I have a hierarchy of types in my program and need to be able to create them dynamically at runtime. The solution I've come up with below is not the most elegant solution. Are there ways of improving it?
Specifically would it be possible to have the method getBuilderFor(...)
not need to instantiate the type it's trying to create in order to get a builder for that type?
public class Main {
public interface E { }
public class EImpl implements E { }
public interface C<V> extends E {
interface Builder<T> { T build(); }
public abstract class CImpl<T> extends EImpl implements C<T> {
public abstract class BuilderImpl<V extends C<?>> implements Builder<V>{ }
public interface B extends C<String> { }
public class BImpl extends CImpl<String> implements B {
public class BuilderImpl extends CImpl<B>.BuilderImpl<B> {
@Override public B build() { return new BImpl(); }
public interface D extends C<Double> { }
public class DImpl extends CImpl<Double> implements D {
public class BuilderImpl extends CImpl<D>.BuilderImpl<D> {
@Override public D build() { return new DImpl(); }
public class Factory {
public <R extends C<?>, K extends C.Builder<R>> K getBuilderFor(final Class<R> type) {
if (BImpl.class.equals(type)) {
// I would ideally like to just have return BImpl.BuilderImpl() here - is it possible?
return (K) new BImpl().new BuilderImpl();
} else if (DImpl.class.equals(type)) {
// I would ideally like to just have return DImpl.BuilderImpl() here - is it possible?
return (K) new DImpl().new BuilderImpl();
return null;