As I stated in an answer comment on my previous question, the UserIterator has a much larger footprint than I think most people realize. This question is here to further explain the project, the UserIterator's role, and what I'm trying to achieve with this specific piece of the code.
If any of you have had experience with Phishing Awareness Testing, you should understand this, but effectively, I am recreating my own version of this product. This is my thesis for my undergraduate degree. The idea here is to develop a user-friendly, minimal business impact, phishing awareness solution that small businesses can utilize. Most of the products like the one linked above can be expensive and hard to implement for businesses with sub-100 employees. The idea with this project is to change that and provide a solution that takes minimal training and comprehension to use.
That being said, the UserIterator is essential as you do not specify which users receive these phishing tests. The database is provided to the server by default, and this iterator is then provided to validate which users will receive the tests. I do not want to be sending the same test to the same users over and over again, so each time an email is sent, it is validated against a validation algorithm to check for redundancy or if the user absolutely needs to be tested.
The user will always receive the email if they have failed to receive a phishing awareness test with the last period of time specified by the user ($periodInWeeks
). After this check, it will check the complex type of the last 2 tests the user has received. The complex type is either Advanced (adv) or Basic (bsc). If they have received a complex type that is the same as this tests complex type for both of the last 2 occurrences, they will not receive this test. It will then check the target type of the last 3 occurrences, and if it is the same, they will not receive this test. A target type can be Targeted (T) or Generic (G). Lastly, if the user's last received test was the identical test to what is currently being sent, meaning the complex type and target type are both the same, they will not receive the test.
Validation Algorithm
$sql = "SELECT max(SML_AccessTimestamp) as 'timestamp_check' from gaig_users.sent_email where SML_UserId = ? and SML_ProjectName = ?;";
$bindings = array($user['USR_UserId'],$user['USR_ProjectMostRecent']);
$timestampData = $db->query($sql,$bindings);
$result = $timestampData->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if($result['timestamp_check'] <= $date) {
return true;
} else if($templateComplexType == substr($user['USR_ProjectMostRecent'],-5,3) &&
$templateComplexType == substr($user['USR_ProjectPrevious'],-5,3)) {
return false;
} else if($templateTarType == substr($user['USR_ProjectMostRecent'],-2,1) &&
$templateTarType == substr($user['USR_ProjectPrevious'],-2,1) &&
$templateTarType == substr($user['USR_ProjectLast'],-2,1)) {
return false;
} else if($templateComplexType.$templateTarType ==
substr($user['USR_ProjectMostRecent'],strpos($user['USR_ProjectMostRecent'],'-')+1,4)) {
return false;
Obviously, the design and implementation of my algorithm could be more streamlined and separated out to it's own individual class or function. However, for right now it isn't.
With that explained, below is the most recent and up-to-date Email Class where the UserIterator is being implemented. I have added in two private variables that hold the Config objects to reduce the amount of objects that have to be passed around. I am also unsure about whether I need to move the random_str
as was suggested because this class is the only class where it used.
However, I am completely at a loss as to the best way to separate out this iteration. The validation COULD be separated out into the User Model class, however, I will need to do some tweaking on the model to get this to work. This implementation is in no way perfect and is definitely a work-in-progress. Any suggestions as ways to extrapolate out this iteration would be appreciated.
class Email {
private $templateConfig;
private $emailConfig;
* executeEmail
* Public-facing method to send an email to a database of users if they are a valid recipient.
* @param EmailConfiguration $emailConfig Email Configuration object containing required information to send an email
* @param TemplateConfiguration $templateConfig Template Configuration object containing required information to build a template
* @param int $periodInWeeks Number of weeks to check back for recipient validation
* @throws EmailException Custom Exception to embody any exceptions thrown in this class
public static function executeEmail(
EmailConfiguration $emailConfig,
TemplateConfiguration $templateConfig,
try {
foreach($emailConfig->getUsersIterator() as $user) {
if(self::validateUser($user, $periodInWeeks)) {
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw new EmailException(__CLASS__ . ' Exception',0,$e);
* validateUser
* Function checks if the specified user has not received a test within the specified duration,
* if the template type is the same for the last two project participants, if the template target
* is the same for last three project participants, or if the last project is identical to the new project.
