
(See the next iteration.)

I have rewritten a Fibonacci heap implementation from Java to C.



#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

    typedef struct fibonacci_heap_t fibonacci_heap_t;

    * Allocates a new, empty heap with given degree.                           *
    fibonacci_heap_t* fibonacci_heap_t_alloc(size_t initial_capacity,
                                   float load_factor,
                                   size_t (*p_hash_function)(void*),
                                   bool (*p_equals_function)(void*, void*),
                                   int (*p_priority_compare_function)(void*, 

    * Adds a new element and its priority to the heap only if it is not        *
    * already present.                                                         *
    bool fibonacci_heap_t_add(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap, 
                              void* p_element, 
                              void* p_priority);

    * Attempts to assign a higher priority to the element. Return true only    *       
    * if the structure of the heap changed due to this call.                   * 
    bool fibonacci_heap_t_decrease_key(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap, 
                                       void* p_element, 
                                       void* p_priority);

    * Return true only if the element is in the heap.                          * 
    bool fibonacci_heap_t_contains_key(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap, 
                                       void* p_element);

    * Removes the highest priority element and returns it.                     * 
    void* fibonacci_heap_t_extract_min(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap);

    * Returns the highest priority element without removing it.                * 
    void* fibonacci_heap_t_min(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap);

    * Returns the size of this heap.                                           * 
    int fibonacci_heap_t_size(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap);

    * Drops all the contents of the heap. Only internal structures are         *
    * deallocated; the user is responsible for memory-managing the contents.   * 
    void fibonacci_heap_t_clear(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap);

    * Checks that the heap maintains the min-heap property.                    *
    bool fibonacci_heap_t_is_healthy(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap);

    * Deallocates the entire heap with its internal structures. The client     *
    * programmer must, however, memory-manage the contents.                    * 
    void fibonacci_heap_t_free(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap);

#ifdef  __cplusplus

#endif  /* HEAP_H */


#include "fibonacci_heap.h"
#include "unordered_map.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

static const double LOG_PHI = 0.4813;
static const size_t DEFAULT_NODE_ARRAY_CAPACITY = 16;

typedef struct fibonacci_heap_node_t {
    void*                         p_element;
    void*                         p_priority;
    struct fibonacci_heap_node_t* p_parent;
    struct fibonacci_heap_node_t* p_left;
    struct fibonacci_heap_node_t* p_right;
    struct fibonacci_heap_node_t* p_child;
    size_t                        degree;
    bool                          marked;
} fibonacci_heap_node_t;

typedef struct fibonacci_heap_t {
    unordered_map_t*        p_node_map;
    fibonacci_heap_node_t*  p_minimum_node;
    fibonacci_heap_node_t** p_node_array;
    size_t                  node_array_capacity;
    size_t                (*p_hash_function)(void*);
    bool                  (*p_equals_function)(void*, void*);
    int                   (*p_key_compare_function)(void*, void*);
} fibonacci_heap_t;

static fibonacci_heap_node_t* fibonacci_heap_node_t_alloc(void* p_element, 
                                                          void* p_priority) {
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* p_node = malloc(sizeof(fibonacci_heap_node_t));

    if (!p_node) 
        return NULL;

    p_node->p_element  = p_element;
    p_node->p_priority = p_priority;
    p_node->p_parent   = NULL;
    p_node->p_left     = p_node;
    p_node->p_right    = p_node;
    p_node->p_child    = NULL;
    p_node->degree     = 0U;
    p_node->marked     = false;

    return p_node;

fibonacci_heap_t_alloc(size_t map_initial_capacity,
                       float load_factor,
                       size_t (*p_hash_function)(void*),
                       bool (*p_equals_function)(void*, void*),
                       int (*p_key_compare_function)(void*, void*))
    fibonacci_heap_t* p_ret;

    if (!p_hash_function)        return NULL;
    if (!p_equals_function)      return NULL;
    if (!p_key_compare_function) return NULL;

    p_ret = malloc(sizeof(fibonacci_heap_t));

    if (!p_ret) return NULL;

    p_ret->p_node_array = malloc(sizeof(fibonacci_heap_node_t*) *

    if (!p_ret->p_node_array) 
        return NULL;

    p_ret->node_array_capacity = DEFAULT_NODE_ARRAY_CAPACITY;
    p_ret->p_node_map = unordered_map_t_alloc(map_initial_capacity, 

    if (!p_ret->p_node_map)
        return NULL;

