
source : https://github.com/Zakisu/QB_Mysql/blob/master/mysql/Mysql.php

please review mycode read the docs about the usage

 * Mysql Class
 * @category  Database Access
 * @package   Mysql
 * @author    Muhammad Zaki Sulistya <[email protected]>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016
class QB_Mysql
     * PDO instance
     * @var PDO
    protected $db;
     * Database credentials
     * @var string
    private $host;
    private $user;
    private $passwd;
    private $dbname;
     * Table prefix
     * @var string
    protected $prefix;
     * Table name (with prefix, if used)
     * @var string 
    protected $table;
     * The parameter of the query
     * @var array
    public $params = array();
     * Insert query
     * @var string
    protected $insert;
     * Select query
     * @var string
    protected $select;
     * Update query
     * @var string
    protected $update;
     * Delete query
     * @var string
    protected $delete;
     * An array that holds WHERE conditions
     * @var array
    protected $where = array();
     * An array that holds OR WHERE conditions
     * @var array
    protected $orWhere = array();
     * An array that holds HAVING WHERE conditions
     * @var array
    protected $having = array();
     * An array that holds OR HAVING conditions
     * @var array
    protected $orHaving = array();
     * Used to accommodate the value of ORDER BY condition
     * @var array
    protected $orderBy = array();
     * Used to accommodate the value of GROUP BY condition
     * @var array
    protected $groupBy = array();
     * Set a limit for a query
     * @var int
    protected $limit;
     * To know if the query is a Subquery or not
     * @var string
    protected $sub = "OFF";
     * Dynamic list of subquery
     * @var array
    protected $subQuery = array();
     * The list of error
     * @var array
    protected $errorLog = array();
     * @param string $host
     * @param string $user
     * @param string $passwd
     * @param string $dbname
     * @param string $prefix
    public function __construct($host = null, $user = null, $passwd = null, $dbname = null, $prefix = null)
            foreach($host as $key => $value)
                $$key = $value;
        $this->host = $host;
        $this->user = $user;
        $this->passwd = $passwd;
        $this->dbname = $dbname;
        $this->prefix = $prefix;
     * A method to connect to the database
     * @return void
    private function connect()
            $this->db = new PDO("mysql:host={$this->host};dbname={$this->dbname}", $this->user, $this->passwd);
        catch(PDOException $e)
            $this->catchError($e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getMessage());
     * Execute SQL query.
     * @param string $query  User-provided query to execute.
     * @param array  $params Variables array to bind to the SQL statement.
     * @return Mysql returned a PDOStatement object, or FALSE on failure
    public function query($query, $params = null)
            if($params == null)
                $stmt = $this->db->query($query);
                $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);
            return $stmt;
        catch(PDOException $e)
            $this->catchError($e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getMessage());
     * To make sure that the query as subquery
     * @return Mysql
    public function subQuery()
        $this->sub = "ON";
        return $this;
     * Set the table of the query
     * @return Mysql
    public function table($table)
        $this->table = $table;
        return $this;
     * Select columns
     * @param array $cols Desired columns
     * @return Mysql
    public function select($cols = "*")
        $table = $this->prefix.$this->table;
            $cols = implode(", ", $cols);
        $this->select = "SELECT
                            {$table} ";
        return $this;
     * Insert method to add new row
     * @param array $data Data containing information for inserting into the DB.
     * @return Mysql
    public function insert($data)
        $table = $this->prefix.$this->table;
        $value = array_values($data);
            $generateKey = uniqid(":");
            $this->params[$generateKey] = $value[$i];
            $value[$i] = $generateKey;
        $cols = implode(", ", array_keys($data));
        $valueCols = implode(", ", $value);
        $this->insert = "INSERT INTO
        return $this;
     * Update query
     * @param array  $data Array of data to update the desired row
     * @return Mysql
    public function update($data)
        $table = $this->prefix.$this->table;
        $point = array();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $generateKey = uniqid(":");
            $this->params[$generateKey] = $value;
            $value = $generateKey;
            array_push($point, ($key." = ".$value));
        $update = implode(", ", $point);
        $this->update = "UPDATE
                        {$update} ";
        return $this;
     * Delete query
     * @return Mysql
    public function delete()
        $table = $this->prefix.$this->table;
        $this->delete = "DELETE
                        {$table} ";
        return $this;
     * Just an ordinary method to filter for AND/OR statements for SQL queries
     * @param string $option (AND/OR) statements
     * @param string the value of the statements
     * @return void
    protected function whereFilter($option, $value)
            if(strtoupper($option) == "AND")
                array_push($this->where, $value);
            elseif(strtoupper($option) == "OR")
                array_push($this->orWhere, $value);
                throw new Exception("Error Processing Query");
        catch (Exception $e) 
            $this->catchError($e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getMessage());
     * Just an ordinary method to filter for AND/OR statements for SQL queries
     * @param string $option (AND/OR) statements
     * @param string the value of the statements
     * @return void
    protected function havingFilter($option, $value)
            if(strtoupper($option) == "AND")
                array_push($this->having, $value);
            elseif(strtoupper($option) == "OR")
                array_push($this->orHaving, $value);
                throw new Exception("Error Processing Query");
        catch (Exception $e) 
            $this->catchError($e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getMessage());
     * This method allows you to specify multiple (method chaining optional) AND/OR/HAVING WHERE statements for SQL queries.
     * @param string $cols  The name of column.
     * @param string $operator Comparison operator. Default is =
     * @param string $value The value of the column
     * @param string $option Condition of where statement (OR, AND, HAVING)
     * @return Mysql
    public function where($cols, $operator = "=", $value, $option = "AND")
            $listOperator = ["=", ">", "<", "<=", ">=", "!=", "BETWEEN", "NOT BETWEEN", "IN", "NOT IN"];
            $listOption = array("AND", "OR");
