I'm trying to build a reusable object cache for Angular. The goal is to:
- Cache objects by type
- Prevent collisions and conflicts
- Find objects by like property
- Ensure caches are separated by the logged in user
I am using Satellizer to determine if the user is logged in. Each object's service will act as a wrapper to this service and pass in its typeName
property (probably set as a constant in the calling service).
(function () {
'use strict';
objectCache.$inject = ['CacheFactory', '$auth'];
function objectCache(CacheFactory, $auth) {
var _options = {
maxAge : (60 * 60 * 1000),
deleteOnExpire : 'passive',
storageMode : 'localStorage'
var service = {
setOptions : setOptions,
getCache : getCache,
clear : clear,
getAll : getAll,
getItem : getItem,
getItems : getItems,
putItem : putItem,
putItems : putItems,
getItemsByKey : getItemsByKey,
getItemByKeyFirst : getItemByKeyFirst,
getItemByKeySingle : getItemByKeySingle,
removeItemsByKey : removeItemsByKey,
removeItemByKey : removeItemByKey,
putItemsByKey : putItemsByKey,
putItemByKey : putItemByKey
return service;
function setOptions (options) {
options = options || {};
options.maxAge = options.maxAge = _options.maxAge;
options.deleteOnExpire = options.deleteOnExpire = _options.deleteOnExpire;
options.storageMode = options.storageMode = _options.storageMode;
_options = options;
function getCache(typeName) {
var cacheName = [getUserId(), normalizeTypeName(typeName || 'objects')].join('_');
var cache = CacheFactory(cacheName);
if (cache) { return cache; }
cache = CacheFactory(cacheName, _options);
return cache;
function clear (typeName) {
var cache = getCache(typeName);
return (!cache.keys() || (cache.keys().length < 1));
function getAll (typeName) {
var cache = getCache(typeName);
var result = [];
(cache.keys() || []).forEach(function(key){
return result;
function getItem(typeName, id) {
if (typeof id == 'undefined' || !id.trim) { return null; }
var cache = getCache(typeName);
return cache.get(id);
function getItems(typeName, ids) {
var cache = getCache(typeName),
result = [],
_ids = [];
(ids || []).forEach(function(id){
if (_ids.indexOf(id) < 0) {
var item = cache.get(id);
if (item) { result.push(item); }
return result;
function putItem(typeName, item, id, refresh) {
if (typeof item == 'undefined') { return false; }
if (typeof id == 'undefined' || !id.trim) { return false; }
var cache = getCache(typeName);
var existing = cache.get(id);
if (existing && !refresh) { return true; }
if (existing) { cache.remove(id); }
cache.put(item, id);
return (!!cache.get(id));
function putItems(typeName, items, idField, refresh) {
var cache = getCache(typeName);
(items || []).forEach(function(item){
var id = item[idField];
if (typeof id != 'undefined') {
var existing = cache.get(id);
if (existing && !!refresh) { cache.remove(id); }
if (!existing || !!refresh) { cache.put(item, id); }
if (!cache.get(id)) { return false; }
return true;
function getItemsByKey(typeName, key, value, isCaseSensitive) {
var result = [];
(getAll(typeName) || []).forEach(function(item){
var itemValue = item[key];
if (typeof itemValue != 'undefined') {
if ((typeof value == 'string') && (typeof itemValue == 'string') && (!isCaseSensitive || value.toLowerCase() == itemValue.toLowerCase())) {
} else if (((typeof value) == (typeof itemValue)) && (value == itemValue)) {
} else {
// Other scenarios?
return result;
function getItemByKeyFirst(typeName, key, value, isCaseSensitive) {
var items = getItemsByKey(typeName, key, value, isCaseSensitive) || [];
return (items.length > 0) ? items[0] : null;
function getItemByKeySingle(typeName, key, value, isCaseSensitive) {
var items = getItemsByKey(typeName, key, value, isCaseSensitive) || [];
return (items.length === 0) ? items[0] : null;
function removeItemsByKey (typeName, keyField, values, isCaseSensitive) {
var cache = getCache(typeName),
keysToRemove = [];
(cache.keys() || []).forEach(function(key){
var item = cache.get[key],
itemValue = item[keyField];
if (typeof itemValue != 'undefined') {
for (var v = 0; v < (values || []).length; v += 1) {
if ((typeof values[v] == 'string') && (typeof itemValue == 'string') && (!isCaseSensitive || values[v].toLowerCase() == itemValue.toLowerCase())) {
} else if (((typeof values[v]) == (typeof itemValue)) && (values[v] == itemValue)) {
} else {
// Other scenarios?
var success = true;
if (cache.get(key)) { success = false; }
return success;
function removeItemByKey (typeName, keyField, value, isCaseSensitive) {
return removeItemsByKey(typeName, keyField, [value], isCaseSensitive);
function putItemsByKey(typeName, items, keyField, refresh, isCaseSensitive) {
if (!!refresh) {
var values = _.map((items || []), keyField);
if (!removeItemsByKey(typeName, keyField, values, isCaseSensitive)) { return false; }
var cache = getCache(typeName);
(items || []).forEach(function(item){
var id = item[keyField];
if (typeof value != 'undefined') { cache.put(item, id); }
if (!cache.get(id)) { return false; }
return true;
function putItemByKey(typeName, item, keyField, refresh, isCaseSensitive) {
return putItemsByKey(typeName, [item], keyField, refresh, isCaseSensitive);
function getUserId () {
return $auth.isAuthenticated() ? ($auth.getPayload().sub || 'unknown') : 'public';
function normalizeTypeName (typeName) {
return typeName.split('.').join('-');