I'm a novice programmer who is very new to JavaScript, and animation/graphics, and I have this breakout game on my flask website.
I tried to do as much as I could from scratch, and I'm unsure if my physics system and especially collision detection are done reasonably well. I get little collision bugs sometimes (a block not being removed from the list although the ball bounces properly, or ball bouncing through a block instead of bouncing off it). It seems to have more trouble running in Firefox. Advice on general coding issues is of course welcome as well.
<div id="game">
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="1000" height="700" style="border:1px solid black;">
(function() { // from https://gist.github.com/paulirish/1579671
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['webkit', 'moz'];
for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'];
window.cancelAnimationFrame =
window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)
window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) {
var currTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); },
lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
return id;
if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame)
window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) {
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var blocks = [];
var mousepos;
var paddle;
var balls = [];
var queueballs = [];
var maxspeed = 10;
var lasttime;
var pause = false;
var currentlevel = 0;
var levels = [];
var powerups = [];
var activepowerups = [];
var bullets = 0;
var lastshot;
var firedbullets = [];
window.onblur = function() {pause = true;}
window.onfocus = function() {
lasttime = null; // prevent physics bugs on refocus
pause = false;
function setCookie(cookiename, cookievalue) {
var dt = new Date();
dt.setFullYear(dt.getFullYear() + 1);
document.cookie = cookiename + "=" + cookievalue + ";expires=" + dt
function animate(time) {
var timedif;
if (!lasttime) {
lasttime = time;
timedif = 1;
} else {
timedif = (time - lasttime) / 20;
lasttime = time;
if (timedif > 2) {timedif = 1}; // trying to prevent lag from killing the physics
function drawGame(time) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for (var i=0;i<blocks.length;i++) {
if (queueballs.length > 0) {
var qball = queueballs[queueballs.length - 1]
qball.x = paddle.x + paddle.width / 2;
qball.y = paddle.y - qball.radius;
qball.vector = [0, 0];
for (var i=0;i<balls.length;i++) {
for (var i=0;i<activepowerups.length;i++) {
for (var i=0; i<firedbullets.length;i++) {
if (bullets > 0) {
if (!lastshot) {
lastshot = new Date().getTime();
} else {
var now = new Date().getTime()
if (now - lastshot > 750) {
lastshot = now;
ctx.font = "80px Arial";
ctx.fillStyle = "yellow";
ctx.fillText(queueballs.length + balls.length,25,680);
if (balls.length + queueballs.length == 0) {loseGame();}
else if (blocks.length == 0) {winGame();}
function winGame() {
currentlevel += 1;
if (currentlevel >= levels.length) {currentlevel = 0;alert("You win!");}
setCookie("breakout", currentlevel);
balls = [];
queueballs = [];
activepowerups = [];
bullets = 0;
function loseGame() {
blocks = [];
bullets = 0;
activepowerups = [];
function mouseClick() {
if (queueballs.length > 0) {
balls[balls.length - 1].vector = [4, -4];
function updatePhysics(time) {
if (pause) {return;}
for (var i=0;i<blocks.length;i++) {
var vector = blocks[i].vector;
blocks[i].x = blocks[i].x + vector[0];
blocks[i].y = blocks[i].y + vector[1];
for (var i=0;i<balls.length;i++) {
var vector = balls[i].vector;
balls[i].x = balls[i].x + vector[0] * time;
balls[i].y = balls[i].y + vector[1] * time;
if (balls[i].y > paddle.y + paddle.height) {
balls.splice(i, 1);
for (var i=0;i<activepowerups.length;i++) {
var vector = activepowerups[i].vector;
activepowerups[i].x += vector[0] * time;
activepowerups[i].y += vector[1] * time;
if (checkPowCatch(activepowerups[i])) {
activepowerups.splice(i, 1);
for (var i=0;i<firedbullets.length;i++) {
var vector = firedbullets[i].vector;
firedbullets[i].x += vector[0] * time;
firedbullets[i].y += vector[1] * time;
if (checkBulletHit(firedbullets[i])) {
firedbullets.splice(i, 1);
function updatePaddle() {
paddle.x = mousepos? mousepos.x - (paddle.width/2) : paddle.x;
function checkCollision(obj) {
if (obj.x - obj.radius <= 0) {obj.vector = [Math.abs(obj.vector[0]), obj.vector[1]];}; // wall collisions