    p_ret->p_minimum_node         = NULL;
    p_ret->p_hash_function        = p_hash_function;
    p_ret->p_equals_function      = p_equals_function;
    p_ret->p_key_compare_function = p_key_compare_function;

    return p_ret;

bool fibonacci_heap_t_add(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap, 
                          void* p_element, 
                          void* p_priority) 
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* p_node;

    if (!p_heap) return false;
    if (unordered_map_t_contains_key(p_heap->p_node_map, 
        /*printf("Element fail: %d\n", p_element);*/
        return false;

    p_node = fibonacci_heap_node_t_alloc(p_element, p_priority);

    if (!p_node) return false;

    if (p_heap->p_minimum_node)
        p_node->p_left = p_heap->p_minimum_node;
        p_node->p_right = p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_right;
        p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_right = p_node;
        p_node->p_right->p_left = p_node;

        if (p_heap->p_key_compare_function(p_priority, 
                                           p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_priority) < 0) 
            p_heap->p_minimum_node = p_node;
    else p_heap->p_minimum_node = p_node;

    unordered_map_t_put(p_heap->p_node_map, p_element, p_node);
    return true;

static void cut(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap,
                fibonacci_heap_node_t* x, 
                fibonacci_heap_node_t* y)
    x->p_left->p_right = x->p_right;
    x->p_right->p_left = x->p_left;

    if (y->p_child == x) 
        y->p_child = x->p_right;

    if (y->degree == 0) 
        y->p_child = NULL;

    x->p_left = p_heap->p_minimum_node;
    x->p_right = p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_right;
    p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_right = x;
    x->p_right->p_left = x;

    x->p_parent = NULL;
    x->marked = false;

static void cascading_cut(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap, fibonacci_heap_node_t* y)
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* z = y->p_parent;

    if (z)
        if (y->marked)
            cut(p_heap, y, z);
            cascading_cut(p_heap, z);
            y->marked = true;

bool fibonacci_heap_t_decrease_key(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap, 
                                   void* p_element, 
                                   void* p_priority)
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* x;
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* y;

    if (!p_heap) return false;

    x = unordered_map_t_get(p_heap->p_node_map, p_element);

    if (!x) return false;

    if (p_heap->p_key_compare_function(x->p_priority, p_priority) <= 0)
        /* Cannot improve priority of the input element. */
        return false;

    x->p_priority = p_priority;
    y = x->p_parent;

    if (y && p_heap->p_key_compare_function(x->p_priority, y->p_priority) < 0) 
        cut(p_heap, x, y);
        cascading_cut(p_heap, y);

    if (p_heap->p_key_compare_function(x->p_priority, p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_priority) < 0)
        p_heap->p_minimum_node = x;

    return true;

static bool check_array(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap, size_t size)
    if (p_heap->node_array_capacity < size) 
        p_heap->p_node_array = malloc(sizeof(fibonacci_heap_t*) * size);

        if (!p_heap->p_node_array) 
            return false;

        p_heap->node_array_capacity = size;
        return true;
        return true;

static void link(fibonacci_heap_node_t* y, fibonacci_heap_node_t* x)
    y->p_left->p_right = y->p_right;
    y->p_right->p_left = y->p_left;

    y->p_parent = x;

    if (!x->p_child)
        x->p_child = y;
        y->p_right = y;
        y->p_left = y;
        y->p_left = x->p_child;
        y->p_right = x->p_child->p_right;
        x->p_child->p_right = y;
        y->p_right->p_left = y;

    y->marked = false;

static void consolidate(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap)
    size_t array_size = 
                      / LOG_PHI)) + 1;
    size_t number_of_roots;
    size_t degree;
    size_t i;
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* x;
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* y;
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* tmp;
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* next;

    check_array(p_heap, array_size);

    /* Set the internal node array components to NULL. */
           array_size * sizeof(fibonacci_heap_node_t*));

    number_of_roots = 0;
    x = p_heap->p_minimum_node;

    if (x) 
        x = x->p_right;

        while (x != p_heap->p_minimum_node)
            x = x->p_right;

    while (number_of_roots > 0) 
        degree = x->degree;
        next = x->p_right;

            y = p_heap->p_node_array[degree];

            if (!y) break;

            if (p_heap->p_key_compare_function(x->p_priority, 
                                               y->p_priority) > 0) 
                tmp = y;
                y = x;
                x = tmp;

            link(y, x);
            p_heap->p_node_array[degree] = NULL;

