Read my rewrite from the bottom up. To appreciate the benefit, you notice how it clarifies the high level logic: your whole script is really only 4 lines long.
Some notes:
- Isolate your begin... rescue code. This way all servers will be processed even if there's an error
- Break up each of your tasks into smaller, more focused methods (see below)
- Make sure your names are accurate: eg,
really means "ping a particular server"
- Watch out for hidden entanglements in your code: your scan function takes a
argument, but this is a false abstraction, since the cody of the function assumes the cmd is a ping. In this case, better to just leave the argument out.
- breaking out the mailer into its own method will make the high level logic clearer
- You can shorten up the ping function, while making it clearer imo, by losing the case statment (see below). But if you don't like that, you should probably still use the regex version of case to avoid the repeated
- Another small point on naming: Avoid unnecessary adjectives. In this context, all your "servers" are "ssh servers", so better to use names like
rather than ssh_server_list
, which adds visual and auditory cruft without adding precision.
def mail_error(e)
x =
x.from = "[email protected]" = "[email protected]"
x.subject = "Server Loading Error"
x.body = e.message
def ping_server(server)
check = Net::SSH.start(server, @username, :password => @password)
cmd = "ping -c 1 #{server}"
rescue => e
def server_status(server)
ping_result = ping_server(server)
online_text = /1 received, 0% packet loss/
offline_text = Regexp.union('0 received, +1 errors', 'Connection closed')
ping_result =~ online_text ? :online :
ping_result =~ offline_text ? :offline : :error
def status_message(server, status)
status == :online ? "server online: #{server}" :
status == :offline ? "SERVER OFFLINE: #{server}" :
"Error loading server: #{server}. Exiting.."
@username = "username"
@password = "password"
server_list = %w(these are all the servers that we can ssh too)
server_list.each do |server|
status = server_status(server)
puts status_message(server,status)
UPDATE: Additional Explanation
allows you to easily create an "or"ed regexp from a number of strings. So that when you match strings against the regexp you created, you'll get a match if any of the strings match. It's equivalent to the regexp |
"or" operator, but can often be a more readable way to create the regexp.
Re: your question about the rescue
block, it depends, but I would think you only want the "server can't be reached" email when the "reach server" code fails. That is, even though this code is simple, it's still possible you get some other error executing it, which should be reported as a script error (using a library like airbrake) rather than spawning a "server can't be reached" email. Again, just separating you concerns.
Re: the distinction between ssh and rdp servers, that makes sense.