This a continuation of a previous question. I want to thank Joe Wallis for his help with increasing the readability of my code. Although the changes made by Joe Wallis did increase the speed of the code, the speed improvements aren't enough for my purposes.
I'll reiterate the problem, but please feel free to look at the previous question. The algorithm uses a corpus to analyze a list of phrases, such that each phrase is split into constituent words in a way that maximizes its frequency score.
The corpus is represented as a list of Korean words and their frequencies (pretend that each letter represents a Korean character):
A 56 AB 7342 ABC 3 BC 116 C 5 CD 10 BCD 502 ABCD 23 D 132 DD 6
The list of phrases, or "wordlist", looks like this (ignore the numbers):
AAB 1123 DCDD 83
The output of the script would be:
Original Pois Makeup Freq_Max_Delta AAB A AB [AB, 7342][A, 56] 7398 DCDD D C DD [D, 132][DD, 6][C, 5] 143
In the previous question, there are some sample inputs which I am using. The biggest problem is the size of the data sets. The corpus and wordlist have 1M+ entries in each file. It's currently taking on average 1-2 seconds to process each word in the wordlist, which in total will take 250 hours+ to process.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, codecs, collections, operator, itertools
from argparse import ArgumentParser
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter("utf8")(sys.stdout)
sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter("utf8")(sys.stderr)
def read_corpa(file_name):
print 'Reading Corpa....'
with, 'r', 'UTF-8') as f:
return {l[0]: int(l[-1]) for l in (line.rstrip().split('\t') for line in f)}
def read_words(file_name):
with, 'r', 'UTF-8') as f:
for word in f:
yield word.split('\t')[0]
def contains(small, big):
small_ = len(small)
for i in xrange(len(big) - small_ + 1):
if big[i:i + small_] == small:
return (i, i + small_)
return None
def find_best(word, corpas):
combos = {}
for corpa, frequency in corpas.items():
c = contains(corpa, word)
if c:
combos[word[c[0]:c[1]]] = frequency
return combos
def create_combination(combos, word):
if not combos:
return None
combo_keys = combos.keys()
word = sorted(word)
combinations_ = [
for i in range(len(combo_keys) + 1)
for j in itertools.combinations(combo_keys, i)
if sorted(''.join(j)) == word
if not combinations_:
return None
result = None
for combination in combinations_:
sub = [(v, combos[v]) for v in combination]
total = sum(map(operator.itemgetter(1), sub))
if not result or total > result[2]:
result = [combination, sub, total]
return result
def display_combination(combination, word):
if combination is None:
print '\t\t'.join([word, 'Nothing Found'])
return None
part_final = ''.join(
'[' + v[0] + ', ' + str(v[1]) + ']'
for v in combination[1]
print '\t\t'.join([word,' '.join(combination[0]), part_final, str(combination[2])])
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("-w", "--wordlist", help="", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--corpa", help="", required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
corpas = read_corpa(args.corpa)
for word in read_words(args.wordlist):
combos = find_best(word, corpas)
results = create_combination(combos, word)
display_combination(results, word)
if __name__ == '__main__':