
Sometimes I need to auto-generate html-emails. To make this task a little bit easier I created a simple framework that takes care of rendering HTML. Because I'm mainly interested in generating HTML for emails the framework adds styles only via the style attribute.

Although the code is several hundred lines long the actual core part isn't long and should be easy to understand. The most parts are just element classes derived from the base type.


The heart of the framework is the HtmlElement class. It stores general data about an HTML element and can render it to HTML.

public interface IHtmlElement
    HtmlTag Tag { get; }
    List<HtmlAttribute> Attributes { get; }
    IHtmlElement Parent { get; set; }

public abstract class HtmlElement<TContent> : IHtmlElement, IEnumerable<TContent> where TContent : class
    protected HtmlElement(HtmlTag tag)
        Tag = tag;
        Attributes = new List<HtmlAttribute>();
        Content = new List<TContent>();

    public HtmlTag Tag { get; protected set; }

    public List<HtmlAttribute> Attributes { get; private set; }

    public List<TContent> Content { get; private set; }

    public IHtmlElement Parent { get; set; }

    private int Depth
            var depth = 0;
            var parent = Parent;
            while (parent != null)
                parent = parent.Parent;
            return depth;

    private int IndentWidth
        get { return HtmlConstants.OneIndentWidth * Depth; }

    private string IndentString
        get { return new string(' ', IndentWidth); }

    public bool IsVoid
        get { return this.TagHasAttribute<HtmlVoidElementAttribute>(); }

    protected string CreateOpeningElement()
        var attributes = CreateAttributesString();

        var html = new StringBuilder()
            .Append(string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributes) ? string.Empty : " ")
            //.Append(IsVoid ? "/" : string.Empty)
        return html;

    protected string CreateAttributesString()
        return string.Join(" ", Attributes);

    protected string CreateClosingElement()
        return IsVoid
            ? string.Empty
            : new StringBuilder()

    public override string ToString()
        var content = Content.Aggregate(
                new StringBuilder(),
                (builder, next) => builder.Append(next)).ToString();

        var isEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(content);

        var html = new StringBuilder();

        if (Parent != null && this.FormattingOptions().HasFlag(HtmlFormattingOptions.PlaceOpeningTagOnNewLine)) 


        if (IsVoid) 
            return html.ToString();

        if (!isEmpty) 

        if (!isEmpty && this.FormattingOptions().HasFlag(HtmlFormattingOptions.PlaceClosingTagOnNewLine))


        return html.ToString();        

    public static implicit operator string (HtmlElement<TContent> htmlElement)
        return htmlElement.ToString();

    public static HtmlElement<TContent> operator +(HtmlElement<TContent> x, HtmlElement<TContent> y)
        return x;

    // supports object initializer
    public void Add(object content)
        Add(content as TContent);        

    public HtmlElement<TContent> AddRange(params TContent[] content)
        foreach (var item in content)
        return this;

    public void Add(TContent content)
        if (content != null)
            var htmlElement = content as IHtmlElement;
            if (htmlElement != null)
                htmlElement.Parent = this;

    public IEnumerator<TContent> GetEnumerator()
        return Content.GetEnumerator();

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return this.GetEnumerator();

Actually, it is already possible to work with this alone (if it wasn't abstract):

var p = new HtmlParagraph
    "foo ",
    new HtmlSpan { "bar" }.css("color: #ff0011;"),
    " baz"
}.css("font-style: bold;");

but to make it still easier I defined a concrete class for each HTML element type that I need (to make it shorter I removed some):

public class HtmlParagraph : HtmlElement<object>
    public HtmlParagraph() : base(HtmlTag.p) { }

public class HtmlSpan : HtmlElement<object>
    public HtmlSpan() : base(HtmlTag.span) { }

public class HtmlTableCell : HtmlElement<object>
    public HtmlTableCell() : base(HtmlTag.td) { }

public class HtmlTableHeaderCell : HtmlElement<object>
    public HtmlTableHeaderCell() : base(HtmlTag.th) { }

public class HtmlTableRow : HtmlElement<HtmlTableCell>
    public HtmlTableRow() : base(HtmlTag.tr) { }

public class HtmlTableHeaderRow : HtmlElement<HtmlTableHeaderCell>
    public HtmlTableHeaderRow() : base(HtmlTag.tr) { }

public abstract class HtmlTableRowSet<TContent> : HtmlElement<TContent> where TContent : class
    protected HtmlTableRowSet(HtmlTag tag) : base(tag) { }

public class HtmlTableHead : HtmlTableRowSet<HtmlTableHeaderRow>, IHtmlTableElement
    public HtmlTableHead() : base(HtmlTag.thead) { }

public class HtmlTableBody : HtmlTableRowSet<HtmlTableRow>, IHtmlTableElement
    public HtmlTableBody() : base(HtmlTag.tbody) { }

public class HtmlTableFoot : HtmlTableRowSet<HtmlTableRow>, IHtmlTableElement
    public HtmlTableFoot() : base(HtmlTag.tfoot) { }

public interface IHtmlTableElement : IHtmlElement { }

public class HtmlTable : HtmlTableRowSet<IHtmlTableElement>
    public HtmlTable() : base(HtmlTag.table) { }

public class HtmlTableColumnElement : HtmlElement<object>
    public HtmlTableColumnElement() : base(HtmlTag.col) { }

public class HtmlTableColumnGroupElement : HtmlElement<HtmlTableColumnElement>, IHtmlTableElement
    public HtmlTableColumnGroupElement() : base(HtmlTag.colgroup) { }