if (obj.y - obj.radius <= 0) {obj.vector = [obj.vector[0], Math.abs(obj.vector[1])]}
if (obj.y + obj.radius >= canvas.height) {obj.vector = [obj.vector[0], -Math.abs(obj.vector[1])]}
if (obj.x + obj.radius >= canvas.width) {obj.vector = [-Math.abs(obj.vector[0]), obj.vector[1]]}
if (obj.y > paddle.y - obj.radius && obj.y < paddle.y + paddle.height / 2) { // paddle collision
if (obj.vector[1] > 0 && obj.x + obj.radius / 2 > paddle.x && obj.x - obj.radius / 2 < paddle.x + paddle.width) {
var vector = obj.vector;
var angle = (paddle.x + paddle.width / 2) - obj.x;
if (Math.abs(angle) < 15) {angle = 0}
var yvector = vector[1] < maxspeed? -(vector[1] + 0.6) : -vector[1];
obj.vector = [vector[0] - angle / 10, yvector];
for (var i=0;i<blocks.length;i++) { // block collision
if (checkClose(obj, blocks[i])) {
var quad = checkQuadrant(obj, blocks[i]);
if (checkHit(obj, blocks[i], quad)) {
blocks.splice(i, 1);
bounce(obj, quad);
function checkPowCatch(obj) {
if (obj.y > paddle.y - obj.radius && obj.y < paddle.y + paddle.height / 2) { // paddle collision
if (obj.vector[1] > 0 && obj.x + obj.radius / 2 > paddle.x && obj.x - obj.radius / 2 < paddle.x + paddle.width) {
return true;
function checkBulletHit(obj) {
for (var i=0;i<blocks.length;i++) {
if (obj.x + 4 >= blocks[i].x && obj.x <= blocks[i].x + blocks[i].width && obj.y < blocks[i].y + blocks[i].height) {
blocks.splice(i, 1);
return true;
function checkHit(obj, block, quadrant) {
if (quadrant == "top" || quadrant == "bottom") {
var y = quadrant == "top" ? block.y : block.y + block.height;
for (var x=block.x;x<block.x + block.width;x++) {
if (checkDistance(x, y, obj.x, obj.y) <= obj.radius) {
return true
} else {
var x = quadrant == "left" ? block.x : block.x + block.width;
for (var y=block.y;y<block.y + block.height;y++) {
if (checkDistance(x, y, obj.x, obj.y) <= obj.radius) {
return true
return false;
function bounce (obj, quadrant) {
var vector = obj.vector;
if (quadrant == "bottom") {
obj.vector = [vector[0], Math.abs(vector[1])];
} else if (quadrant == "top") {
obj.vector = [vector[0], -Math.abs(vector[1])];
} else if (quadrant == "right") {
obj.vector = [Math.abs(vector[0]), vector[1]];
} else {
obj.vector = [-Math.abs(vector[0]), vector[1]];
function checkClose(ball, block) {
blockcenter = [block.x + block.width / 2, block.y + block.height / 2];
centertoedge = checkDistance(block.x, block.y, blockcenter[0], blockcenter[1]);
if (checkDistance(ball.x, ball.y, blockcenter[0], blockcenter[1]) < centertoedge + ball.radius) {
return true
return false
function checkDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2));
function checkQuadrant(ball, block) {
var top = block.y;
var bottom = block.y + block.height;
var left = block.x;
var right = block.x + block.width;
if (ball.y > bottom && ball.x < block.x + block.width / 2) { // bottom left side
var b = left + bottom;
if (ball.y > -1 * ball.x + b) {return "bottom"}; // check line y > -1*x + b
return "left";
else if (ball.y > bottom) { // bottom right side
var b = bottom - right;
if (ball.y < ball.x + b) {return "right"}; // check line y > x + b
return "bottom";
else if (ball.y < top && ball.x < block.x + block.width / 2) { // top left side
var b = top - left;
if (ball.y > ball.x + b) {return "left"}
return "top";
else if (ball.y < top) { // top right side
var b = top + right;
if (ball.y < -1 * ball.x + b) {return "top"}
return "right"
else if (ball.x > right) { // right side
return "right"
else if (ball.x < left) { // left side
return "left"
function checkPowerup(block) {
if (Math.random() * 30 > 29) {
var pow = Math.round(Math.random() * (powerups.length - 1));
powerups[pow](block.x + block.width / 2, block.y + block.height / 2);
function getPosition(e, istouch) {
var xoffset = 0;
var yoffset = 0;
if (!e)
e = window.event;
var main = document.getElementById("main");
var game = document.getElementById("game");
xoffset += canvas.offsetLeft;
yoffset += canvas.offsetTop;
if (istouch) {
e = e.changedTouches[0];
var x = e.pageX - xoffset;
var y = e.pageY - yoffset;
return {"x": x, "y": y}
canvas.onmousemove = function(event) {
mousepos = getPosition(event);
canvas.ontouchmove = function (event) {
mousepos = getPosition(event, true);
canvas.onclick = function () {
function rect(x, y, w, h, vector, creator, ispaddle) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
this.vector = vector;
this.creator = function() {creator(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height)}