        p_heap->p_node_array[degree] = x;
        x = next;

    p_heap->p_minimum_node = NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < array_size; ++i) 
        y = p_heap->p_node_array[i];

        if (!y) continue;

        if (p_heap->p_minimum_node) 
            y->p_left->p_right = y->p_right;
            y->p_right->p_left = y->p_left;

            y->p_left = p_heap->p_minimum_node;
            y->p_right = p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_right;
            p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_right = y;
            y->p_right->p_left = y;

            if (p_heap->p_key_compare_function(
                   p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_priority) < 0)
                p_heap->p_minimum_node = y;
            p_heap->p_minimum_node = y;

void* fibonacci_heap_t_extract_min(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap)
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* z;
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* x;
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* tmp_right;
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* node_to_free;

    void* p_ret;
    size_t number_of_children;

    if (!p_heap) return NULL;

    z = p_heap->p_minimum_node;

    if (!z) return NULL; /* Heap is empty. */

    number_of_children = z->degree;
    x = z->p_child;

    while (number_of_children > 0) 
        tmp_right = x->p_right;

        x->p_left->p_right = x->p_right;
        x->p_right->p_left = x->p_left;

        x->p_left = p_heap->p_minimum_node;
        x->p_right = p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_right;
        p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_right = x;
        x->p_right->p_left = x;

        x->p_parent = NULL;
        x = tmp_right;

    z->p_left->p_right = z->p_right;
    z->p_right->p_left = z->p_left;

    p_ret = p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_element;

    if (z == z->p_right)
        node_to_free = p_heap->p_minimum_node;
        p_heap->p_minimum_node = NULL;
        node_to_free = p_heap->p_minimum_node;
        p_heap->p_minimum_node = z->p_right;
//        puts("Before consolidate");
//        puts("After  consolidate");

    unordered_map_t_remove(p_heap->p_node_map, p_ret);
    return p_ret;

void fibonacci_heap_t_free(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap)
    if (!p_heap) 

    if (p_heap->p_node_array) 

    if (p_heap->p_node_map)


bool fibonacci_heap_t_contains_key(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap, void* p_element)
    if (!p_heap) return false;

    return unordered_map_t_contains_key(p_heap->p_node_map, p_element);

void* fibonacci_heap_t_min(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap)
    if (!p_heap)                return NULL;
    if (p_heap->p_minimum_node) return p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_element;

    return NULL;

int fibonacci_heap_t_size(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap)
    if (!p_heap) return 0;
    return unordered_map_t_size(p_heap->p_node_map);

static void clear_nodes_impl(fibonacci_heap_node_t* node)
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* current;
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* next_sibling;

    if (!node->p_child) 

    current = node->p_child;

    while (true) 
        next_sibling = current->p_right;
        current = next_sibling;

        if (current == node->p_child)

void fibonacci_heap_t_clear(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap)
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* current;

    if (!p_heap) return;
    if (!p_heap->p_minimum_node) return;

    current = p_heap->p_minimum_node;

    while (true)
        current = current->p_right;

        if (current == p_heap->p_minimum_node) break;


static bool tree_is_healthy(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap,
                            fibonacci_heap_node_t* node)
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* begin;

    if (!node)          return true;

    begin = node;

    while (true) 
        if (p_heap->p_key_compare_function(node->p_priority, 
                                           node->p_parent->p_priority) < 0) 
            return false;

        if (!tree_is_healthy(p_heap, node)) return false;

        begin = begin->p_right;

        if (begin == node) return false;

    return true;

static bool check_root_list(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap)
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* current = p_heap->p_minimum_node;

    while (true)
        if (p_heap->
                                       p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_priority) < 0) 
            return false;

        current = current->p_right;

        if (current == p_heap->p_minimum_node) return true;

bool fibonacci_heap_t_is_healthy(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap)
    fibonacci_heap_node_t* root;

    if (!p_heap) return false;
    if (!p_heap->p_minimum_node) return true;

    /* Check that in the root list, 'minimum_node' points to the node
       with largest priority. 
    if (!check_root_list(p_heap)) return false;

    root = p_heap->p_minimum_node;

    /* Check that all trees are min-heap ordered: the priority of any child is
     * not higher than the priority of its parent. */
    while (root)
        if (!tree_is_healthy(p_heap, root->p_child))
            return false;

        root = root->p_right;

        if (root == p_heap->p_minimum_node) return true;

(You can find everything necessary for demonstration here.)

