I have a third-party object with asynchronous start and stop methods. Each start and stop may fail with exception. The object is not re-entrant, i.e. I can only call its start or stop method after the previous start/stop has completed.
I need to have a class that handles those transitions to the correct (=last asked) state, while minimizing the number of transitions, allowing my client to submit any number of start/stop requests from any thread at any time.
Currently, I’ve implemented that functionality as endless loop in the async method. However It’s too complex, the loop is over 4 pages long, on each iteration I need to manually switch between 8 states (with the following 3 bits: need to be started/stopped, did tried to start/stop, did failed/succeeded). And the complete class is ~10 pages long.
I have a feeling I might be missing something obvious here. And also that my code looks somewhat similar to what compiler does when compiling an async function. Is there a better way to approach the problem?
using awaiter = TaskCompletionSource<bool>;
using awaiterList = List<TaskCompletionSource<bool>>;
/// <summary>This is the API what we need to have. Looks simple, huh?</summary>
interface iStateMachine
/// <summary>Transition to started state, marshal exceptions to the Task</summary>
Task startupAsync();
/// <summary>Transition to started state, fire & forget way, marshal exceptions to the delegate.</summary>
void startup();
/// <summary>Transition to stopped state, marshal exceptions to the Task</summary>
Task shutdownAsync();
/// <summary>Transition to stopped state, fire & forget way, marshal exceptions to the delegate.</summary>
void shutdown();
class StateMachine: iStateMachine
/// <summary>Initialize</summary>
/// <param name="startup">Startup implementation</param>
/// <param name="shutdown">Shutdown implementation</param>
/// <param name="failed">The delegate to call if startup or shutdown fails while no client is awaiting on the task.</param>
public StateMachine( Func<Task> startup, Func<Task> shutdown, Action<Exception> failed )
if( null == startup || null == shutdown )
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if( null == failed )
failed = ( Exception ex ) => { };
m_startup = startup;
m_shutdown = shutdown;
m_failed = failed;
static void print( string fmt, params object[] args )
ConsoleEx.print( ConsoleColor.Blue, fmt, args );
public override string ToString()
lock ( syncRoot )
return String.Format( "State = {0}, desired = {1}", m_state, m_bShouldRun );
// True to perform state transitions in a thread pool thread, false to use the caller's thread
const bool bUseThreads = false;
readonly Func<Task> m_startup, m_shutdown;
readonly Action<Exception> m_failed;
readonly object syncRoot = new object();
enum eState : byte
eState m_state = eState.stopped;
bool m_bShouldRun = false;
awaiterList m_awStart = new awaiterList( 2 );
awaiterList m_awStop = new awaiterList( 2 );
static Task addTask( awaiterList list )
awaiter res = new awaiter();
list.Add( res );
return res.Task;
static Task completed()
return Task<bool>.FromResult( true );
public Task startupAsync()
Task res = null;
lock ( syncRoot )
if( m_state == eState.started )
print( "Already started" );
return completed(); // already started
m_bShouldRun = true;
res = addTask( m_awStart );
if( m_state == eState.pending )
return res; // pending = mainLoop should handle the state transition
m_state = eState.pending;
mainLoop( true );
return res;
public void startup()
lock ( syncRoot )
if( m_state == eState.started )
print( "Already started" );
return; // already started
m_bShouldRun = true;
if( m_state == eState.pending )
return; // pending = mainLoop should handle the state transition
m_state = eState.pending;
mainLoop( true );
public Task shutdownAsync()
Task res = null;
lock ( syncRoot )
if( m_state == eState.stopped )
print( "Already shut down" );
return completed(); // already stopped
m_bShouldRun = false;
res = addTask( m_awStop );
if( m_state == eState.pending )
return res; // pending = mainLoop should handle the state transition
m_state = eState.pending;
mainLoop( false );
return res;
public void shutdown()
lock ( syncRoot )
if( m_state == eState.stopped )
print( "Already shut down" );
return; // already stopped
m_bShouldRun = false;
if( m_state == eState.pending )
return; // pending = mainLoop should handle the state transition
m_state = eState.pending;
mainLoop( false );
/// <summary>Empty the list, return items in another list.</summary>
static awaiterList getList( awaiterList src )
awaiterList res = src.ToList();
return res;
/// <summary>Main loop that actually changes the state of dat implementation object.</summary>
async void mainLoop( bool shouldStart )
bool? wasStarting = null;
Exception exFailed = null;
while( true )
lock ( syncRoot )
if( wasStarting.HasValue )
// Already tried transitioning..
