Write an implementation that determines the count of happy numbers between a given start and end value.
public class HappyNumberCounter {
public static int getLastDigit(final long number) {
return Math.toIntExact(number % 10);
public static long digitSquareSumCalculator(final long number) {
int remainder = getLastDigit(number);
long quotient = number / 10;
long digitSum = remainder * remainder;
while (quotient > 0) {
remainder = getLastDigit(quotient);
quotient = quotient / 10;
digitSum = remainder * remainder;
return digitSum;
public static long countHappyNumbersInRange(final long startInclusive, final long endInclusive) {
final Map<Long, Boolean> happyNumbers = new HashMap<>();
long count = 0;
for (long index = startInclusive; index <= endInclusive; index++) {
long number = index;
// case 1: already been cached
// case 2: has not been cached
// case 3: has not been cached but starts with 1 or 4
// case 4: has not been cached and does not start with 1 or 4
Boolean isHappy = happyNumbers.get(number);
if (isHappy == Boolean.TRUE) {
} else if (isHappy == null) {
long lastDigit = getLastDigit(number);
if (lastDigit == 1) {
happyNumbers.put(number, Boolean.TRUE);
} else if (lastDigit == 4) {
happyNumbers.put(number, Boolean.FALSE);
} else {
final List<Long> numbers = new ArrayList<>();
while (lastDigit != 1 && lastDigit != 4 && isHappy == null) {
number = digitSquareSumCalculator(number);
isHappy = happyNumbers.get(number);
lastDigit = getLastDigit(number);
for (final Long num : numbers) {
happyNumbers.put(num, isHappy);
if (isHappy) {
return count;
- I feel like my implementation is too long (i.e. there's too much logic happening in one method), but I can't seem to find any natural break points.