I used to write a bit of BASIC years ago, and recently found an old book called "Fun Mathematics on your Microcomputer" with some mathematical games in. I'm learning Python and have tried to implement one of the games, called "Treasure Hunt," which I played as a kid on a ZX81(!).
This is the first project for me where I've used either Tkinter or Classes, so it's been a bit of a learning curve.
I feel I've done the best I can on my own, and would appreciate any feedback on my attempt, in terms of the structure, logic or anything else that either I've done well or could be improved.
Two things that I know need fixing are the "timer" behaviour after pressing "reset," and also the persistence of the distance values after pressing Return.
I must say, that BASIC seems like a walk in the park compared to all this event-driven, object-oriented post 1985 coding business!
from Tkinter import *
import tkFont, random, math
class TreasureHunt:
def __init__(self, master):
app = Frame(master, bg="yellow")
app.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
app.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
app.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
app.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
# instructions and fonts
self.mono_font = tkFont.Font(family="Courier",size=24,weight="bold")
self.instructions = "Find the hidden treasure!\n\nUse the arrow keys to select where to look, then press Enter to check. \
There is a 50/50 chance you will be told the distance from the treasure. Keep hunting until you find it. Good luck!"
# create instructions widget
self.info = Text(app, wrap=WORD, padx=10, pady=10,width=15,bd=0, height=19, bg="yellow")
# create island widget
self.island = Text(app, bg="cyan", padx=40, pady=40, font=self.mono_font,width=15, height=9, wrap=NONE,bd=0)
self.island.insert(1.0, "ready")
self.island.grid(row=0,column=1, stick=N+E+S+W, rowspan=3)
# restart button
self.restart_b = Button(app, text="Restart", bg="red", command=self.begin)
self.restart_b.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=20)
# score labels and fields
self.score_lbl = Label(app, text="Guesses: 0", bg="yellow")
self.score_lbl.grid(row=1, column=0)
# set keydown handler
root.bind("<Key>", self.key_pressed)
# best score variable
self.best_score = 0
# begin game
#print self.treasure_pos
def begin(self):
# game state variables
self.matrix = [["#" for col in range(8)] for row in range(8)]
self.current_pos = [0,0]
self.treasure_pos = [random.randrange(8), random.randrange(8)]
#self.treasure_pos = [0,0]
#print self.treasure_pos
self.blink = False
self.guesses = 0
self.end_tick = False
def display_grid(self):
'''Displays current visual game state'''
self.island.delete(1.0, END)
m_str = ""
for row in range(len(self.matrix)):
m_str += (" ".join(self.matrix[row]) + "\n")
self.island.insert(1.0, m_str)
def process_guess(self):
self.guesses += 1
self.score_lbl.config(text="Guesses: " + str(self.guesses))
if not (self.current_pos[0] == self.treasure_pos[0] and self.current_pos[1] == self.treasure_pos[1]):
#print "NOT HERE"
dist = int(round(math.sqrt((self.current_pos[0] - self.treasure_pos[0]) ** 2 + (self.current_pos[1] - self.treasure_pos[1]) ** 2)))
self.matrix[self.current_pos[0]][self.current_pos[1]] = str(dist)
self.end_tick = True
def finish(self):
self.matrix[self.treasure_pos[0]][self.treasure_pos[1]] = "$"
self.island.insert(END, "Gold!")
def tick(self):
'''timer for blinking cursor'''
if self.blink == False:
self.matrix[self.current_pos[0]][self.current_pos[1]] = "#"
elif self.blink == True:
self.matrix[self.current_pos[0]][self.current_pos[1]] = " "
self.blink = not self.blink
if not self.end_tick:
root.after(200, self.tick)
def key_pressed(self, event):
if event.keysym == "Right" and self.current_pos[1] < 7:
self.current_pos[1] += 1
elif event.keysym == "Left" and self.current_pos[1] > 0:
self.current_pos[1] -= 1
elif event.keysym == "Up" and self.current_pos[0] > 0:
self.current_pos[0] -= 1
elif event.keysym == "Down" and self.current_pos[0] < 7:
self.current_pos[0] += 1
elif event.keysym == "Return":
self.matrix = [["#" for col in range(8)] for row in range(8)] # is here the best place for this?
root = Tk()
game = TreasureHunt(root)