So there's a known bug in excel where applying named ranges via ribbon doesn't work properly (for 2010 and 2013 and possibly 2016). There was a question about it on superuser - Apply names in excel bugged?. I took a shot at it.
This code will find all of the named ranges in the book and then search a specified range for any cells that have formulas containing a reference tied to the named range's address and replace that with the named range.
This does that, but only works for absolute references when searching as I couldn't figure out a simple way to get the named range's relative reference.
I guess I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this (maybe with a dictionary so I don't need two loops?) and also capture the relative references. Or if there are any properties I didn't use that will do what I want.
Option Explicit
Sub FixNames()
Dim ClctNames As Variant
Set ClctNames = ActiveWorkbook.Names
Dim rngName As String
Dim rngNameLoc As String
Dim strFrmla As String
Dim c As Range
Dim n As Integer
'Define as needed
Dim srchRng As Range
Set srchRng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
'For each name (n) in the collection
For n = 1 To ClctNames.Count
'I'm storing the Named Range's name and address as strings to use below
rngName = ClctNames(n).Name
rngNameLoc = ClctNames(n).RefersToRange.Address
'--Should I break this out into a function? If so, at what point?
For Each c In srchRng
'We only want to test cells with formulas
If c.HasFormula = True Then
'We have to check if the cell contains the current named range's address
If InStr(1, c.Formula, rngNameLoc, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
'Since these are perfect matches, no need to look for length or location, just replace
strFrmla = Replace(c.Formula, rngNameLoc, rngName)
c.Formula = strFrmla
End If
End If
'No error handling should be needed
End Sub