I have several very similar subclasses that I (think I) want to be stored in the same database table. Most of the fields are identical, with each subclass adding 1 or 2 custom fields. My code is using the Django ORM, but I think the question is more general than that.
Problem specification
The app is meant to simplify the tracking and submission of corporate expenses for reimbursement. There are three primary user interactions:
- Inputting expenses: The user says "I just took a $25 cab to the airport for a client visit, billable to XXX client."
- Viewing expenses: The users says "Did I forget to add that dinner from last Tuesday? Let me see if this is the one I'm thinking of..."
- Generating reports: The user says "Compile these 15 expenses into the XML report I need to submit these to finance for reimbursement."
The report itself is pretty standard xml, with one node per expense, with each field given its own node (roughly, <trxs><trx><date>YYYY-MM-DD</date>...</trx><trx>...</trx><trxs>
). The key complication is that depending on the type of expense, there are 1 or 2 additional custom fields per transaction. E.g., airfare expenses require a ticket_number
, taxi expenses require destination
and purpose
fields, etc. These fields show up in the XML report roughly as
<custom>%%%destination%%%Airport%%%purpose%%%client travel%%%</custom>
The XML schema for all expense types is thus the same.
Current solution
There is a single Transaction
model, which mirrors the XML schema and has fields like item_date
, amount
, client_code
, employee_id
, etc. It also has a custom
field, which stores the custom fields, serialized the same way they are serialized in the XML report.
In order to keep the custom field seralization/deserialization code near the model, I've used Django proxy models to create subclasses that map to the same table but provide slightly different functionality.
from django.db import models
class Transaction(models.Model):
MEAL = '5'
# ...
TAXI = '2'
(MEAL, 'Meal'),
# ...
(TAXI, 'Taxi'),
date_created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
item_date = models.DateField()
expense_type = models.CharField(choices=EXPENSE_TYPE_CHOICES, max_length=4)
# ...
custom = models.CharField(max_length=100)
def as_subclass(self):
if self.expense_type == self.MEAL:
self.__class__ = MealTrx
elif self.expense_type == self.TAXI:
self.__class__ = TaxiTrx
# ...
raise ValueError("Expense type not set!")
class MealTrx(Transaction):
objects = TypedManager({'expense_type': Transaction.MEAL})
# TypedManager adds .filter(**kwargs) to .get_queryset()
class Meta:
proxy = True
detail_re = re.compile("^%%%attendees%%%(.*)%%%purpose%%%(.*)$")
detail_str = "%%%attendees%%%{}%%%purpose%%%{}"
def attendees(self): # Comma-separated list of attendees
match = self.detail_re.match(self.custom)
if match is None:
return []
return match.group(1).split(", ")
def attendees(self, value):
args = (", ".join(value), self.purpose)
self.custom = self.detail_str.format(*args)
def purpose(self):
match = self.detail_re.match(self.custom)
if match is None:
return ""
return match.group(2)
def purpose(self, value):
args = (", ".join(self.attendees), value)
self.custom = self.detail_str.format(*args)
How the code gets called
1. Creating expenses
This takes place inside the new transaction form save()
method. The attributes are assigned and the model is saved. The property setters ensure that the fields are properly serialized:
def save(self):
trx = base_form.save(commit=False) # base_form is a ModelForm for Transaction
if trx.expense_type == models.Transaction.MEAL:
trx.attendees = self.meal_form.cleaned_data['attendees']
trx.purpose = self.meal_form.cleaned_data.get('purpose', "")
elif trx.expense_type == models.Transaction.TAXI:
# ...
return trx
2. Viewing expenses
This takes place inside template code, where the approach is to test for all of the possible custom fields:
def expense_detail(request, expense_id):
expense = get_object_or_404(models.Transaction, pk=expense_id)
if expense.user != request.user:
LOGGER.warning("%r tried to see details of Transaction %s",
request.user.username, expense_id)
raise http.Http404
return render(request, 'expenses/detail.html', {'expense': expense})
and then inside the Jinja2
{%- if expense.attendees -%}
<div class="table-row">
<span class="table-cell">Attendees</span>
<div class="table-cell">
<ul class="attendee-list">
{%- for attendee in expense.attendees -%}
<li>{{ attendee }}</li>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
3. Generating reports
This is the most straightforward piece, since the database schema mirrors the XML schema. Roughly speaking:
class Report:
# snip
def to_string(self, encoding='utf-8'):
# build the document root, header info, etc.
for trx in self. transactions:
return ET.tostring(root, encoding=encoding)
def trx_as_element(self, trx):
root = ET.Element('doc_trans')
items = [
('item_date', transaction.item_date.strftime("%d-%b-%Y")),
('expense_type', transaction.expense_type),
# ...
('custom', transaction.custom),
for key, val in items:
ET.SubElement(root, key).text = val
return root
Identified issues
- Adding a new expense type requires modifying a lot of places
- There's a lot of repetition in the definition of properties
- I'm not super-comfortable with the assignment of
. That feels too magic, and asking client code to remember to callas_subclass()
seems like a bad idea - Accessing and modifying the custom properties is expensive (I think), requiring 1 or 2 regex matches and string interpolation every time
Bottom-line: Is this code readable? Understandable? Easy to use? Would adding a new expense type, or creating a view to edit existing expenses be unduly painful?