I'm working on several projects involving Telegram bots and I've decided to make a library that meets my needs. Basically, there is already a Python library for Telegram bots (import telegram
in my code), but I wanted to wrap it to make it even more convenient to me.
In terms of functionality it works fine. But I'm a self-educated programmer, so I realize that my code often lacks consistency and readability. That's why I'm here, looking for advices on how to understand how to write the code efficiently.
Any critique is welcome, regarding formatting, more efficient and fast code flow, or whatever; and here are the specific questions that concern me:
- I use PyCharm and it suggests me to make some methods in class static. For example,
. As I understand, it is because they don't use anything from within the class, so they are instance-independent (I might be wrong). Is making them@staticmethod
really beneficial? Maybe, memory usage is better? - I can pass several functions to my main loop, specified in
. Their roles are described in the code (I hope I wrote it fine). But sometimes I may not need, for example,termination_function
. I thought about passingNone
as a default parameter, butNone
is not callable, so I pass an emptydummyFunction
which does nothing. Maybe I can do it better somehow instead? - There is a
parameter which I want to remain constant. But I had an urge to put it into the class as a static variable. Is it an acceptable practice to use global variables from outside a class in the class? - Errors happen, and my code handles them and prints them. But I need a way for it to print detailed data on an error. I mean, when I run a code in terminal and it encounters an error (outside
), it prints it in a very detailed manner, with a full tree of functions, files and line numbers leading to the error. I've been browsing the web and the best I could find wassys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno
which I use, for example, in mysendMessage()
. It is far from being detailed and does not lead me to where this error actually happened. Is there some way to recieve and print a detailed error log when it is caught andexcept:...
is triggered? - Methods like
(contained insendMessage()
are very simple, they just have someif...elif...else...
statements with one operation. I've seen people writing one-operation statements in a single line, like I did here. PyCharm doesn't like it at all and shows warnings. So I want to know, is it better in terms of code consistency and readability to write such statements on separate lines, or is it okay to leave them like this? - I often see people use
in their classes. But I still can't understand how they determine whether a method should be public, private or "weakly-private" (I'm not sure what a single underscore does). Looking for recommendations in this affair as well. - PyCharm formats docstrings automatically for me. As I understand, it is reST syntax. It's said to be widely used, but there are competitors? Should I stick to it or it is better to use some other docstring syntax?
- Since Python is not strict about types, I think I need to specify the types of arguments and return values. Should I write it plainly in
:param x:
? - I tend to use
while True
with breaks, especially in functions that rely on connection to some external server, downloading/uploading functions, etc., but people often tell that usingwhile True
with breaks is a bad practice. If so, what can I replace them with?
#!/usr/bin/python3 -u
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import telegram
import socket
from os import path, makedirs
import sys
from time import sleep
# if a connection is lost and getUpdates takes too long, an error is raised
# logging settings to make them more readable and informative
logging.basicConfig(format=u'[%(asctime)s] %(filename)s[LINE:%(lineno)d]# %(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
def dummyFunction(*args, **kwargs):
Does nothing, used as a placeholder
:return: None
class telegramHigh:
telegramHigh is a library that helps handling Telegram bots in Python.
def __init__(self, token):
:param token: Telegram bot token. Can be received from BotFather.
:return: None
super(telegramHigh, self).__init__()
# an identifier of the last update object.
self.LAST_UPDATE_ID = None
# Initialize bot
self.bot = telegram.Bot(token)
def isPhoto(update):
Returns true if the given message is a Photo.
:param update: an update object containing a message.
:return: True or False
if update.message.photo: return True
else: return False
except AttributeError:
return False
def isDocument(update):
Returns true if the given message is a Document (a File).
:param update: an update object containing a message.
:return: True or False
if update.message.document: return True
else: return False
except AttributeError:
return False
def breakLongMessage(msg):
Breaks a message that is too long.
