I have a CLS_Comparison_Predicate which will take an input value, perform a logical comparison and return a Boolean.
instead takes lists of predicates and an inputValue
, and performs MatchAny()
or MatchAll()
operations on the predicate list.
predicate_1 has
>= 3
predicate_2 has= 5
Option Explicit
Private predicateList As Variant
Private Const NULL_ERROR_TEXT As String = "Invalid Compare input. Cannot compare against Null"
Private Const OBJECT_ERROR_TEXT As String = "Invalid Compare input. Input must be a value, not an object"
Private Const NOTHING_ERROR_TEXT As String = "Invalid Compare Input. Predicate cannot be Nothing"
Private Const EMPTY_ERROR_TEXT As String = "Invalid Compare Input. Input cannot be empty"
Private Const ZLS_ERROR_TEXT As String = "Invalid Compare Input. Input cannot be a Zero-Length-String"
Public Sub AddPredicate(ByRef inputPredicate As CLS_Comparison_Predicate)
If inputPredicate Is Nothing Then
End If
If IsEmpty(predicateList) Then
ReDim predicateList(1 To 1)
Set predicateList(1) = inputPredicate
Dim LB1 As Long, UB1 As Long
GetBounds LB1, UB1
ReDim Preserve predicateList(LB1 To UB1 + 1)
Set predicateList(UB1 + 1) = inputPredicate
End If
End Sub
Public Sub ClearPredicates()
If Not predicateList Is Nothing Then Erase predicateList
End Sub
Public Function MatchAny(ByVal leftValue As Variant) As Boolean
'/ compares leftValue against predicateList. If any return true, then return true, else return false
CheckInputValue leftValue
Dim LB1 As Long, UB1 As Long
GetBounds LB1, UB1
Dim matchesAny As Boolean
matchesAny = False
Dim predicate As CLS_Comparison_Predicate
Dim ix As Long
For ix = LB1 To UB1
Set predicate = predicateList(ix)
If predicate.Compare(leftValue) Then
matchesAny = True
Exit For
End If
Next ix
MatchAny = matchesAny
End Function
Public Function MatchAll(ByVal leftValue As Variant) As Boolean
'/ compares leftValue against predicateList. If any return false, then return false, else return true
CheckInputValue leftValue
Dim LB1 As Long, UB1 As Long
GetBounds LB1, UB1
Dim matchesAll As Boolean
matchesAll = True
Dim predicate As CLS_Comparison_Predicate
Dim ix As Long
For ix = LB1 To UB1
Set predicate = predicateList(ix)
If Not predicate.Compare(leftValue) Then
matchesAll = False
Exit For
End If
Next ix
MatchAll = matchesAll
End Function
Private Sub CheckInputValue(ByVal inputValue As Variant)
'/ Check for NULL, Objects, Empty and ZLS
If IsNull(inputValue) Then
PrintErrorMessage NULL_ERROR_TEXT
End If
If IsObject(inputValue) Then
End If
If IsEmpty(inputValue) Then
PrintErrorMessage EMPTY_ERROR_TEXT
End If
On Error Resume Next
If Len(inputValue) = 0 Then
PrintErrorMessage ZLS_ERROR_TEXT
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub GetBounds(Optional ByRef LB1 As Long, Optional ByVal UB1 As Long)
LB1 = LBound(predicateList)
UB1 = UBound(predicateList)
End Sub
on UB and LB? There's another UB/LB somewhere else? \$\endgroup\$LB/UB X
is the dimension in question throughout all of my code. \$\endgroup\$