First of all, I don't care for this style of method naming in the slightest. This is Objective-C. Our method names should be verbose and descriptive. If the method name is too long, code completion will help us out. But if it's too short, and we have other methods that perform similar tasks, we may easily get confused. This is particularly true when the person who is implementing this code or maintaining code that uses your code ends up being someone other than yourself.
- (void)runScript:(NSString*)path
Already this method name is better, but it still needs work because the argument following "runScript" is labeled as (and internally used as) a path. This isn't the Objective-C way.
And if I'm honest, the command1
, command2
, command3
is a little confusing. The values sent here are arguments, not values. You know this, because as soon as you dealt with them, you moved them into an array called args
, and then put them into the task using setArguments:
Here's how I'd change method signature:
- (void)runScript:(NSArray*)arguments inDirectoryPath:(NSString*)path;
Now instead of taking multiple arguments, we take the arguments in an array.
But this alone probably isn't good enough. We do need to verify that they're actually sending us arguments, as NSTask
will raise an exception if the arguments are nil.
So, let's modify the method call one more time:
- (void)runScript:(NSArray*)arguments
This is the way Apple handles errors with many of the built-in Objective-C classes.
The user can pass nil
for the error
argument if they don't care about it, but if they do, we can give them some useful information about the error back using it.
Now let's verify the array will be okay to pass as the arguments array:
@autoreleasepool {
NSString *errorString;
NSInteger *errorCode;
BOOL errorExists = NO;
if ([arguments count] < 2) {
errorString = @"Invalid Arguments: too few arguments";
errorCode = 100;
errorExists = YES;
} else {
for (NSObject *arg in arguments) {
if (![arg isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
errorString = @"Invalid Arguments: arguments must be strings";
errorCode = 101;
errorExists = YES;
} else if (!arg) {
errorString = @"Invalid Arguments: arguments cannot be nil";
errorCode = 102;
errorExists = YES;
if (errorExists) {
if (errorExists) {
if(error) {
*error = [NSError errorWithDomain:errorString
Now, before NSTask
has an opportunity to raise an exception, we've stopped executing our method and given some feedback.
This can be even more helpful if you change the return type from void
. Then in the above snippet, we'd change return;
to return NO;
And then your code could be used as such:
if(![self runScript:aScript inDirectoryPath:aPath error:&error]) {
// some code to make user aware of the error