = function(client) {
if (client.authenticated) {
console.log("Disconnecting client " + client.clientId);
// now delegate to message handlers - all messages except authentication may be passed down to clients
for ( var i = 0; i < this.messageHandlers.length; i++) {
try {
} catch(err) {
this.broadcastMessage("CLIENT_DISCONNECT", {clientId : client.clientId});
// remove user from the list of connected clients
delete this.clients[client.clientId];
* Called when a new client connects
* @param request the data from the remote websocket
Server.prototype.addNewClient = function(request) {
var THIS = this;
// get a new client ID
var time = new Date().getTime();
var clientId = (Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 32)) + "_" + time % 1000;
// accept connection
var connection = request.accept(null, request.origin);
// build the initial client object
var client = {
clientId : clientId,
nickname : "anonymous",
authenticated : false,
connection : connection,
lastTime :,
currentTime :,
lastSeenTime :
// when a message is received, delegate to this function
connection.on('message', function(message) {
return THIS.onMessage(client, message);
// when connection is closed, delegate to this function
connection.on('close', function() {
return THIS.closeConnection(client);
// export public stuff
exports.Server = Server;