:param msg: message to be split
:return: a list of message pieces
# let's split the message by newlines first
result_split = msg.split("\n")
# the result will be stored here
broken = []
# splitting routine
while result_split:
result = ""
while True:
if result_split:
result += result_split.pop(0) + "\n"
if len(result) > MAX_CHARS_PER_MESSAGE:
if result:
n_parts = int(len(result) / MAX_CHARS_PER_MESSAGE + 1)
for i in range(n_parts):
broken += [result[i * len(result) // n_parts:(i + 1) * len(result) // n_parts]]
return broken
def sendMessage(self, chat_id, message, key_markup="SAME", preview=True, markdown=False, reply_to=None):
Sends a text message to Telegram user
:param chat_id: ID of chat
:param message: text to send
:param key_markup: a list representing a custom keyboard markup to show to user.
If "SAME", use the same markup as before.
If None, hide the custom keyboard.
:param preview: Should a link in a message generate a page preview within a message?
:param markdown: Should a message support markdown formatting?
:param reply_to: An id of an existing message. A sent message will be a reply to that message.
:return: None
def markup(m):
if not m: return telegram.ReplyKeyboardHide()
elif m == "SAME": return None
else: return telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(m)
logging.warning("Replying to " + str(chat_id) + ": " + message)
fulltext = self.breakLongMessage(message)
for text in fulltext:
# iterating over parts of a long split message
while True:
if text:
self.bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, telegram.ChatAction.TYPING)
parse_mode='Markdown' if markdown else None,
disable_web_page_preview=(not preview),
except Exception as e:
if "Message is too long" in str(e):
self.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, message="Error: Message is too long!")
elif ("urlopen error" in str(e)) or ("timed out" in str(e)):
logging.error("Could not send message. Retrying! Error: " + str(
sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ": " + str(e))
"Could not send message. Error: " + str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ": " + str(e))
def sendPic(self, chat_id, pic, caption=None):
Sends a picture in a Telegram message to a user. Retries if fails.
:param chat_id: ID of chat
:param pic: a picture file. Preferably the object created with open()
:param caption: a text that goes together with picture ina message.
:return: None
while True:
logging.debug("Picture: " + str(pic))
self.bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, telegram.ChatAction.UPLOAD_PHOTO)
# set file read cursor to the beginning.
# This ensures that if a file needs to be re-read (may happen due to exception), it is read from the beginning.
self.bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=chat_id, photo=pic, caption=caption)
except Exception as e:
"Could not send picture. Retrying! Error: " + str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ": " + str(e))
def getUpdates(self):
Gets updates. Updates are basically messages sent to bot from users.
Retries if it fails.
:return: a list of update objects
# if getting updates fails - retry
updates = []
while True:
updates = self.bot.getUpdates(offset=self.LAST_UPDATE_ID)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Could not read updates. Retrying! Error: " +
str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + ": " + str(e))
return updates
def getFileID(self, update, photoIndex=-1):
Gets the file_id of a file contained in a message. Empty string if there is no file.
:param update: update object containing a message.
:param photoIndex: a photo message contains a picture in various resolutions.
This determines which one should be picked.
By default it is the last one, which has the highest resolution.
:return: file_id
if self.isPhoto(update):
file_id = update.message.photo[photoIndex]['file_id']
elif self.isDocument(update):
file_id = update.message.document['file_id']
file_id = ""
return file_id
def getFileByID(self, file_id):
Gets a `File` object based on file_id.
:param file_id:
:return: `File`
return self.bot.getFile(file_id)
def getFileByUpdate(self, update, photoIndex=-1):
Gets a `File` object based on update object.
:param update: update object containing a message.
:param photoIndex: a photo message contains a picture in various resolutions.
This determines which one should be picked.
By default it is the last one, which has the highest resolution.
:return: `File`
file_id = self.getFileID(update, photoIndex)
return self.getFileByID(file_id)
def getFullPath(self, update, photoIndex=-1):
Gets a full path (URL) of a file contained in a message.
:param update: update object containing a message.
:param photoIndex: a photo message contains a picture in various resolutions.
This determines which one should be picked.
By default it is the last one, which has the highest resolution.
:return: full URL path to file
File = self.getFileByUpdate(update, photoIndex)
pth = File.file_path
return pth
def getFullName(self, update, photoIndex=-1):
Gets a filename (with extension) which is assigned by Telegram to a file contained in a message.
:param update: update object containing a message.