            if(in_array($operator, $listOperator) AND in_array($option, $listOption))
                if(strtoupper($operator) == "BETWEEN" OR strtoupper($operator) == "NOT BETWEEN")
                    if((is_array($value) AND (count($value) > 2)) OR empty($value))
                        throw new Exception("Error Processing [BETWEEN] or [NOT BETWEEN] Query");
                            if(!empty($this->subQuery) AND $this->sub != "ON")
                                if(in_array($value[$i], $this->subQuery))
                                    $value[$i] = "(".$value[$i].")";
                                    $generateKey = uniqid(":");
                                    $this->params[$generateKey] = $value[$i];
                                    $value[$i] = $generateKey;
                        $value = "{$cols} {$operator} ".implode(" AND ", $value);
                        $this->whereFilter($option, $value);
                elseif(strtoupper($operator) == "IN" OR strtoupper($operator) == "NOT IN")
                        if(!empty($this->subQuery) AND $this->sub != "ON")
                            if(in_array($value[$i], $this->subQuery))
                                $value[$i] = "(".$value[$i].")";
                                $generateKey = uniqid(":");
                                $this->params[$generateKey] = $value[$i];
                                $value[$i] = $generateKey;
                    $value = "{$cols} {$operator} (".implode(", ", $value).")";
                    $this->whereFilter($option, $value);
                    if(!empty($this->subQuery) AND $this->sub != "ON")
                        if(in_array($value, $this->subQuery))
                            $value = "(".$value.")";
                            $generateKey = uniqid(":");
                            $this->params[$generateKey] = $value;
                            $value = $generateKey;
                        $value = "{$cols} {$operator} {$value}";
                        $generateKey = uniqid(":");
                        $this->params[$generateKey] = $value;
                        $value = $generateKey;
                        $value = "{$cols} {$operator} {$value}";
                    $this->whereFilter($option, $value);
                throw new Exception("Error Processing The Query");
            return $this;
        catch(Exception $e)
            $this->catchError($e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getMessage());
    * This method allows you to specify multiple (method chaining optional) AND/OR statements for SQL queries.
    * @param string $cols  The name of column.
    * @param string $operator Comparison operator. Default is =
    * @param string $value The value of the column
    * @param string $option Condition of having statement (OR/AND)
    * @return Mysql
    public function having($cols, $operator = "=", $value, $option = "AND")
            $listOperator = ["=", ">", "<", "<=", ">=", "!="];
            $listOption = array("AND", "OR");
            if(in_array($operator, $listOperator) AND in_array($option, $listOption))
                if(!empty($this->subQuery) AND $this->sub != "ON")
                    if(in_array($value, $this->subQuery))
                        $value = "(".$value.")";
                        $generateKey = uniqid(":");
                        $this->params[$generateKey] = $value;
                        $value = $generateKey;
                    $value = "{$cols} {$operator} {$value}";
                    $generateKey = uniqid(":");
                    $this->params[$generateKey] = $value;
                    $value = $generateKey;
                    $value = "{$cols} {$operator} {$value}";
                $this->havingFilter($option, $value);
                throw new Exception("Error Processing The Query");
            return $this;
        catch(Exception $e)
            $this->catchError($e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getMessage());
     * This method allows you to specify multiple (method chaining optional) GROUP BY statements for SQL queries.
     * @param string $cols The name of the database field.
     * @return Mysql
    public function groupBy($cols)
            $cols = implode(", ", $cols);
        array_push($this->groupBy, "{$cols}");
        return $this;
     * This method allows you to specify multiple (method chaining optional) ORDER BY statements for SQL queries.
     * @param string $cols The name of the database field.
     * @param string $operator ASC/DESC statement.
     * @param array $fields Fieldset for ORDER BY FIELD() ordering
     * @return Mysql
    public function orderBy($cols, $field = null, $operator = "ASC")
        $operator = strtoupper($operator);
            $cols = implode(", ", $cols);
        if(($field == null) AND ($operator == "ASC" OR $operator == "DESC"))
            array_push($this->orderBy, "{$cols} {$operator}");
                $field[$i] = "'".$field[$i]."'";
            $field = implode(", ", $field);
            array_push($this->orderBy, "FIELD({$cols}, {$field})");
        return $this;
     * This method allows you to set the limit for the SQL query.
     * @param int $limit set the limit for the SQL query.
     * @throws Exception
     * @return Mysql
    public function limit($limit)
            if(is_int($limit) OR is_float($limit))
                $this->limit = $limit;
                throw new Exception("The value of limit parameter should be an integer");
            return $this;
        catch(Exception $e)
            $this->catchError($e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getMessage());
     * This method allows you to merge all statements.
     * @return string
    protected function queryBuilder()
        $query = null;
            $query = $this->insert;
            $query = $this->select;
            $query = $this->update;
            $query = $this->delete;
        if(!empty($this->where) OR !empty($this->orWhere))
            $query .= " WHERE ";
            $query .= implode(" AND ", $this->where);
                $query .= " OR ";
            $query .= implode(" OR ", $this->orWhere);
            $query .= " GROUP BY ".implode(",", $this->groupBy);
        if(!empty($this->having) OR !empty($this->orHaving))
            $query .= " HAVING ";
            $query .= implode(" AND ", $this->having);
                $query .= " OR ";
            $query .= implode(" OR ", $this->orHaving);
            $query .= " ORDER BY ".implode(",", $this->orderBy);
            $query .= " LIMIT {$this->limit}";
        return $query;
     * This method allows you to set a subquery.
     * @return string
    public function get()
            $query = $this->queryBuilder();
            if($this->sub == "ON")
                array_push($this->subQuery, $query);
                $this->sub = "OFF";
                $this->where = array();
                $this->orWhere = array();
                $this->having = array();
                return $query;
                throw new Exception("Error Processing Request");

