
One of the latest refactorings for Rubberduck is Extract Interface. This refactoring will take a class, display all public members, and allow you to select which members you wish to include in your interface. Next, it creates the interface, adds Implement <Interface Name> to the top of the file, and calls Implement Interface to implement empty members of the interface. Unfortunately, due to the time to parse and resolve references, we chose to not rename the existing members.

enter image description here

This is the model for the refactoring:

public class ExtractInterfaceModel
    private readonly RubberduckParserState _parseResult;
    public RubberduckParserState ParseResult { get { return _parseResult; } }

    private readonly IEnumerable<Declaration> _declarations;
    public IEnumerable<Declaration> Declarations { get { return _declarations; } }

    private readonly QualifiedSelection _selection;
    public QualifiedSelection Selection { get { return _selection; } }

    private readonly Declaration _targetDeclaration;
    public Declaration TargetDeclaration { get { return _targetDeclaration; } }

    public string InterfaceName { get; set; }
    public List<InterfaceMember> Members { get; set; }

    private static readonly DeclarationType[] DeclarationTypes =

    public readonly string[] PrimitiveTypes =

    public ExtractInterfaceModel(RubberduckParserState parseResult, QualifiedSelection selection)
        _parseResult = parseResult;
        _selection = selection;
        _declarations = parseResult.AllDeclarations.ToList();

        _targetDeclaration =
                item =>
                    !item.IsBuiltIn && DeclarationTypes.Contains(item.DeclarationType)
                    && item.Project == selection.QualifiedName.Project
                    && item.QualifiedSelection.QualifiedName == selection.QualifiedName);

        InterfaceName = "I" + TargetDeclaration.IdentifierName;

         Members = _declarations.Where(item => !item.IsBuiltIn &&
                                            item.Project == _targetDeclaration.Project &&
                                            item.ComponentName == _targetDeclaration.ComponentName &&
                                            item.Accessibility == Accessibility.Public &&
                                            item.DeclarationType != DeclarationType.Variable &&
                                            item.DeclarationType != DeclarationType.Event)
                                 .OrderBy(o => o.Selection.StartLine)
                                 .ThenBy(t => t.Selection.StartColumn)
                                 .Select(d => new InterfaceMember(d, _declarations))

And the presenter:

public interface IExtractInterfacePresenter
    ExtractInterfaceModel Show();

public class ExtractInterfacePresenter : IExtractInterfacePresenter
    private readonly IExtractInterfaceView _view;
    private readonly ExtractInterfaceModel _model;

    public ExtractInterfacePresenter(IExtractInterfaceView view, ExtractInterfaceModel model)
        _view = view;
        _model = model;

    public ExtractInterfaceModel Show()
        if (_model.TargetDeclaration == null) { return null; }

        _view.ComponentNames =
            _model.TargetDeclaration.Project.VBComponents.Cast<VBComponent>().Select(c => c.Name).ToList();
        _view.InterfaceName = _model.InterfaceName;
        _view.Members = _model.Members;

        if (_view.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
            return null;

        _model.InterfaceName = _view.InterfaceName;
        _model.Members = _view.Members;
        return _model;

Next comes the refactoring:

public class ExtractInterfaceRefactoring : IRefactoring
    private readonly RubberduckParserState _state;
    private readonly IRefactoringPresenterFactory<ExtractInterfacePresenter> _factory;
    private readonly IActiveCodePaneEditor _editor;
    private ExtractInterfaceModel _model;

    public ExtractInterfaceRefactoring(RubberduckParserState state, IRefactoringPresenterFactory<ExtractInterfacePresenter> factory,
        IActiveCodePaneEditor editor)
        _state = state;
        _factory = factory;
        _editor = editor;

    public void Refactor()
        var presenter = _factory.Create();
        if (presenter == null)

        _model = presenter.Show();

        if (_model == null) { return; }


    public void Refactor(QualifiedSelection target)

    public void Refactor(Declaration target)

    private void AddInterface()
        var interfaceComponent = _model.TargetDeclaration.Project.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_ClassModule);
        interfaceComponent.Name = _model.InterfaceName;

