
I wrote the following piece of code and want to hear your opinion, in this snippet I have a vector called aggregateFeaturesForML which has elements of Class with 3 fields: sourceip, key, value. what I want is to collect all the key-value pairs that have the same sourceip and form a nice histogram (for each IP the keys are unique), for that purpose I collect the key-value pairs in a map called histogram and then use its toString function to print a {key=value, key=value} formation. I store the histograms inside another map called aggregator.

Any comments on the readability, writing manner, other stuff will be appritiated.


private HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String> > aggregator;
protected Vector<SingleResult> aggregateFeaturesForML = new Vector<SingleResult>(); //Single result has 3 fields: IP, key, value


        String previousIp = aggregateFeaturesForML.get(0).getSourceip();
            aggregator.put(previousIp, new HashMap<String, String>());

        HashMap<String, String> histogram = new HashMap<String, String>(); 
        for(int iterator=0;iterator<aggregateFeaturesForML.size();iterator++)
            SingleResult sr = aggregateFeaturesForML.get(iterator);
            String ip = sr.getSourceip();

            if(ip != previousIp)
                HashMap<String, String> mapForIP = aggregator.get(previousIp); 
                mapForIP.put(key, histogram.toString());
                aggregator.put(previousIp, mapForIP);

                    aggregator.put(ip, new HashMap<String, String>());

                previousIp = ip;

            histogram.put(sr.getKey(), sr.getValue());
        HashMap<String, String> mapForIP = aggregator.get(previousIp);
        mapForIP.put(key, histogram.toString());
        aggregator.put(previousIp, mapForIP);

1 Answer 1

  • Beware of hard-coding the first element of a list like aggregateFeaturesForML.get(0). This can throw an exception is aggregateFeaturesForML is empty so you should check for that first.
  • Do not compare String with == (or !=). In the following

    if(ip != previousIp)

    you are comparing the Strings ip and previousIp with !=. Strings are compared using their equals method, so you should have instead:

  • Prefer to program against interfaces. Instead of

    HashMap<String, String> mapForIP = aggregator.get(previousIp);


    Map<String, String> mapForIP = aggregator.get(previousIp);

As a side-note, if you are using Java 8, your code could be written a lot more simply using the Stream API, that directly provides a way to group elements with a classifier, using the groupingBy collector. In this case, when two elements are classified the same way, they are collected into a Map with the toMap collector.

Map<String, Map<String, String>> aggregator =
                              Collectors.toMap(SingleResult::getKey, SingleResult::getValue)
  • \$\begingroup\$ Hello and thank you for your answer, very important notes! I will take them into account and should try this collector thing! \$\endgroup\$
    – Anton.P
    Feb 2, 2016 at 10:02

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