* @param array $user Associative Array containing the fields associated to the user
* @param int $periodInWeeks Number of weeks to check back for recipient validation
* @return bool
private function validateUser($user, $periodInWeeks) {
$db = new DBManager();
$templateComplexType = $this->templateConfig->getTemplateComplexityType();
$templateTarType = $this->templateConfig->getTemplateTargetType();
$date = date('Y-m-d',strtotime('-' . $periodInWeeks . 'weeks')) . '00:00:00';
$sql = "SELECT max(SML_AccessTimestamp) as 'timestamp_check' from gaig_users.sent_email where SML_UserId = ? and SML_ProjectName = ?;";
$bindings = array($user['USR_UserId'],$user['USR_ProjectMostRecent']);
$timestampData = $db->query($sql,$bindings);
$result = $timestampData->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if(!filter_var($user['USR_Email'],FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$this->badEmailAddressWarning(['USR_Username'] . ' has a bad email address. email=' . $user['USR_Email']);
return false;
if($result['timestamp_check'] <= $date) {
return true;
} else if($templateComplexType == substr($user['USR_ProjectMostRecent'],-5,3) &&
$templateComplexType == substr($user['USR_ProjectPrevious'],-5,3)) {
return false;
} else if($templateTarType == substr($user['USR_ProjectMostRecent'],-2,1) &&
$templateTarType == substr($user['USR_ProjectPrevious'],-2,1) &&
$templateTarType == substr($user['USR_ProjectLast'],-2,1)) {
return false;
} else if($templateComplexType.$templateTarType ==
substr($user['USR_ProjectMostRecent'],strpos($user['USR_ProjectMostRecent'],'-')+1,4)) {
return false;
return true;
* getUrlId
* Generates or retrieves the UniqueURLId of the passed user.
* @param array $user User array extracted from PDOStatement
* @param int $projectId Project ID to be included in generated URL
* @return string
private function getUrlId($user,$projectId) {
if(!is_null($user['USR_UniqueURLId'])) {
$urlId = $user['USR_UniqueURLId'];
} else {
$db = new DBManager();
$urlId = $this->random_str(15) . $projectId;
$sql = "UPDATE gaig_users.users SET USR_UniqueURLId=? WHERE USR_UserId=?;";
$bindings = array($urlId,$user['USR_UserId']);
return $urlId;
* updateUserProjects
* Updates the user with the newest project and rotates the old projects down one.
* @param array $user User array extracted from PDOStatement
private function updateUserProjects($user) {
$db = new DBManager();
$sql = "UPDATE gaig_users.users SET USR_ProjectMostRecent=?, USR_ProjectPrevious=?,
USR_ProjectLast=? WHERE USR_Username=?;";
$bindings = array($this->templateConfig->getProjectName(),$user['USR_ProjectMostRecent'],$user['USR_ProjectPrevious'],$user['USR_Username']);
* sendEmail
* Iterates through the PDO Result Set of users. Calls validRecipientAlgo to validate user. Sends email if
* valid and updates user if valid.
* @param array $user User array extracted from PDOStatement
* @throws FailureException
private function sendEmail($user) {
$urlId = $this->getUrlId($user,$this->templateConfig->getProjectId());
$templateData = array(
$subject = $this->emailConfig->getSubject();
$from = $this->emailConfig->getFromEmail();
$to = $user['USR_Email'];
if(!Mail::send(['html' => $this->templateConfig->getTemplate()],$templateData, function($m) use ($from, $to, $subject) {
})) {
throw new FailureException('Email failed to send to ' . $to . ' from ' . $from);
* random_str
* Generates a random string.
* @param int $length Length of string to be returned
* @param string $keyspace Allowed characters to be used in string
* @return string
private function random_str($length, $keyspace = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
$str = '';
$max = mb_strlen($keyspace, '8bit') - 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
$str .= $keyspace[random_int(0, $max)];
return $str;
* badEmailAddressWarning
* Logs error when a bad email address is found associated with a user
* @param string $message Error message to be logged
private function badEmailAddressWarning($message) {
$path = '../storage/logs/badEmailAddress' . date('m-d-Y') . '.log';
if(!file_exists($path)) {
$file = fopen($path,'w');
private function setTemplateConfig($templateConfig) {
$this->templateConfig = $templateConfig;
private function setEmailConfig($emailConfig) {
$this->emailConfig = $emailConfig;