        catch(Exception $e)
            $this->catchError($e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e->getMessage());
     * This method allows you to run the SQL query.
     * @return Mysql
    public function run()
        $query = $this->queryBuilder();
            $run = $this->query($query);
            $run = $this->query($query, $this->params);
        return $run;
     * This method is used to catch an error and log it.
     * @return void
    protected function catchError($file, $line, $message)
        $error = array("file"=>$file, "line"=>$line, "message"=>$message);
        array_push($this->errorLog, $error);
     * This method is used to dump all error info.
     * @return array returned errorLog property
    public function getErrorLog()
        return $this->errorLog;
     * Reset states after an execution.
     * @return void
    protected function reset()
        $this->table = "";
        $this->params = array();
        $this->select = "";
        $this->where = array();
        $this->orWhere = array();
        $this->having = array();
        $this->orHaving = array();
        $this->orderBy = array();
        $this->groupBy = array();
        $this->limit = "";
        $this->subQuery = array();
  • \$\begingroup\$ What does it do and does it do so as intended? \$\endgroup\$
    – Mast
    Commented Mar 25, 2016 at 13:04
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ For the review, check this article, Your first database wrapper's childhood diseases. Regarding the question about vulnerability, add charset in your PDO DSN and turn PDO emulation mode off \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 31, 2016 at 8:05

1 Answer 1


Sorry to say, but you are just making PDO worse there :(

  • restricting only to using mysql
  • your constructor is missing options, which means that:
    • it's probably not utf-8
    • you can't user row count
    • exceptions are NOT thrown
    • all prepared statements are emulates (and vulnerable to SQL injection)
  • what if I want to use socket to mysql?
  • storing values just to use as parts of DSN is pointless
  • constructors should not have logic
  • constructors should not have new statements
  • have you unit-tested QB_Mysql::where() or QB_Mysql::having()?

... anyway, I got bored around the line 400.

  • \$\begingroup\$ i think your word is amazing, i'm very proud of you. i'm not felt sad because your word. can you explain where is the vulnerable? and do you have social media like facebook maybe(not twitter)? i need to make conversation with you \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 25, 2016 at 13:27
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ There is a design flaw in PDO's driver for MySQL. The support for PREPARE queries in MySQL was added only in 5.0 versions (released in 2003). The adoption rate was slow, which mean that when PHP 5.1 was released (version that added PDO) there still was huge percentage of MySQL 4.x servers out there. \$\endgroup\$
    – tereško
    Commented Apr 2, 2016 at 20:29
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ That's why by default PDO was set to emulate prepared statements for the MySQL driver. This emulation has to be turned off, because otherwise your code can becomes vulnerable to SQL injections. Especially when connection does not have a defined charset. For full details, please review this article: wiki.hashphp.org/PDO_Tutorial_for_MySQL_Developers (it will explain how to disable emulation, define charset and enable exception based error reporting) \$\endgroup\$
    – tereško
    Commented Apr 2, 2016 at 20:32

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