I have been working with HTML5 and CSS3 for a long time now, but have avoided JavaScript because of my belief that it's most frequently used unnecessarily while having a tendency to be poorly written. So I held off until I needed to learn it to use something really cool and useful. The project that sold me was WebTorrent.
I do have programming experience (the most syntactically similar languages I know are PHP and Java), so I have some idea of standards, but I don't know best practices for JavaScript. The code certainly works and will be polished later on (it's more of a tech demo than anything), so I'd prefer critique on syntax and general methods more than function, unless I'm doing something fundamentally wrong.
I didn't go into this blind, as tempting as it was. My intro was MDN's A Re-Introduction to JavaScript, which I found very helpful. All this code is in the page's <head>
, so if I should be moving it somewhere else or calling it on an element, please let me know.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/webtorrent/latest/webtorrent.min.js"></script>
var client = new WebTorrent();
// Torrent ID
var torrentId = 'redacted WebTorrent magnet link - contains 2 audio files, 1 video file, 1 image';
client.add(torrentId, function ontorrent(torrent){
Load Content (done by this point)
Case empty torrent
Case no playable media
warn user
Case multiple playable media
ask which file(s) to play
Case one playable media
play media
// Compatible Media Formats
var MEDIA_EXT = ['mp4', 'm4v', 'm4v', 'webm', 'm4a', 'mp3', 'wav', 'aac', 'ogg', 'oga'];
function getExt(name){
// Not own work: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/190852/how-can-i-get-file-extensions-with-javascript
return name.substr((~-name.lastIndexOf(".") >>> 0) + 2);
// Status logger
var logElement = document.getElementById('status');
function pStatus(msg){ logElement.innerHTML += "<br/>" + msg };
var numFiles = torrent.files.length;
// Check for empty torrent
if(numFiles == 0){
pStatus("No files found! Cannot render media.")
// Find all playable media
var playable = new Array();
pStatus(" - Found file: " + file.name);
if(MEDIA_EXT.indexOf(getExt(file.name.toLowerCase())) > 0){
pStatus("File " + file.name + " is usable.");
if(playable.length === 1){
var index = window.prompt("Multiple files found. Please choose the index you would like to play.");
}while(playable[index] == undefined);
var file = playable[index];
pStatus("Choosing index " + index + ": " + file.name + "...");
pStatus("Now loading " + file.name);
document.title = file.name;