I have been writing a web crawler in F# that downloads pages with stylesheets and scripts.
Can somebody give me suggestions on improving this code, please?
Would appreciate any feedback that could improve it / prettify it.
open System
open System.Net
let log fmt =
Printf.kprintf (fun str -> // todo: lock | agent
printfn "%-4O %-10O %O" Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId (DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()) str
type File = {
ContentType : string;
Path : string
type DownloadResult =
| Error of exn
| Content of File
module files =
let download trgFileName srcUrl = async {
let w = WebRequest.Create(Uri srcUrl)
use! r = w.AsyncGetResponse()
use f = new IO.FileStream(trgFileName, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write, IO.FileShare.None)
r.GetResponseStream().CopyTo f
return Content { ContentType = r.ContentType; Path = trgFileName }
with e ->
return Error e
module filesTest =
let download trgFileName srcUrl = async {
return Error (exn "todo")
let computeHash (s:IO.Stream) =
Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create().ComputeHash s
let fileHash (path:string) =
use fs = new IO.FileStream(path, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)
let hc = computeHash fs
BitConverter.ToString(hc).Replace("-", "")
let trimQuery url =
open files
// open filesTest
let urls htmlPath : string list = [
// todo: extract links from html. Load HtmlDocument and travers DOM nodes
let crawl trgFolder maxDepth url =
let cs = new Threading.CancellationTokenSource()
let m = MailboxProcessor<int * string>.Start(fun inbox -> async { // depth * url
use entries = new IO.StreamWriter(IO.Path.Combine(trgFolder, "entries.txt"), true)
let visited = Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>()
while true do
let! depth, url = inbox.Receive()
if depth < maxDepth then
let url' = trimQuery url
if not(visited.Add url') then
log "downloading %O" url
let! r = download (IO.Path.GetTempFileName()) url'
match r with
| Error e -> log "error %O" e.Message
| Content f -> // todo: async { } |> Async.Start + cs.Token + visited - Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary
let hc = fileHash f.Path
log "processing %O as %O" url hc
let path = IO.Path.Combine(trgFolder, hc)
IO.File.Move(f.Path, path)
entries.WriteLine(sprintf "%O \t %O" hc url)
for u in urls path |> Seq.map trimQuery do
if visited.Add u then
inbox.Post (depth+1, u)
if inbox.CurrentQueueLength = 0 then
log "done"
}, cs.Token)
m.Post (0, url)
let c = crawl __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ 2 "https://gist.github.com"
// c.Cancel()