I wrote a function to find a specific file, or all the executable files with a given name
and accessing flag
, and I want to make sure it is as cross-platform as possible. Currently, I'm using the PATHEXT environment variable to get the extensions for files that the operating system considers executable.
import os
class CytherError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
Exception.__init__(self, message)
self.message = 'CytherError: {}'.format(repr(message))
def where(name, flags=os.F_OK):
result = []
extensions = os.environ.get('PATHEXT', '').split(os.pathsep)
if not extensions:
raise CytherError("The 'PATHEXT' environment variable doesn't exist")
paths = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
if not paths:
raise CytherError("The 'PATH' environment variable doesn't exist")
for path in paths:
path = os.path.join(path, name)
if os.access(path, flags):
for ext in extensions:
whole = path + ext
if os.access(whole, flags):
return result
In[-]: where('python')
Out[-]: "C:\Python35\python.exe"
Please be brutal in pointing out anything you find, except for:
- Commenting
- Docstrings
- PEP 8 spacing
I will have these things covered later.