This is a part of the code for the almighty bot @Duga (That's me!).
Every evening, 15 minutes before "RELOAD" (00:00 UTC), I post the reputation differences for some Code Review users.
Mat's Mug vs. Simon Forsberg: 2728 diff. Year: +3618. Quarter: +885. Month: +648. Week: -40. Day: +185.
The code below makes use of the following classes/interfaces:
: Contains methods for doing a request to Stack Exchange API. The result is then parsed and "slurped" as JSON and stored into a Groovy object.DugaBot
: Contains methods for sending a message to chatWebhookParameters
: Information about where to send the chat message (which chat room)
This class is created on startup (or when tasks are reloaded) and then run()
is called on this class through a cron trigger in Grails.
Any comments about the code appreciated.
This code is also available on Github: Zomis/Duga.
class UserRepDiffTask implements Runnable {
private final StackExchangeAPI stackApi;
private final DugaBot chatBot;
private final String usersString;
private final String site;
private final WebhookParameters room;
public UserRepDiffTask(StackExchangeAPI stackApi, String room, DugaBot chatBot, String users, String site) {
this.stackApi = stackApi;
this.chatBot = chatBot;
this.usersString = users.replace(',', ';'); = WebhookParameters.toRoom(room); = site;
public void run() {
try {
def result = stackApi.apiCall("users/" + usersString, site, "!23IYXA.sS8.otifg5Aq.2");
List users = result.items
if (users.size() != 2) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot check diff for anything other than two users");
def max ={it.reputation})).get();
def min ={it.reputation})).get();
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
str.append(clearName(max.display_name) + " vs. " + clearName(min.display_name) + ": ");
str.append((int)max.reputation - (int)min.reputation);
str.append(" diff. ");
diffStr(str, max, min, "Year", {it.reputation_change_year});
diffStr(str, max, min, "Quarter", {it.reputation_change_quarter});
diffStr(str, max, min, "Month", {it.reputation_change_month});
diffStr(str, max, min, "Week", {it.reputation_change_week});
diffStr(str, max, min, "Day", {it.reputation_change_day});
chatBot.postSingle(room, str.toString());
} catch (IOException e) {
public static String chatName(String displayName) {
return clearName(displayName).replace(" ", "");
public static String clearName(String displayName) {
while (displayName.contains("&#")) {
String replacement = displayName.substring(displayName.indexOf("&#") + 2);
try {
replacement = replacement.substring(0, replacement.indexOf(';'));
int ch = Integer.parseInt(replacement);
displayName = displayName.replaceFirst("&#\\d+;", String.valueOf((char) ch));
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
displayName = displayName.replaceFirst("&#", "");
return displayName;
private void diffStr(StringBuilder str, max, min, String string, ToIntFunction<?> function) {
str.append(": ");
int maxValue = function.applyAsInt(max);
int minValue = function.applyAsInt(min);
int diff = maxValue - minValue;
str.append(diff > 0 ? "+" : "");
str.append(". ");
(in therun()
method) ? You can get an example by printing/loggingusers.inspect()
. \$\endgroup\$