HTML tags and their properties or formatting are defined in an enum:

public enum HtmlTag



















and here are the attributes:

public class HtmlVoidElementAttribute : Attribute { }

public class HtmlBlockElementAttribute : Attribute { }

public class HtmlInlineElementAttribute : Attribute { }

public class HtmlFormattingAttribute : Attribute
    public HtmlFormattingAttribute(HtmlFormattingOptions options)
        Options = options;

    public HtmlFormattingOptions Options { get; private set; }

public enum HtmlFormattingOptions
    None = 0,
    PlaceOpeningTagOnNewLine = 1,
    PlaceClosingTagOnNewLine = 2,
    PlaceBothTagsOnNewLine = 
        PlaceOpeningTagOnNewLine | 

Other supporting types:

Style attribute for CSS:

public class HtmlStyleAttribute : HtmlAttribute
    public HtmlStyleAttribute() : base("style") { }

    public HtmlStyleAttribute(string css) : this()
        Value = css;

and a constant for indentation:

class HtmlConstants
    public const int OneIndentWidth = 4;


I use also a few extensions: one for applying CSS and two for getting general info about an element:

public static class HtmlElementExtensions
    public static T css<T>(this T element, string css) where T : IHtmlElement
        element.Attributes.Add(new HtmlStyleAttribute(css));
        return element;

    public static bool TagHasAttribute<TAttribute>(this IHtmlElement element)
        where TAttribute : Attribute
            .GetCustomAttribute(typeof(TAttribute), false) != null;

    public static HtmlFormattingOptions FormattingOptions(this IHtmlElement element)
        var htmlFormattingAttribute =
            .GetCustomAttribute(typeof(HtmlFormattingAttribute), false) as HtmlFormattingAttribute;

        return htmlFormattingAttribute == null ? HtmlFormattingOptions.None : htmlFormattingAttribute.Options;


Finally, the Html class provides shortcut methods for creating elements in a fluent way:

public static class Html
    public static HtmlParagraph p(params object[] content)
        return Create<HtmlParagraph, object>(content);

    public static HtmlSpan span(params object[] content)
        return Create<HtmlSpan, object>(content);

    public static HtmlTableRow tr(params HtmlTableCell[] content)
        return Create<HtmlTableRow, HtmlTableCell>(content);

    public static HtmlTableHeaderRow tr(params HtmlTableHeaderCell[] content)
        return Create<HtmlTableHeaderRow, HtmlTableHeaderCell>(content);

    public static HtmlTableHeaderCell th(params object[] content)
        return Create<HtmlTableHeaderCell, object>(content);

    public static HtmlTableCell td(params object[] content)
        return Create<HtmlTableCell, object>(content);

    public static HtmlTableHead thead(params HtmlTableHeaderRow[] content)
        return Create<HtmlTableHead, HtmlTableHeaderRow>(content);

    public static HtmlTableBody tbody(params HtmlTableRow[] content)
        return Create<HtmlTableBody, HtmlTableRow>(content);

    public static HtmlTableFoot tfoot(params HtmlTableRow[] content)
        return Create<HtmlTableFoot, HtmlTableRow>(content);

    public static HtmlTable table(params IHtmlTableElement[] content)
        return Create<HtmlTable, IHtmlTableElement>(content);

    public static HtmlTableColumnGroupElement colgroup(params HtmlTableColumnElement[] content)
        return Create<HtmlTableColumnGroupElement, HtmlTableColumnElement>(content);

    public static HtmlTableColumnElement col()
        return Create<HtmlTableColumnElement, object>(new object[] { });

    private static T Create<T, TContent>(params TContent[] content)
        where T : HtmlElement<TContent>, new()
        where TContent : class
        return new T().AddRange(content) as T;


And this is how I use it:


    "foo ",
    Html.span("bar").css("color: #ff0011;"),
    " baz"
).css("font-style: bold;").ToString().Dump();


<p style="font-style: bold;">foo <span style="color: #ff0011;">bar</span> baz</p>


    Html.colgroup(Html.col().css("background-color: red;")).attr("span", "4"),
    Html.thead(Html.tr(Html.th("foo"), Html.th("bar"))),
    Html.tbody(Html.tr(Html.td("foo"), Html.td("bar"))),
    Html.tfoot(Html.tr(Html.td("foo"), Html.td("bar")))


    <colgroup span="4">
        <col style="background-color: red;">

or a table with a loop (I'm going to create a lambda for this):

var body = Html.tbody();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    body.Add(Html.tr(Html.td(i), Html.td(i*i)));

    Html.thead(Html.tr(Html.th("n"), Html.th("n*n"))),


  • \$\begingroup\$ Do you have an example of a rendering? I'd be curious to see what it looks like. \$\endgroup\$
    – syb0rg
    Commented Jul 28, 2016 at 13:10
  • \$\begingroup\$ @syb0rg at the bottom of the question there actually are three examples ;-) \$\endgroup\$
    – t3chb0t
    Commented Jul 28, 2016 at 13:26
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Ah, my bad. A quick read-through of your question led me to believe that there would be an interface generated. \$\endgroup\$
    – syb0rg
    Commented Jul 28, 2016 at 13:29
  • \$\begingroup\$ After all I didn't like this version so I created a new one with dynamics. Here it is: Html rendering framework with dynamics \$\endgroup\$
    – t3chb0t
    Commented Aug 5, 2016 at 3:55
  • \$\begingroup\$ I just looked at this and thought "use dynamics". I guess you should really make a self-answer, though, since you already figured everything out. \$\endgroup\$
    – user34073
    Commented Aug 29, 2016 at 4:59

1 Answer 1


After all I didn't like this version so I created a new one with dynamics. You can find it here: Html rendering framework with dynamics

The biggest flaw of this solution was the extensibility. It wasn't possible to add new tags outside the library because the user couldn't add new methods to the Html class.


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