Since I have no prior experience of writing C code in a professional setting, I came up with this list of questions:

  1. I heard that _t prefix is reserved for data types in POSIX; how should I go about making it clear that an identifier is a type name?
  2. Is it OK to prepend pointer variables with p_?
  3. (Not errors!) Compilation (clang) gives me a long list of related warnings. The program "works", yet I would like to get rid of them.
  4. What is the best way of using curly braces?
  5. Should I use "shortcut" variables? For instance, my_list instead of data->db->...->list.
  6. Can you spot any chance of memory leaks?
  7. Please tell me anything that comes to mind.
  • \$\begingroup\$ the end of function: fibonacci_heap_t_is_healthy() contains a extra closing brace '}' \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 27, 2016 at 16:19
  • \$\begingroup\$ the declaration of the typedef's within the fibonacci_heap.c file is in conflict with the typedef within the fibonacci_heap.h file. strongly suggest: 1) remove the current typedef from the header file 2) move the typedefs from the source file to the header file \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 27, 2016 at 16:23
  • \$\begingroup\$ the function: fibonacci_heap_t_is_healthy() needs the statement: return false; inserted before the final closing brace '}' \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 27, 2016 at 16:48
  • \$\begingroup\$ if your compiling with the -Wconversion parameter, then this line: size_t array_size = (size_t)(floor (log (unordered_map_t_size(p_heap->p_node_map) ) / LOG_PHI)) + 1; will raise a warning. suggest changing to: size_t array_size = (size_t)(floor (log ((double)unordered_map_t_size(p_heap->p_node_map) ) / LOG_PHI)) + 1; \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 27, 2016 at 16:53

1 Answer 1


In regards to your questions:

  1. I see no real benefit of suffixing struct types with _t - it just adds clutter.

  2. As well prefixing every pointer with p_ introduces a lot of clutter and makes the code harder to read since now all identifiers start with the same prefix - this typically means your brain has to do a lot more work and read a lot more characters before it can identify the actual variable name.

  3. Errm, well then fix them :). Turn on "Treat Warnings As Errors" (in clang it's the -Werror flag) - this provides a good incentive to fix them.

  4. The best way is to use them consistently. So this:

    else p_heap->p_minimum_node = p_node;

    should be this (since that is your default bracing style):

        p_heap->p_minimum_node = p_node;
  5. It's ok to use a local variable to store the value of some lengthy de-referencing sequence if it's used more than once in the scope. Although something like data->db->...->list would be a bit of a code smell indicating that your abstractions are not quite right.

  6. Glancing over the code it seems ok. But if you want to be sure: Write unit tests and use a tool like valgrind to check for memory leaks. Some unit test frameworks like Cpputest have build-in memory checking which can be handy.

  7. See below.

A few other things:

  1. Since fibonacci_heap_node_t is local to just the implementation file, it could be shortened to heap_node - this will make a few lines somewhat shorter.

  2. As mentioned in a comment: You already have a typedef for fibonacci_heap_t in your header - don't put one in your implementation.

  3. In fibonacci_heap_t_alloc the variable to hold the return value is badly named as p_ret - it's returning the heap so the best way to name it is heap.

  4. fibonacci_heap_t_add returns false in a whole range of scenarios.

    1. Programmer error (the passed in heap pointer is NULL)
    2. Failed to allocate memory
    3. The element already exists in the heap (this may be perfectly fine)

    The first two are probably fatal and only the 3rd one is a possibly expected situation. You may want to consider to implement your own error codes along the lines of errno, perror and strerror. Change your methods to return error codes where sensible (i.e. on the public interface methods).

  5. check_array seems to a very bad name for a method which resizes an array to a specific size. Also you may want to consider realloc.

  6. In fibonacci_heap_t_min I would change the logic around to deal with the NULL cases first and use the standard case as the main return line like this:

    void* fibonacci_heap_t_min(fibonacci_heap_t* p_heap)
        if (!p_heap)                 return NULL;
        if (!p_heap->p_minimum_node) return NULL;
        return p_heap->p_minimum_node->p_element;
  • \$\begingroup\$ Due to possible memory fragmentation, if realloc fails, there is however chance that malloc/calloc will succeed? \$\endgroup\$
    – coderodde
    Commented Jan 29, 2016 at 7:20
  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ @coderodde: Not really, realloc will try to allocate a new block if the current one cannot be expanded. It will automatically copy the memory if that's the case. \$\endgroup\$
    – ChrisWue
    Commented Jan 29, 2016 at 7:32

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