It's been a long while since I've done any Python programming so I thought I'd start with a simple Blackjack game. Any comments on how I can make this more readable? Use more methods perhaps?
from sys import exit
from random import randint
class Game(object):
def __init__(self, start):
self.quips = [
" you kinda suck at this.",
"don't quit your day job.",
"Such a loser."
self.start = start
#main method to start playing
def play(self):
next = self.start
action = "y"
#start playing
while True:
print "\n-------"
print "Beginning blkjk"
print "Dealing.. \n"
#deal user's cards
unum1 = randint(1,10)
unum2 = randint(1,10)
utotal = unum1 + unum2
print "Ur cards are: %d & %d totalling %d \n" % (unum1, unum2,utotal)
#hit until user says stop
while action == "y":
action = raw_input("Hit? > ")
if action == "y":
utotal = utotal + self.hit()
print "ur new total is %d" % utotal
print "Ur total is %d " % utotal
#deal dealer's cards
dnum1 = randint(1,10)
dnum2 = randint(1,10)
dtotal = dnum1 + dnum2
print "Dealer's cards are %d & %d totalling %d \n" % (dnum1, dnum2, dtotal)
#dealer keeps hitting until close/more than 21
while dtotal < 21:
print" Dealer hits\n"
dtotal = dtotal + self.hit()
if dtotal <= 21:
print "Dealer's total is %d " % dtotal
if utotal > dtotal:
print "you win!"
print "dealer wins"
print "Dealer busts, u win!"
def death(self):
print self.quips[randint(0, len(self.quips)-1)]
def hit(self):
nextcard = randint(1,9)
print "ok, next card is %d " % nextcard
return nextcard
a_game = Game("deal")