
I wrote this block allocator for exercise and would love to get your reviews.

Main features I wanted to have:

  • Detecting buffer overflows with canary terminator.
  • Being able to allocate arbitrary types with template allocator and allow types that may fit more than one blocks (continues chunks).
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstddef>
#include <new>
#include <exception>

class BadAddressException: public std::exception
    const char* what() const noexcept override
        return "None-owned or incorrect pointer.";

class BufferOverflowException: public std::exception
    const char* what() const noexcept override
        return "Buffer overflow detected.";

class BlockAllocator


    BlockAllocator( size_t blockSize, size_t maxBlocks, size_t blockAlignment )
        :maxBlocks( maxBlocks )
        ,newBlockAlignment( SYSTEM_ALIGNMENT > blockAlignment ? SYSTEM_ALIGNMENT : blockAlignment )
        ,alignedBlockSize( roundUpTo( blockSize, blockAlignment ) )
        ,maxChunks( divideRoundUp<size_t>( maxBlocks, 2 ) )
        ,availableBlocks( maxBlocks )
        ,chunkIndex( 0 )
        ,buffer( nullptr )
        ,controls( nullptr )

        if ( !isValidAlignmentValue( blockAlignment ) )
            throw std::bad_alloc{};

        const size_t blocksPadding      = padding( SYSTEM_ALIGNMENT, newBlockAlignment );
        const size_t controlsPadding    = padding( SYSTEM_ALIGNMENT, alignof( Control ) );
        const size_t chunksPadding      = padding( SYSTEM_ALIGNMENT, alignof( Chunk ) );

        const size_t allocationSize     =   blocksPadding + alignedBlockSize * maxBlocks +
                                            CANARY_TERMINATOR_SIZE +
                                            controlsPadding + maxBlocks * sizeof( Control ) +
                                            chunksPadding + maxChunks * sizeof( Chunk );

        buffer                          = malloc( allocationSize );

        if( buffer == nullptr )
            throw std::bad_alloc{};

        const uintptr_t blocksStart     = ptrToInt( buffer );
        const uintptr_t canaryStart     = blocksStart + maxBlocks * alignedBlockSize;
        const uintptr_t controlsStart   = roundUpTo( canaryStart + CANARY_TERMINATOR_SIZE, alignof( Control ) );
        const uintptr_t chunksStart     = roundUpTo( controlsStart + maxBlocks * sizeof( Control ), alignof( Chunk ) );

        controls                        = reinterpret_cast<Control*>( intToPtr( controlsStart ) );
        canary                          = reinterpret_cast<char*>( intToPtr( canaryStart ) );
        chunks                          = reinterpret_cast<Chunk*>( intToPtr( chunksStart ) );

        for( size_t index = 0; index < CANARY_TERMINATOR_SIZE; ++index )
            canary[ index ]                     = 0;

        for( size_t index = 0; index < maxBlocks; ++index )
            controls[ index ].used              = false;
            controls[ index ].owner             = 0;
            controls[ index ].typeAlignedPtr    = nullptr;

        for( size_t index = 0; index < maxChunks; ++index )
            chunks[ index ].index               = 0;
            chunks[ index ].size                = 0;
            chunks[ index ].next                = nullptr;

        free( buffer );

    template<typename TypeT, typename ... ArgsT>
    TypeT * Allocate( const ArgsT & ... args )
        if( maxBlocks == 0 || alignedBlockSize == 0 )
            return nullptr;

        if( !checkCanaryTerminator() )
            throw BufferOverflowException{};

        const size_t objectPadding      = padding( newBlockAlignment, alignof( TypeT ) );
        const size_t totalObjectSize    = objectPadding + sizeof( TypeT );
        const size_t requestBlockSize   = divideRoundUp( totalObjectSize, alignedBlockSize );

        if( availableBlocks < requestBlockSize )
            return nullptr;

        const BlockAllocResult allocBlockResult = allocateBlocks( requestBlockSize );

        if( allocBlockResult.success )
            const uintptr_t blockAddress    = roundUpTo( ptrToInt( buffer ), newBlockAlignment ) + alignedBlockSize * allocBlockResult.index;
            const uintptr_t objectAddress   = roundUpTo( blockAddress, alignof( TypeT ) );

            void* placement                 = intToPtr( objectAddress );
            TypeT* result                   = nullptr;

            try {

                result                      = new( placement ) TypeT( args... );

