Our solar system has 8 planets, including earth. Our calendar has some very confusing concepts such as leap years, which I still don't fully understand. In fact, since where I live, we use a different solar calendar that is different from the Gregorian reforms of the Julian Western calendar, I think I'm born in March but I should be born in February! Anyways, I attempted to create a simple program that calculates any given age, subtracting the leap days of each four years, in any planet of our solar system except Pluto which I believe is not a planet. I'm not sure about it.
def calculate_days(age):
leap_days = 0 #holds number of leap days
leap_years_list = [i for i in range(age) if i % 4 == 0] #holds the essence of leap years
for j in leap_years_list:
if j % 4 == 0 or j % 400 == 0 and j % 100 != 0:
leap_days += 1 #if leap years are divisible by four and not divisible by a hundred, add to leap days
return (age * 365) - leap_days
def calculate_celestial_age(planet, age):
number_of_days = calculate_days(age) #calculate the days in age
assert str.islower(planet), "Planet name must be entered in lower case e.g. 'mercury'" #if planet name is in lowercase, give error
days_in_year = {"mercury": 88, "venus": 224, "earth": 365, "mars": 687, "jupiter": 4332, "saturn": 10759, "uranus": 30688,
"neptune": 60182} #days in each planet's year
if planet == "mercury":
return number_of_days / days_in_year["mercury"]
elif planet == "venus":
return number_of_days / days_in_year["venus"]
elif planet == "earth":
return number_of_days / days_in_year["earth"]
elif planet == "mars":
return number_of_days / days_in_year["mars"]
elif planet == "jupiter":
return number_of_days / days_in_year["jupiter"]
elif planet == "saturn":
return number_of_days / days_in_year["saturn"]
elif planet == "uranus":
return number_of_days / days_in_year["uranus"]
elif planet == "neptune":
return number_of_days / days_in_year["neptune"]
raise Exception("Unknown Planet! Are you sure you've enter a planet?")
age = 23
planets = ["mercury", "venus", "earth", "mars", "jupiter", "saturn", "uranus", "neptune"]
for planet in planets:
print("{0}: {1}".format(planet, calculate_celestial_age(planet, age)))
For my age, 23, I got these results:
mercury: 95.3409090909091
venus: 37.455357142857146
earth: 22.986301369863014
mars: 12.212518195050945
jupiter: 1.9367497691597415
saturn: 0.7798122502091273
uranus: 0.2733967674661105
neptune: 0.1394104549533083
According to this, my results are accurate.