:param photoIndex: a photo message contains a picture in various resolutions.
This determines which one should be picked.
By default it is the last one, which has the highest resolution.
:return: full neame of a file
pth = self.getFullPath(update, photoIndex)
full_name = path.basename(pth)
return full_name
def getURLFileName(self, update, photoIndex=-1):
Gets a filename (without extension) which is assigned by Telegram to a file contained in a message.
:param update: update object containing a message.
:param photoIndex: a photo message contains a picture in various resolutions.
This determines which one should be picked.
By default it is the last one, which has the highest resolution.
:return: file name without extension
full_name = self.getFullName(update, photoIndex)
file_name = path.splitext(full_name)[0]
return file_name
def getFileExt(self, update, photoIndex=-1, no_dot=False):
Gets a filename (without extension) which is assigned by Telegram to a file contained in a message.
:param update: update object containing a message.
:param photoIndex: a photo message contains a picture in various resolutions.
This determines which one should be picked.
By default it is the last one, which has the highest resolution.
:param no_dot: removes a dot from file extension if True.
:return: file extension
pth = self.getFullPath(update, photoIndex)
file_ext = path.splitext(pth)[1]
if no_dot:
file_ext = file_ext.replace(".", "")
return file_ext
def getDocumentFileName(update):
Returns a filename (with extension) of a document (File) in a message.
It is the original name of a file, not the one that Telegram assigns to files.
Works only for file messages (not photo, text, etc.)
:param update: an update object containing a message
:return: a filename (with extension). Or empty string if update is not a document
document = update.message.document
if document:
return document["file_name"]
return ""
except AttributeError:
return ""
def getFileSize(self, update):
Returns the size of a file in a message.
:param update: an update object containing a message
:return: file size
file_id = self.getFileID(update)
File = self.getFileByID(file_id)
file_size = File['file_size']
return file_size
def downloadFile(self, file_id, custom_filepath=None):
Downloads the file with the given file_id to a specified location.
It can be from any type of message (Photo, Document, etc.)
:param file_id:
:param custom_filepath: A full path where a file should be saved.
If nothing is specified, it will be saved to current folder with a name that Telegram assigned to it.
Note: the extension specified in custom_filepath is ignored.
It is assigned automatically depending on the original extension (Document)
or the one Telegram assigned to a file (Photo)
:return: None
File = self.bot.getFile(file_id)
if custom_filepath:
# finding out the extension of an image file on Telegram server
file_name_with_path, file_ext = path.splitext(File.file_path)
# directory path to save image to
directory = path.dirname(custom_filepath)
# gluing together a filepath and extension, overriding one specified in arguments
custom_filepath = path.splitext(custom_filepath)[0] + file_ext
# create a directory if it doesn't exist
if directory:
makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
# download the file to a given directory
def start(self, processingFunction=dummyFunction, periodicFunction=dummyFunction,
termination_function=dummyFunction, slp=0.1):
Starts the main loop, which can handle termination on `KeyboardInterrupt` (e.g. Ctrl+C)
:param processingFunction: a function that is invoked in a current iteration of the loop
only if there are updates. An `update` argument containing a message object is passed to it.
:param periodicFunction: a function that is invoked in every iteration of the loop
regardless of presence of updates.
:param termination_function: a function that is invoked when the loop is terminated by user.
:param slp: a pause between loops to decrease load.
:return: None
while True:
# a function that is called regardless of updates' presence
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Terminated by user!")
# this ensures that LAST_UPDATE_ID is updated
# or else it will process already processed messages after restart
def updateProcessing(self, processingFunction=dummyFunction):
This function gets updates, passes them to `processingFunction` and updates the LAST_UPDATE_ID.
:param processingFunction: a function that is invoked in a current iteration of the loop
only if there are updates. An `update` argument containing a message object is passed to it.
:return: None
# basically, messages sent to bot
updates = self.getUpdates()
# main message processing routine
for update in updates:
logging.warning("Received message: " + str(
update.message.chat_id) + " " + update.message.from_user.username + " " + update.message.text)
# a functions that processes updates, one by one
# Updates global offset to get the new updates
self.LAST_UPDATE_ID = update.update_id + 1