
This is my first attempt with MVC and I almost get it, but a small thing bothers me.

I have this controller in CodeIgniter:

class Page extends CI_Controller {

    public function index($page = "home")
            $data['page'] = $page;
            list($data['title']) = array_keys($this->_menu(), $page);
            $data['menuItems'] = $this->_menu();

            $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
            $this->load->view('templates/menu', $data);
            $this->load->view('pages/'.$page, $data);
            $this->load->view('templates/footer', $data);

    private function _menu()
        static $menuItems = array(
                           "Home page" => "home",
                           "Our history" => "history",
                           "About us" => "about",
                           "Contact page" => "contact"

        return $menuItems;

And here is the menu view:

$menu = "";
foreach ($menuItems as $menuName => $view) {
    $menu .= '<li';
    if ( $page == $view ) {
        $menu .= ' class="selected">';
        $menu .= '<a href="#">';
    } else {
        $menu .= '><a href="' . $view . '">';
    $menu .= $menuName . '</a></li>' .PHP_EOL ;

echo $menu;

Where do the menu items belong in MVC logic? Is it ok to store things like the menu in the Controller or do I have to make a new Model for it like this?

class Menu extends CI_Model {

    public function __construct()

    public function get_menu_items()
        static $menuItems = array(
                           "Home page" => "home",
                           "Our history" => "history",
                           "About us" => "about",
                           "Contact page" => "contact"

        return $menuItems;  

Then load it from Controller:

public function index($page = "home")
    $data['menuItems'] = $this->Menu->get_menu_items();


1 Answer 1


This a nice example: it shows how the MVC is just a pattern which should be ajusted to your needs.

  • The menu items you're showing seem very unlikely to change over time. This means you can simply put them in your "templates/menu" view.
  • If they're shared among multiple views, then the controller is OK.
  • If the menu items can change dynamically, then your model can provide a meaningful abstraction over your data, and then it would go into a model.
  • \$\begingroup\$ So if I get the menu elements from database, it should go to model, right ? How can I set page title if I put the array into the view ? list($data['title']) = array_keys($this->_menu(), $page); I cannot acces the menu items from the controller then. Or can I ? \$\endgroup\$
    – kissgyorgy
    Commented Apr 28, 2012 at 13:40
  • \$\begingroup\$ $data['menuItems'] becomes $menuItems in the view. So if you want to use array_keys, simply use array_keys($menuItems, "about") to get "About us". By the way, it would make more sense for "about" to be the key, and "About us" to be the value. You could then write $menuItems["about"]. Why don't you simply use a foreach over $menuItems? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 28, 2012 at 13:47
  • \$\begingroup\$ I want the active page menu item to look different, so I mark the active menu with selected class. In my question I meant that If I put the menu elements array in the view, not the controller, I can't determine what is the actual page title, so it have to reachable from the controller to assign $data['title'] based on which page is active. \$\endgroup\$
    – kissgyorgy
    Commented Apr 28, 2012 at 14:13
  • \$\begingroup\$ Ah! Simply set $data['page'] = $page;? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 28, 2012 at 14:19
  • \$\begingroup\$ I want "About us" to be the page title in the browser tab, not "about". And I cannot if I put the array in the view. \$\endgroup\$
    – kissgyorgy
    Commented Apr 28, 2012 at 14:40

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