            } catch ( ... ) {

                result                      = nullptr;
                freeBlocksAt( allocBlockResult.index );


            Control & control               = controls[ allocBlockResult.index ];
            control.typeAlignedPtr          = placement;

            availableBlocks                 -= requestBlockSize;

            return result;

        return nullptr;

    void* Allocate()
        if( !checkCanaryTerminator() )
            throw BufferOverflowException{};

        if( availableBlocks == 0 )
            return nullptr;

        const BlockAllocResult allocBlockResult = allocateBlocks( 1 );

        if( allocBlockResult.success )

            return intToPtr( roundUpTo( ptrToInt( buffer ), newBlockAlignment ) + alignedBlockSize * allocBlockResult.index );

        return nullptr;

    template<typename TypeT>
    void Free( TypeT * p )
        if( p == nullptr )

        if( maxBlocks == 0 || alignedBlockSize == 0 )
            throw BadAddressException{};

        if( ptrToInt( p ) < roundUpTo( ptrToInt( buffer ), newBlockAlignment ) ||
            ptrToInt( p ) > roundUpTo( ptrToInt( buffer ), newBlockAlignment ) + ( maxBlocks - 1 ) * alignedBlockSize )
            throw BadAddressException{};

        if( !checkCanaryTerminator() )
            throw BufferOverflowException{};

        const size_t objectPadding          = padding( newBlockAlignment, alignof( TypeT ) );
        const size_t totalObjectSize        = objectPadding + sizeof( TypeT );
        const size_t requestBlockSize       = divideRoundUp( totalObjectSize, alignedBlockSize );

        const uintptr_t blockAddress        = ptrToInt( p ) - ( ptrToInt( p ) % newBlockAlignment );

        const size_t blockIndex             = ( blockAddress - roundUpTo( ptrToInt( buffer ), newBlockAlignment ) ) / alignedBlockSize;
        const size_t ownerBlockIndex        = controls[ blockIndex ].owner;

        if( controls[ ownerBlockIndex ].typeAlignedPtr != static_cast<void*>( p ) )
            throw BadAddressException{};

        if( freeBlocksAt( ownerBlockIndex ) )
            availableBlocks                 -= requestBlockSize;

        } else {
            throw BadAddressException{};

    void Free( void* p )
        if( p == nullptr )

        if( maxBlocks == 0 || alignedBlockSize == 0 )
            throw BadAddressException{};

        if (    ptrToInt( p ) < roundUpTo( ptrToInt( buffer ), newBlockAlignment ) ||
                ptrToInt( p ) > roundUpTo( ptrToInt( buffer ), newBlockAlignment ) + ( maxBlocks - 1 ) * alignedBlockSize ||
                !isAlignedTo( ptrToInt( p ), newBlockAlignment ) )
            throw BadAddressException{};

        if( !checkCanaryTerminator() )
            throw BufferOverflowException{};

        if( !freeBlocksAt( ( ptrToInt( p ) - roundUpTo( ptrToInt( buffer ), newBlockAlignment ) ) / alignedBlockSize ) )
            throw BadAddressException{};



    static const size_t SYSTEM_ALIGNMENT        = alignof( max_align_t );

    struct BlockAllocResult
        bool    success;
        size_t  index;

    struct Control
        bool    used;
        size_t  owner;
        void*   typeAlignedPtr;

    struct Chunk
        size_t  index;
        size_t  size;

        Chunk*  next;


    template<typename T>
    inline T padding( T originalAlignment, T newAlignment )
        return ( originalAlignment > newAlignment ? originalAlignment : newAlignment ) - originalAlignment;

    template<typename T>
    inline T roundUpTo( T value, T alignment ) const
        return ( value + alignment - 1 ) & ~( alignment - 1 );

    template<typename T>
    inline T divideRoundUp( T value, T divider )
        if( value == 0 )
            return 0;

        return 1 + ( ( value - 1 ) / divider );

    inline uintptr_t ptrToInt( void * value ) const
        return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>( value );

    inline void * intToPtr( uintptr_t value ) const
        return reinterpret_cast<void*>( value );

    inline bool isValidAlignmentValue( size_t value  ) const
        return ( value > 0 ) && ( ( value & ( value - 1 ) ) == 0 );

