I wrote this program to remove comments from a C source file, accepting a file name from the command prompt. Let me know if I missed anything or if there are any improvements that can be made in the program.
void m_cmnt( FILE *fp )
int prev=0 , ch ;
while ((ch=getc(fp))!=EOF)
if ( prev== '*' && ch == '/')
return ;
prev=ch ;
void s_cmnt( FILE *fp )
int ch ;
while ( (ch=getc(fp))!='\n' && ch!=EOF )
int main ( int c , char **arr )
FILE *fp , *np ;
int ch , prev=0 ;
bool String=0 ;
fp = fopen(arr[1] , "r") ;
np = fopen("temp.txt" , "w") ;
if (fp==NULL )
printf ("Invalid/No Filename given as Argument ! \n") ;
return 1 ;
while ((ch=getc(fp))!=EOF )
/* file pointer currently not inside a string */
if ( !String )
if ( ch=='/' )
prev=ch ;
ch= getc(fp) ;
case '*' : m_cmnt( fp) ;
break ;
case '/' : s_cmnt( fp) ;
break ;
default : putc(prev , np) ;
putc(ch , np) ;
break ;
else putc( ch ,np ) ;
else putc(ch , np) ;
if ( ch=='\"')
String = !String ;
prev = ch ;
fclose(fp) ;
fclose(np) ;
remove(arr[1]) ;
rename( "temp.txt" , arr[1] ) ;
return 0 ;