int stateMask = 0;
if( m_bShouldRun )
stateMask |= 1;
if( wasStarting.Value )
stateMask |= 2;
if( null != exFailed )
stateMask |= 4;
switch( stateMask )
case 0:
// Shouldn't run, was stopping, succeeded -> finish in eState.stopped
complete( m_awStop );
cancel( m_awStart );
m_state = eState.stopped;
case 1:
// Should run, was stopping, succeeded -> now start
complete( m_awStop );
case 2:
// Shouldn't run, was starting, succeeded -> now stop
complete( m_awStart );
case 3:
// Should run, was starting, succeeded -> finish in eState.started
complete( m_awStart );
cancel( m_awStop );
m_state = eState.started;
case 4:
// Shouldn't run, was stopping, failed -> finish in eState.stopped
if( !fail( m_awStop, exFailed ) )
m_failed( exFailed );
cancel( m_awStart );
m_state = eState.stopped;
case 5:
// Should run, was stopping, failed -> now start
if( !fail( m_awStop, exFailed ) )
m_failed( exFailed );
case 6:
// Shouldn't run, was starting, failed -> not sure, but probably finish in eState.stopped
if( !fail( m_awStart, exFailed ) )
m_failed( exFailed );
complete( m_awStop );
m_state = eState.stopped;
case 7:
// Should run, was starting, failed
if( !fail( m_awStart, exFailed ) )
m_failed( exFailed );
complete( m_awStop );
m_state = eState.stopped;
} // switch( stateMask )
} // if( wasStarting.HasValue )
// Never tried transitioning
if( m_bShouldRun != shouldStart )
// The client already changed the mind between the 2 locks()
complete( m_awStart );
complete( m_awStop );
m_state = m_bShouldRun ? eState.started : eState.stopped;
shouldStart = m_bShouldRun;
} // unlock( syncRoot )
// Perform the state transition
wasStarting = shouldStart;
Func<Task> fn = shouldStart ? m_startup : m_shutdown;
if( bUseThreads )
await Task.Run( fn );
await fn();
catch( Exception ex )
exFailed = ex;
/// <summary>Clear the list of awaiters, run the action on the item[s] that was/were there.</summary>
/// <returns>How many awaiters were on the list.</returns>
static int callAwaiters( awaiterList list, Action<awaiter> act )
foreach( var cs in list )
act( cs );
int res = list.Count;
return res;
/// <summary>Mark the awaiters as completed successfully.</summary>
static void complete( awaiterList list )
callAwaiters( list, cs => cs.SetResult( true ) );
/// <summary>Mark the awaiters as canceled.</summary>
/// <remarks>AFAIR the TaskCancelledException will be marshaled to the clients.</remarks>
static void cancel( awaiterList list )
callAwaiters( list, cs => cs.SetCanceled() );
/// <summary>Mark the awaiters as failed.</summary>
/// <param name="list"></param>
/// <param name="ex">Exception to marshall to the clients</param>
/// <returns>false if no one had awaited for this fail</returns>
static bool fail( awaiterList list, Exception ex )
return callAwaiters( list, cs => cs.SetException( ex ) ) > 0;
Here’s the complete demo project. It is just isolated demo; in the real life, the client calls StateMachine from different threads, potentially simultaneously. That’s not a server however, the software is Desktop + Store + Phone, the scalability isn’t a priority: there’re merely 1-2 such objects in the application, and transition takes up to several seconds.