You can get minor performance improvements if you use the +=
synthax of numpy, e.g.
mainarr[0, lats, lons] = mainarr[0, lats, lons] + c550
would reduce to
mainarr[0, lats, lons] += c550
Though it is not really in-place, you still gain some speed.
Another idea I had, was to use numpy.clip
as it might be faster than setting the upper bound for your indices manually. You may be able to gain further improvements using numpy.put
with mode=clip
instead of really clipping the values. Positive effects for numpy.take
(which is the opposite of numpy.put
) are described here.
I put up a little program to test the gain compared to your proposed code. As you did not provide much additional information, I had to do some assumptions, e.g. for the way your data looks like (see mock_data
The result is something like the following
Experiment (10 files, 10000 points)
Original: 10.093s Refactored: 9.964s
Experiment (10 files, 1000 points)
Original: 2.399s Refactored: 2.362s
Experiment (10 files, 100 points)
Original: 0.349s Refactored: 0.342s
Experiment (100 files, 10000 points)
Original: 47.823s Refactored: 47.672s
Experiment (100 files, 1000 points)
Original: 10.888s Refactored: 10.781s
Experiment (100 files, 100 points)
Original: 3.306s Refactored: 3.195s
Experiment (1000 files, 10000 points)
Original: 423.727s Refactored: 420.922s
Experiment (1000 files, 1000 points)
Original: 58.546s Refactored: 56.579s
Experiment (1000 files, 100 points)
Original: 20.227s Refactored: 18.260s
In my oppinion, you will not be able to gain a great speed-up by fiddling around with numpy here. I made a small test not included in the listing above with 1 file and 1M points
Experiment (1 files, 1000000 points)
Original: 51.245s Refactored: 48.703s
Because of this I think numpy is not really the problem in your case. If your mask hits a lot of points, it might be a good idea to remove the corresponding indices from lats
and lons
with numpy.delete
, because both lists will get shorter and mainarr[0][0]
will not be messed up with all the values you put there.
As the operations on the files do not really depend on the other files, one could come up with the idea to split up the process and merge their results later. Your task would be to re-implement your function, so that you can run it in parallel in different processes for parts of your file list. But even this might not help you that much, if your I/O capacity is the bottleneck.
Test script
import numpy as np
import timeit
def mock_data(n_samples=1000):
"""Mock data generation"""
lats = np.random.uniform(-90.0, 90.0, (n_samples, ))
lons = np.random.uniform(-180.0, 180.0, (n_samples, ))
c550 = np.random.rand(n_samples)
c670 = np.random.rand(n_samples)
c870 = np.random.rand(n_samples)
cldy = np.random.rand(n_samples)
return lats, lons, c550, c670, c870, cldy
def mock_files(n_files=500, n_data=1000):
"""Mock files for benchmarking"""
return [mock_data(n_data) for _ in range(n_files)]
def getmask(cldy, tresh, max_val, min_val):
"""Mock getmask"""
return cldy > (tresh / 2.0)
def original(files):
"""Original function by @Simon"""
mainarr = np.zeros((4, 1800, 3600))
i = 0
#Loop over all input files
for infile in files:
lats, lons, c550, c670, c870, cldy = infile
lats = np.array(np.round((lats+90)*10), dtype=np.int16)
lons = np.array(np.round((lons+180)*10), dtype=np.int16)
#The function below is already optimized
masker = getmask(cldy, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
pts = (masker != 1).nonzero()
lats[pts] = 0
lons[pts] = 0
mainarr[0, lats, lons] = mainarr[0, lats, lons]+c550
mainarr[1, lats, lons] = mainarr[1, lats, lons]+c670
mainarr[2, lats, lons] = mainarr[2, lats, lons]+c870
mainarr[3, lats, lons] = mainarr[3, lats, lons]+1
i = i+1
return mainarr
def refactored(files):
"""refactored function by @Alex Vorndran"""
mainarr = np.zeros((4, 1800, 3600))
#Loop over all input files
for i, infile in enumerate(files):
lats, lons, c550, c670, c870, cldy = infile
lats = np.array(np.round((lats+90)*10), dtype=np.int16)
lons = np.array(np.round((lons+180)*10), dtype=np.int16)
np.clip(lats, 0, 1799, out=lats)
np.clip(lons, 0, 3599, out=lons)
#The function below is already optimized
masker = getmask(cldy, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
pts = (masker != 1).nonzero()
lats[pts] = 0
lons[pts] = 0
# make use of "in-place" additions
mainarr[0, lats, lons] += c550
mainarr[1, lats, lons] += c670
mainarr[2, lats, lons] += c870
mainarr[3, lats, lons] += 1.0
return mainarr
def validate_refactoring(n_files, n_data):
"""Validate the refactoring with comparison by value"""
files = mock_files(n_files, n_data)
mainarr_o = original(files)
mainarr_r = refactored(files)
return np.allclose(mainarr_o, mainarr_r)
def test_functions():
"""Test different versions"""
n_runs = 100
n_files_all = (10, 100, 1000)
n_data_all = (100, 1000, 10000)
# a list of tuples where the first element is the number of files
# and the second one is the number of elements
files_and_points = [( 10, 10000), ( 10, 1000), ( 10, 100),
( 100, 10000), ( 100, 1000), ( 100, 100),
(1000, 10000), (1000, 1000), (1000, 100)]
assert validate_refactoring(10, 100)
imports = 'from __main__ import original, refactored, mock_files;'
for n_files, n_data in files_and_points:
data = 'files = mock_files({}, {});'.format(n_files, n_data)
time_original = timeit.timeit(
'original(files)', setup=imports+data, number=n_runs)
time_refactored = timeit.timeit(
'refactored(files)', setup=imports+data, number=n_runs)
print('Experiment ({} files, {} points)'.format(n_files, n_data))
print('Original: {:.3f}s Refactored: {:.3f}s\n'.format(
time_original, time_refactored))
if __name__ == '__main__':