
I've created a project on Khan Academy as part of the Natural Simulations course on random walks.

This project is in JavaScript, using the Processing.JS library, slightly modified by Khan Academy.

(In the main, the inclusion of the Processing.JS library offers a few functions for drawing on a canvas. The majority of my project would be perfectly intelligible to someone who knew JavaScript but not about Processing.JS).

The code is as follows:

var Walker = function(colour, x, y) {
    this.radius = 10;
    this.x = x || width/2; // 'width' and 'height' refer to the size of the canvas
    this.y = y || height/2;
    this.r = (colour[0] === 0)? true: colour[0] || random(0, 255);
    this.g = (colour[1] === 0)? true: colour[1] || random(0, 255);
    this.b = (colour[2] === 0)? true: colour[2] || random(0, 255);
    return this;

// Randomly move up, down, left, right, or stay in one place
Walker.prototype.walk = function() {
    var choice = floor(random(0, 4));
    if (choice === 0 && this.x < width) {
        this.x += this.radius; // move right
    } else if (choice === 1 && this.x > 0) {
        this.x -= this.radius; // move left
    } else if (choice === 2 && this.y < height) {
        this.y += this.radius; // move down
    } else if (choice === 3 && this.y > 0) {
        this.y -= this.radius; // move up
    return this;

Walker.prototype.display = function() { // Processing.JS drawing stuff
    noStroke(); // turn outline off
    fill(this.r, this.g, this.b, 20); // fill(r, g, b, transparency);
    ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.radius, this.radius); // ellipse(x-position, y-position, width, height);
    return this;

var walkers = [new Walker([255, 0, 0])];

draw = function() { // repeats 30 times/second. Like a for/while loop, but slower
    for(var i = 0; i < walkers.length; i++) {

mouseClicked = function() {
        new Walker([], round(mouseX / walkers[0].radius) * walkers[0].radius, round(mouseY / walkers[0].radius) * walkers[0].radius));
}; // ^ mouseX/mouseY refer to current position of mouse on canvas

View the project on Khan Academy.

I'm concerned about the performance of this code; specifically the for loop in the draw function. As the draw function repeats 30 times/second, will this mean that the loop will also repeat 30 times/second?

The program gets pretty slow when there's quite a few walkers initiated. How can I make this program perform better?


1 Answer 1


I would put noStroke in a different location.

You are trying to make this code more efficient. You call noStroke each time one of these guys is called. You really only need to call it once right? So change the state once in your draw function:

draw = function() {
    for(var i = 0; i < walkers.length; i++) {

And remove it from your Walker.display function:

Walker.prototype.display = function() {
    fill(this.r, this.g, this.b, 20);
    ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.radius, this.radius);
    return this;

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