        _editor.InsertLines(1, GetInterface());

        var module = _model.TargetDeclaration.QualifiedSelection.QualifiedName.Component.CodeModule;

        var implementsLine = module.CountOfDeclarationLines + 1;
        module.InsertLines(implementsLine, "Implements " + _model.InterfaceName);

        var qualifiedSelection = new QualifiedSelection(_model.TargetDeclaration.QualifiedSelection.QualifiedName,
            new Selection(implementsLine, 1, implementsLine, 1));

        var implementInterfaceRefactoring = new ImplementInterfaceRefactoring(_state, _editor, new MessageBox());

    private string GetInterface()
        return "Option Explicit" + Environment.NewLine + string.Join(Environment.NewLine, _model.Members.Where(m => m.IsSelected));

And the support classes, InterfaceMember and Parameter:

public class Parameter
    public string ParamAccessibility { get; set; }
    public string ParamName { get; set; }
    public string ParamType { get; set; }

    public override string ToString()
        return ParamAccessibility + " " + ParamName + " As " + ParamType;

public class InterfaceMember
    public Declaration Member { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Parameter> MemberParams { get; set; }
    public string Type { get; set; }

    public string MemberType { get; set; }
    public string PropertyType { get; set; }

    public bool IsSelected { get; set; }
    public string MemberSignature
            var signature = Member.IdentifierName + "(" +
                string.Join(", ", MemberParams.Select(m => m.ParamType)) + ")";

            return Type == null ? signature : signature + " As " + Type;

    public string FullMemberSignature
            var signature = Member.IdentifierName + "(" +
                string.Join(", ", MemberParams) + ")";

            return Type == null ? signature : signature + " As " + Type;

    public InterfaceMember(Declaration member, IEnumerable<Declaration> declarations)
        Member = member;
        Type = member.AsTypeName;


        MemberParams = declarations.Where(item => item.DeclarationType == DeclarationType.Parameter &&
                                      item.ParentScope == Member.Scope)
                                   .OrderBy(o => o.Selection.StartLine)
                                   .ThenBy(t => t.Selection.StartColumn)
                                   .Select(p => new Parameter
                                       ParamAccessibility = ((VBAParser.ArgContext)p.Context).BYREF() == null ? Tokens.ByVal : Tokens.ByRef,
                                       ParamName = p.IdentifierName,
                                       ParamType = p.AsTypeName

        if (PropertyType == "Get")
            MemberParams = MemberParams.Take(MemberParams.Count() - 1);

        IsSelected = false;

    private void GetMethodType()
        var context = Member.Context;

        var subStmtContext = context as VBAParser.SubStmtContext;
        if (subStmtContext != null)
            MemberType = Tokens.Sub;

        var functionStmtContext = context as VBAParser.FunctionStmtContext;
        if (functionStmtContext != null)
            MemberType = Tokens.Function;

        var propertyGetStmtContext = context as VBAParser.PropertyGetStmtContext;
        if (propertyGetStmtContext != null)
            MemberType = Tokens.Property;
            PropertyType = Tokens.Get;

        var propertyLetStmtContext = context as VBAParser.PropertyLetStmtContext;
        if (propertyLetStmtContext != null)
            MemberType = Tokens.Property;
            PropertyType = Tokens.Let;

        var propertySetStmtContext = context as VBAParser.PropertySetStmtContext;
        if (propertySetStmtContext != null)
            MemberType = Tokens.Property;
            PropertyType = Tokens.Set;

    public override string ToString()
        return "Public " + MemberType + " " + PropertyType + " " + FullMemberSignature + Environment.NewLine + "End " + MemberType +

