I wrote a small program in Python that finds primes (how original) up to some limit. I tried to produce very clean code, so I'd be vary grateful if you could point out any improvement I could do to make it more pythonic and more readable.
I'm also interested in knowing whether or not it can be sped up (with the same method I used here). I tried to use generator, but since I want to read my list of primes multiple times it didn't work... I'm also wondering if a set or some other structure could be better than a list here.
Thank you very much !
from __future__ import print_function
import time
def measure_time(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
starting_time = time.clock()
res = func(*args, **kw)
ending_time = time.clock()
print('Duration : %fs' % (ending_time - starting_time))
return res
return wrapper
def ask_user_input():
"""Relentlessly ask user to enter an integer >1."""
while True:
lim = int(raw_input('What\'s the limit? '))
if lim == int(lim) and lim > 2:
print('Must be an integer larger than 1. Try again.')
except (NameError, ValueError):
print('Not a number. Try again.')
return lim
def print_primes(primes):
for p in primes:
def construct_primes_list(lim):
"""Builds the list of primes smaller than lim."""
prime_divisors = [2]
for num in xrange(2, lim):
for d1 in prime_divisors:
if num % d1 == 0:
return prime_divisors
def main():
lim = ask_user_input()
primes = construct_primes_list(lim)
# print_primes(primes)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Here is the benchmarking on my computer:
lim | time
100 | 0.000143s
1000 | 0.003231s
10000 | 0.071654s
100000 | 2.598098s
1000000 | 169.052574s
As ChatterOne's comment suggested, I tried to compute the square root of num
because I know I couldn't find any divisors after that. But it gets way slower. Here is the code :
for num in xrange(3, lim):
sqrt_num = int(sqrt(num)+1)
for d1 in [p for p in prime_divisors if p < sqrt_num]:
if num % d1 == 0:
Any thoughts?
, without going all the way tolim
is 100, I want to be able to get 83, 89, and 97 too... I think you mean the square root ofnum
, in which case I have tried it, and when computing the square root it gets way slower... Maybe I've done this wrong ? I will edit so that you can see that piece of code too \$\endgroup\$