if (!ispaddle) {blocks.push(this);}
function circle(x, y, r, vector, creator, noque) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.radius = r;
this.vector = vector;
this.creator = function() {creator(this.x, this.y, this.radius)}
if (!noque) {queueballs.push(this);}
var redRect = function(x, y, w, h) {
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
var blueRect = function(x, y, w, h) {
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
var yellowBall = function(x, y, r) {
ctx.fillStyle = "yellow";
ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
function powerup(x, y, radius, vector, creator, power) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.radius = radius;
this.vector = vector;
this.creator = function() {creator(this.x, this.y)};
this.power = power;
var splitballpower = function () {
if (balls.length == 0) {
balls.push(new circle(paddle.x + paddle.width / 2, paddle.y - 20, 20, [4, -4], yellowBall, true));
var lastball = balls[balls.length - 1];
balls.push(new circle(lastball.x, lastball.y, 20, [4, -4], yellowBall, true));
balls.push(new circle(lastball.x, lastball.y, 20, [4, 4], yellowBall, true));
balls.push(new circle(lastball.x, lastball.y, 20, [-4, -4], yellowBall, true));
balls.push(new circle(lastball.x, lastball.y, 20, [-4, 4], yellowBall, true));
var splitball = function(x, y) {
ctx.fillStyle = "yellow";
powerups.push(function(x, y) {
new powerup(x, y, 15, [0, 3], splitball, splitballpower)
function bullet(x, y, vector, creator) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.vector = vector;
this.creator = function() {creator(this.x, this.y)};
var crbullet = function(x, y) {
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillRect(x, y, 4, 15);
function fireBullet() {
new bullet(paddle.x + paddle.width / 2 - 2, paddle.y, [0, -15], crbullet);
bullets -= 1;
var gunpower = function () {
bullets += 15;
var gunpowerup = function(x, y) {
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.fillRect(x - 13, y - 5, 26, 10);
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.fillRect(x - 1, y - 12, 2, 7);
powerups.push(function(x, y) {
new powerup(x, y, 15, [0, 4], gunpowerup, gunpower)
function level0() {
maxspeed = 10;
for (var q=0;q<3;q++) {
for (var i=1;i<21;i++) {
var block = new rect(50 + (i * 41), 50 + (q * 21), 40, 20, [0, 0], redRect);
var ball = new circle(200, 400, 30, [0, 0], yellowBall);
for (var i=0;i<2;i++) {
var ball = new circle(200, 400, 20, [0, 0], yellowBall);
paddle = new rect(400, 600, 100, 30, [0, 0], blueRect, true);
function level1() {
maxspeed = 10;
for (var i=0;i<40;i++) {
var block = new rect(Math.round(Math.random() * 900), Math.round(Math.random() * 500), 40, 20, [0, 0], redRect);
for (var i=0;i<3;i++) {
var ball = new circle(200, 400, 20, [0, 0], yellowBall);
paddle = new rect(400, 600, 100, 30, [0, 0], blueRect, true);
function level2() {
maxspeed = 10;
var alt = false;
for (var q=0;q<8;q++) {
for (var i=1;i<22;i++) {
if (alt) {
alt = false;
} else {alt = true;}
var block = new rect(30 + (i * 41), 50 + (q * 21), 40, 20, [0, 0], redRect);
for (var i=0;i<3;i++) {
var ball = new circle(200, 400, 20, [0, 0], yellowBall);
var ball = new circle(200, 400, 10, [0, 0], yellowBall);
paddle = new rect(400, 600, 100, 30, [0, 0], blueRect, true);
function level3() {
maxspeed = 10;
for (var q=0;q<4;q++) {
for (var i=1;i<21;i++) {
var block = new rect(50 + (i * 41), 50 + (q * 42), 40, 20, [0, 0], redRect);
for (var i=0;i<3;i++) {
var ball = new circle(200, 400, 10, [0, 0], yellowBall);
paddle = new rect(400, 600, 70, 30, [0, 0], blueRect, true);
function level4() {
maxspeed = 10;
for (var i=0;i<60;i++) {
var block = new rect(Math.round(Math.random() * 900), Math.round(Math.random() * 500), 60, 30, [0, 0], redRect);
for (var i=0;i<3;i++) {
var ball = new circle(200, 400, 30, [0, 0], yellowBall);
paddle = new rect(400, 600, 100, 30, [0, 0], blueRect, true);
function level5() {
maxspeed = 20;
for (var q=0;q<8;q++) {
for (var i=1;i<21;i++) {
if (Math.random() * 3 > 2) {continue;}
var block = new rect(50 + (i * 41), 50 + (q * 31), 40, 20, [0, 0], redRect);
for (var i=0;i<3;i++) {
var ball = new circle(200, 400, 20, [0, 0], yellowBall);
paddle = new rect(400, 600, 80, 30, [0, 0], blueRect, true);
var cookie = document.cookie.split("; ");
for (i=0;i<cookie.length;i++) {
var cooki = cookie[i].split("=");
if (cooki[0] == "breakout") {currentlevel = parseInt(cooki[1]);}