    inline bool isAlignedTo( uintptr_t value, uintptr_t alignment ) const
        return ( value & ( alignment - 1 ) ) == 0;

    bool checkCanaryTerminator()
        for( size_t index = 0; index < CANARY_TERMINATOR_SIZE; ++index )
            if( canary[ index ] != 0 )
                return false;

        return true;

    bool freeBlocksAt( size_t index )
        if( index < maxBlocks &&
            controls[ index ].owner == index &&
            controls[ index ].used )
            controls[ index ].used      = false;

            if( index > 0 &&
                !controls[ index - 1 ].used )
                controls[ index ].owner = controls[ index - 1 ].owner;

            size_t it   = index + 1;

            while ( it < maxBlocks &&
                    ( !controls[ it ].used || ( controls[ it ].used && controls[ it ].owner == index ) ) )
                controls[ it ].used     = false;
                controls[ it ].owner    = controls[ index ].owner;


            return true;

        return false;

    BlockAllocResult allocateBlocks( size_t requestedSize )
        Chunk* chunksBiggerEnough   = getChunksLargerOrEqualTo( requestedSize );
        Chunk* bestMatch            = getSmallestChunk( chunksBiggerEnough );

        if ( bestMatch != nullptr )
            for (   size_t index = bestMatch->index;
                    index < bestMatch->index + bestMatch->size;
                    ++index )
                if( index < bestMatch->index + requestedSize )
                    controls[ index ].owner = bestMatch->index;
                    controls[ index ].used  = true;
                } else {
                    controls[ index ].owner = bestMatch->index + requestedSize;

            return BlockAllocResult{ true, bestMatch->index };

        return BlockAllocResult{ false, 0 };

    Chunk * nextChunk( size_t index, size_t size, Chunk * next )
        Chunk * result  = &chunks[ chunkIndex ];

        result->index   = index;
        result->size    = size;
        result->next    = next;

        chunkIndex      = ( chunkIndex + 1 ) % maxChunks;

        return result;

    Chunk* getChunksLargerOrEqualTo( size_t requestedSize )
        Chunk* current  = nullptr;
        Chunk* root     = nullptr;
        Chunk* tail     = nullptr;

        for( size_t index = 0; index < maxBlocks; ++index )
            if( !controls[ index ].used )
                if( current == nullptr )
                    current = nextChunk( index, 1, nullptr );
                } else {
            } else {

                if(  current != nullptr )
                    if( current->size == requestedSize )
                        root    = current;
                        tail    = root;
                        current = nullptr;

                    } else if( current->size > requestedSize ) {
                        if( root == nullptr )
                            root        = current;
                            tail        = root;
                        } else {
                            tail->next  = current;
                            tail        = tail->next;

                        current = nullptr;

        if(  current != nullptr )
            if( current->size == requestedSize )
                root            = current;
            } else if( current->size > requestedSize ) {
                if( root == nullptr )
                    root        = current;
                } else {
                    tail->next  = current;
                    tail        = tail->next;

        return root;

    Chunk* getSmallestChunk( Chunk * chunk )
        if( chunk != nullptr )
            Chunk* smallest     = chunk;
            Chunk* it           = smallest->next;

            while ( it != nullptr )
                if( it->size < smallest->size )
                    smallest    = it;

                it  = it->next;

            return smallest;

        return nullptr;


    const size_t    maxBlocks;
    const size_t    newBlockAlignment;
    const size_t    alignedBlockSize;
    const size_t    maxChunks;

    size_t          availableBlocks;
    size_t          chunkIndex;

    void*           buffer;
    char*           canary;
    Control*        controls;
    Chunk*          chunks;

const size_t BlockAllocator::SYSTEM_ALIGNMENT;
const size_t BlockAllocator::CANARY_TERMINATOR_SIZE;
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Detecting buffer overflows with canary terminator. I would separate this out into a second allocator. So you have a basic allocator. Then a debug allocator that extends your basic allocator with canary objects around the allocated space. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 20, 2016 at 23:25

1 Answer 1


If I am not mistaken copy constructor and assignment operator are going to be generated for BlockAllocator class by compiler. You probably don't want the default implementation because of buffer pointer.

  • \$\begingroup\$ And it may be valuable to add move ctor/assignment operator. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 17, 2016 at 21:07

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