Here is my Haskell program designed to list all of my GitHub repos along with their descriptions and languages via the GitHub JSON APIs:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Word (Word16)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.Http.Client
import Network.HTTP.Link
import Network.URI
import OpenSSL
uriIsSsl :: URI -> Bool
uriIsSsl uri = uriScheme uri == "https:"
uriGetHostName :: URI -> Maybe String
uriGetHostName uri = uriRegName <$> uriAuthority uri
uriGetPort :: URI -> Word16 -> Maybe Word16
uriGetPort uri defaultPort = do
auth <- uriAuthority uri
return $ case uriPort auth of
"" -> defaultPort
p -> ( $ Prelude.tail p) :: Word16
uriGetFullPath :: URI -> String
uriGetFullPath uri = uriPath uri ++ uriQuery uri ++ uriFragment uri
containsLinkParam :: Link -> LinkParam -> Text -> Bool
containsLinkParam link linkParam value =
isJust $ L.find (\(lp, v) -> lp == linkParam && v == value) $ linkParams link
hasRelNext :: Link -> Bool
hasRelNext link = containsLinkParam link Rel "next"
findNextLink :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe Link
findNextLink value = do
links <- parseLinkHeader $ E.decodeUtf8 value
L.find hasRelNext links
getLinkHeader :: Response -> Maybe BS.ByteString
getLinkHeader p = getHeader p "Link"
nextLinkFromResponse :: Response -> Maybe Link
nextLinkFromResponse p = getLinkHeader p >>= findNextLink
openUri :: URI -> (Connection -> BS.ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
openUri uri f =
isSsl = uriIsSsl uri
hostName = C8.pack $ fromJust $ uriGetHostName uri
port = fromJust $ uriGetPort uri (if isSsl then 443 else 80)
fullPath = C8.pack $ uriGetFullPath uri
wrappedF c = f c fullPath
if isSsl
withOpenSSL $ do
ctx <- baselineContextSSL
withConnection (openConnectionSSL ctx hostName port) wrappedF
withConnection (openConnection hostName port) wrappedF
data Repo = Repo {
name :: String
, description :: String
, language :: Maybe String
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Repo
fetchRepos :: URI -> IO [Repo]
fetchRepos uri =
openUri uri $ \c fullPath -> do
request <- buildRequest $ do
http GET fullPath
setAccept "application/json"
setHeader "User-Agent" "MyGitHubApiClient"
sendRequest c request emptyBody
receiveResponse c $ \p i -> do
repos <- jsonHandler p i
nextRepos <- case nextLinkFromResponse p of
Just link -> fetchRepos $ href link
Nothing -> return []
return $ repos ++ nextRepos
main :: IO ()
main = do
repos <- fetchRepos $ fromJust $ parseURI ""
putStrLn $ show (Prelude.length repos) ++ " repos:"
forM_ repos $ \repo -> print repo
The trickiest thing I had to implement in this program was parsing and following "Link" headers in the HTTP response in order to deal with the API's built-in pagination behaviour. Fortunately, the http-link-header
module exists so I didn't have to write the parser from scratch. However, figuring out where to follow the Rel="next"
links was challenging at first.
I'm interested in hearing any constructive criticisms or suggestions, e.g.:
- Code that could be refactored into more idiomatic Haskell style
- Outright bugs
- Improvements to error handling
- Indentation!
I'd also welcome any suggestions about how I'd write automated tests for this code, given that much of the code is in the IO