I have been working on a web application that produces an image out of colours. Having multiple div
s works, but the load time is slow and until the image loads it's time-taking. I would like to make a table like image with lots of colors extracted from an image and display them inside a web page. I don't know which language to use to create a color box other than the code I have, But I would like to get rid of div
s and possibly make the GUI not in HTML but have it available in a browser!
My working code:
<style>div { display:inline-block;width:2.6px;height:2.6px; }</style>
$im = imagecreatefrompng('image.png');// open an image
$image = Array(); //array of colors
$image_x = 480; //image width
$image_y = 272; //image height
$x = 0; //x pixel in image
$y = 0; //y pixel im image
while ($x < $image_x && $y < $image_y) {
$start_x = $x;
$start_y = $y;
$color_index = imagecolorat($im, $start_x, $start_y);
$color_tran = imagecolorsforindex($im, $color_index);// make it human readable
array_push($image, join(',', $color_tran));
if ($x > $image_x-1) {$x = 0;$y++;}
$i = 0;
foreach ($image as $color) {
$rgb = explode(",", $color);
if ($i > $image_x-1) {$i = 0;echo "<br>";}
echo "<div style='background-color:rgb(".implode(",",array_slice($rgb, 0, -1)).");'></div>";