Background information for those of you who don't know what 4chan tripcodes are:
Via Wikipedia:
A tripcode is the hashed result of a password that allows one's identity to be recognized without storing any data about users. Entering a particular password will let one "sign" one's posts with the tripcode generated from that password.
Not displayed on Wikipedia:
With tripcodes, many people like to create special tripcodes for themselves, containing a certain string inside the text - for example the password "LC,T{af"
generating the tripcode "QeMbDfeels" which yields the phrase "feels", in relation to Wojak, also known as Feels Guy.
On my Intel Core 2 Duo T7400 @ 2.16GHz processor, I can get about 20000 tripcodes generated per second - I don't know if I can optimize this program any further, or my processor is just slow.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*
from __future__ import division
import sys,re,string,crypt,random,time
Password,UpdateCount,ElapsedUpdates,Total,Matches,Rate,ElapsedCount,Filetext="0",0,0,0,0,0,0,"" #Saving myself a few lines by declaring all of these onto one line
Characters="!#$%&\"\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~" #Use all possible unicode characters accepted by 4chan
random.seed(time.time()) #Seed the random module with the current time
absolutestartTime=(time.time()) #Set an absolute start time for statistics
isCaseSensitive=Respond.query("Search for exact case / case-sensitive?") #Query for case-sensitive search
def GenerateTripcode(Password):
ShiftJIS=Password.encode('shift_jis', 'ignore')#Convert to SHIFT-JIS.
Tripcode=crypt.crypt( #Generate the tripcode
ShiftJIS, re.compile('[^\.-ElapsedUpdates]')\
.sub('.', (ShiftJIS+'...')[1:3])\
return Tripcode
def GenerateRandomString(Length): return ''.join(random.choice(Characters) for i in range(7)) #Decided to throw this into its own function. If it's more efficient to just use the verbatim command instead of calling the function, please tell me
startTime = time.time() #Grab the current time for the performance checker
def getCheck(chk, tf): #I hated having this clause in the while loop, so I just passed it into a function
if tf: return chk
if not tf: return string.lower(chk)
if not isCaseSensitive: Find=string.lower(sys.argv[1]) #If non-case sensitive, lowercase the search string
if isCaseSensitive: Find=sys.argv[1]
try: #try clause in order to catch an interrupt
while 1==1: #Infinite loop
UpdateCount+=1;ElapsedCount+=1;Total+=1 #Increase counts by one.
Password=GenerateRandomString(7) #Generate random string (question from line 18)
if, getCheck(Tripcode, isCaseSensitive))>-1: #Check if string contains match using regex
Out=Password+" >>> "+Tripcode+"\n" #Generate output string showing a code has been found
Filetext+=Out #Add this to a filetext variable instead of directly writing it to file during the loop
print "\033[K\r", #Flush out any text from the current line
print Password+" >>> "+Tripcode #Print out the password and tripcode.
Matches+=1 #Add 1 to the matchcount for summary later.
if UpdateCount==100: #Update generated count and rate every 100 loops
UpdateCount=0;ElapsedUpdates+=1 #Reset counter, +1 to the rate checker counter
status=str(Total)+" tripcodes"+" "+str(Rate)+" tripcodes/sec"+'\r' #Set status to a variable
sys.stdout.write(status) #Print out status
if ElapsedUpdates==10: #Every 1000 codes, check rates
ElapsedRange=time.time() - startTime #See how many seconds have elapsed since last check
Rate=int(round(ElapsedCount/ElapsedRange)) #Get rate (Tripcodes/sec)
startTime=time.time() #Reset startTime for next check
ElapsedCount=0 #Reset elapsed tripcode count
ElapsedUpdates=0 #Reset elapsed update count
except KeyboardInterrupt: #Catch keyboard interrupt
ElapsedSecs = time.time() - absolutestartTime #Use absolute time set at line 8 to see how many seconds this program ran
Elapsed = time.strftime("%M minutes, %S seconds", time.gmtime(ElapsedSecs)) #Use another variable to format the time for printing
#Print statistics.
print "\nCaught interrupt."
print str(Matches)+" matches found"
print str(Total)+" codes generated in "+Elapsed
print "Average of ~"+str(int(round(Total/ElapsedSecs)))+" tripcodes generated per second"
if Matches>=1:
print "1 match found every ~"+str(round(ElapsedSecs/Matches,2))+" seconds"
print "1 match found in every ~"+str(int(round(Total/Matches)))+" tripcodes"
print "Writing matches to file...",
open("t.txt", "a").write(Filetext)
print "done."
The module Respond
is the code from Recipe 577058.