I recently wrote my first XSD Schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:element name="mediums">
<xs:element name="medium" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:token" />
<xs:element name="releaseDate" type="xs:date" />
<xs:element name="mediumType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="CD"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DVD"/>
<xs:element name="length" type="length">
<xs:element name="attributes">
<xs:element name="actor" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:token"/>
<xs:element name="age" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>
<xs:element name="track" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:token"/>
<xs:element name="artist" type="xs:token"/>
<xs:element name="length" type="length"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="required" />
<!-- Represents a minute or a second value !-->
<xs:simpleType name="max60Integer">
<xs:restriction base="positiveInteger">
<xs:maxExclusive value="60" />
<xs:complexType name="length">
<xs:element name="hours" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>
<xs:element name="minutes" type="max60Integer"/>
<xs:element name="seconds" type="max60Integer"/>
It should represent following classes:
public enum MediumType {DVD, CD} sealed class Medium : IEquatable<Medium> { public static bool operator ==(Medium medium1,Medium medium2) { if ((object)medium1 == null||(object)medium2 == null) { return Object.Equals(medium1, medium2); } return medium1.Equals(medium2) ? true : false; } public static bool operator !=(Medium medium1,Medium medium2) { if ((Object)medium1 == null || (Object)medium2 == null) return !Object.Equals(medium1, medium2); return !medium1.Equals(medium2); } public bool Equals(Medium medium) { if (medium == null) return false; if (this.Name != medium.Name) return false; if (this.Length != medium.Length) return false; if (this.ReleaseTime != medium.ReleaseTime) return false; return new HashSet<IAttribute>(Attributes).SetEquals(medium.Attributes); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; Medium medium = obj as Medium; if (medium == null) return false; else return Equals(medium); } public override int GetHashCode() { return Name.GetHashCode(); } public override string ToString() { string classtype = Enum.GetName(typeof(MediumType),CurrentMediumType); return string.Format("{0} Name={1} Length={2} ReleaseTime={3}",classtype,Name,Length,ReleaseTime.Month+"."+ReleaseTime.Year); } public IAttribute this[int index] { get { return Attributes[index]; } set { Attributes[index] = value; } } public Medium(string name,int length,DateTime releaseTime,MediumType mediumtype,long id) { this.Name = name; this.Length = length; this.ReleaseTime = releaseTime; this._mediumType = mediumtype; this.Attributes = new List<IAttribute>(); ID = id; } public long ID { get; } private MediumType _mediumType; public MediumType CurrentMediumType { get { return _mediumType; } } public List<IAttribute> Attributes { get; set; } private string _name; public string Name { get { return _name; } set { if(value != null && value != "") { _name = value; } else { throw new Exception("A Medium must have a name!"); } } } private int _length; public int Length { get { return _length; } set { if (value < 0) throw new Exception("The length of the film must be over 0!"); else _length = value; } } private DateTime _releaseTime; public DateTime ReleaseTime { get { return _releaseTime; } set { if (DateTime.Compare(value,DateTime.Now) <= 0) { _releaseTime = value; } else { throw new Exception("The release time can not be in the future!"); } } } } //Actor public class Actor : IAttribute,IEquatable<Actor> { public override int GetHashCode() { return Name.GetHashCode(); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; Actor actor1 = obj as Actor; if (actor1 == null) return false; return Equals(actor1); } public static bool operator ==(Actor actor1,Actor actor2) { if (actor1 == null || actor2 == null) return Object.Equals(actor1, actor2); return actor1.Equals(actor2); } public static bool operator !=(Actor actor1,Actor actor2) { return actor1 == actor2 ? false : true; } public bool Equals(Actor other) { if (other == null) return false; if (this.Name != other.Name) return false; if (this.Age != other.Age) return false; return true; } private string _name; public string Name { get { return _name; } set { if (value != null && value != "") _name = value; else throw new Exception("An actor needs an name!"); } } private int _age; public int Age { get { return _age; } set { if (value < 0) throw new Exception("A actor can't be jounger than 0!"); else if (value > 100) throw new Exception("The actor isn't older than 100, is he?"); else _age = value; } } public Actor(string name,int age) { this.Name = name; this.Age = age; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("Actor Name={0} Age={1}",Name,Age); } } //Track public class Track : IAttribute,IEquatable<Track> { public override int GetHashCode() { return Name.GetHashCode(); } public static bool operator ==(Track track1,Track track2) { if (track1 == null || track2 == null) return Object.Equals(track1, track2); return track1.Equals(track2); } public static bool operator !=(Track track1,Track track2) { return track1 == track2 ? false : true ; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) return false; IAttribute attribut = obj as IAttribute; if (attribut == null) return false; return Equals(attribut); } public bool Equals(Track other) { if (other == null) return false; if (other.Name != this.Name) return false; if (other.Artist != this.Artist) return false; if (other.Length != this.Length) return false; return true; } private string _name; public string Name { get { return _name; } set { if (value != null && value != "") _name = value; else throw new Exception("An track needs a name!"); } } private decimal _length; public decimal Length { get { return _length; } set { if (value > 0) _length = value; else throw new Exception("The length can not be under 0 minutes."); } } private string _artist; public string Artist { get { return _artist; } set { if (value != null && value != "") _artist = value; else throw new Exception("A artist needs a name!"); } } public long ID { get; } public Track(string name,decimal length,string artist) { this.Name = name; this.Length = length; this.Artist = artist; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("Track Name={0} Artist={1} Length={2}",Name,Artist,Length); } }
I will have look at target namespace etc. For now it's just about the design of my schema.
to generate classes from your schema. \$\endgroup\$