This is the dialog code behind:

public partial class ExtractInterfaceDialog : Form, IExtractInterfaceView
    public string InterfaceName
        get { return InterfaceNameBox.Text; }
        set { InterfaceNameBox.Text = value; }

    private List<InterfaceMember> _members;
    public List<InterfaceMember> Members
        get { return _members; }
            _members = value;

    public List<string> ComponentNames { get; set; }

    public ExtractInterfaceDialog()

        InterfaceNameBox.TextChanged += InterfaceNameBox_TextChanged;
        InterfaceMembersGridView.CellValueChanged += InterfaceMembersGridView_CellValueChanged;
        SelectAllButton.Click += SelectAllButton_Click;
        DeselectAllButton.Click += DeselectAllButton_Click;

    void InterfaceNameBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

    void InterfaceMembersGridView_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
        _members.ElementAt(e.RowIndex).IsSelected =
            (bool) InterfaceMembersGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[e.ColumnIndex].Value;

    void SelectAllButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    void DeselectAllButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void InitializeParameterGrid()
        InterfaceMembersGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
        InterfaceMembersGridView.DataSource = Members;
        InterfaceMembersGridView.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Lavender;
        InterfaceMembersGridView.MultiSelect = false;

        var isSelected = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn
            AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells,
            Name = "IsSelected",
            DataPropertyName = "IsSelected",
            HeaderText = string.Empty,
            ReadOnly = false

        var signature = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
            AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill,
            Name = "Members",
            DataPropertyName = "MemberSignature",
            ReadOnly = true

        InterfaceMembersGridView.Columns.AddRange(isSelected, signature);

    void ToggleSelection(bool state)
        foreach (var row in InterfaceMembersGridView.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>())
            row.Cells["IsSelected"].Value = state;

    private void ValidateNewName()
        var tokenValues = typeof(Tokens).GetFields().Select(item => item.GetValue(null)).Cast<string>().Select(item => item);

        OkButton.Enabled = !ComponentNames.Contains(InterfaceName)
                           && char.IsLetter(InterfaceName.FirstOrDefault())
                           && !tokenValues.Contains(InterfaceName, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                           && !InterfaceName.Any(c => !char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) && c != '_');

        InvalidNameValidationIcon.Visible = !OkButton.Enabled;

Please tell me everything that can be improved with this code. The more non-trivial improvements you make, the better. Nitpicks are also welcome.

  • \$\begingroup\$ I think the signatures listed in the members list in the UI, should include the Public Sub or Function or Property Get or whatever - otherwise it's hard to tell what type of member you're extracting into the interface - icons could also help differentiate functions/methods from properties. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 27, 2015 at 1:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ Good idea. I'm not sure about the icons (where would I get them from?), but I will add the type to the display. \$\endgroup\$
    – user34073
    Commented Dec 27, 2015 at 2:32
  • \$\begingroup\$ You could reuse the member icons of the code explorer \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 27, 2015 at 2:48

1 Answer 1


This section of code feels funny to me.

private static readonly DeclarationType[] DeclarationTypes =

public readonly string[] PrimitiveTypes =

These really feel like they belong to another class. I'm not really sure what to name that class, but these belong closer to the Parser. Maybe they're static members of DeclarationTypes and Tokens respectively. Maybe they're extension methods, or maybe they both belong to some helper class, but I have a hard time believing that no other IRefactorings need to know which tokens are primitive types, or which declaration types are classes.

The other issue with these is that the arrays can be modified, if someone was silly enough to do it.

public readonly string[] PrimitiveTypes =

The readonly modifier only means that we can't assign the identifier a different reference. Nothing stops us from modifying the internals of the array. I'd reach for a ReadOnlyCollection of some kind. ReadOnlyCollection is designed to be a base class, so this gives us one more reason to extract these useful snippets into some bit of reusable code.

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Making them members of the Tokens class would definitely make sense, and would help remove these private static readonly arrays scattered throughout the code base. Good idea! As for declarations, perhaps all we need is a static DeclarationTypes class that "extends" the enum with these "groups of declaration types"... or a more judicous use of flags. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 26, 2015 at 21:45

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