
I am an experienced Java developer (12+ years) and have recently switched to Scala and I love it. However I feel not comfy yet and I have a feeling that I might use to many paradigms from the good old Java days.

That's why I would like to start with some simple code I wrote while viewing a Stanford Seminar on Youtube with the Topic "Deep Learning for Dummies". I tried to simulate the results presented in minute ~15:40.

Basically the code simulates vibration of atoms in the Ising Model in parallel, and gives a brief summary of how often a particular stable state has been reached.

Everything works as expected and it proves the numbers shown in the presentation.

No code is missing below in order to work and I did not use third party libs.


package deeplearning

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

import deeplearning.AtomState.AtomState
import deeplearning.AtomState._

  * Created by Julian Liebl on 25.11.15.
  * All inspiration taken from youtu.be/hvIptUuUCdU. This class reproduces and proves the result shown in minute ~15:40.
class IsingModelSmall {
  case class MinMax(val min:Double, val max:Double)

  val x1 = new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Up))
  val x2 = new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Up))
  val x3 = new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down)) .fuse(99, new Atom(Up))
  val x4 = new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Down))
  val x5 = new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down)) .fuse(99, new Atom(Up))
  val x6 = new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down)) .fuse(99, new Atom(Down))
  val x7 = new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Down))
  val x8 = new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down)) .fuse(99, new Atom(Down))

    * Calculates the stable state of a Ising Model according to youtu.be/hvIptUuUCdU.
    * It takes a random atom from the model as parameter and parses from there all atoms and sub(n) atoms it is
    * connected to.
    * Here is an example how the stable state is calculated:
    * Model =  a1(Up) <- w1(-50) -> a2(Down) <- w2(99) -> a3(Down)
    *       => x = -((a1 * w1 * a2) + (a2 * w2 * a3))
    *       => x = -((1 * -50 * -1) + (-1 * 99 * -1))
    *       => x = -(50 + 99)
    *       => x = -
    * @param atom A random atom form the model. Needs at least one connection. Otherwise stable state will be zero.
    * @return stable state value
  def calcStableState(atom:Atom, touchedAtoms:Set[Atom] = Set()): Double ={
    var sum:Double = 0

    val a1v = getAtomStateValue(atom.atomState)
    atom.getConnections().foreach(connection => {
      val connectedAtom = connection.connectedAtom

      if(!(touchedAtoms contains connectedAtom)){
        val a2v = getAtomStateValue(connectedAtom.atomState)

        sum += a1v * a2v * connection.weight

        sum += calcStableState(connectedAtom, touchedAtoms + atom)

    - sum

    * Retrieves the min and max weight for all atom connections in a model.
    * It takes a random atom from the model as parameter and parses from there all connections and sub(n) connections.
    * Example:
    * Model =  a1(Up) <- w1(-50) -> a2(Down) <- w2(99) -> a3(Down) <- w3(20) -> a4(Up)
    *       => min = -50
    *       => max =  99
    * @param atom A random atom form the model. Needs at least one connection. Otherwise min and max will be zero.
    * @return min and max weight
  def getMinMaxWeight(atom:Atom, touchedAtoms:Set[Atom] = Set()): MinMax ={
    var minMax:MinMax = MinMax(0,0)

    atom.getConnections().foreach(connection => {
      val connectedAtom = connection.connectedAtom

      if(!(touchedAtoms contains connectedAtom)){
        val currentWeight = connection.weight

        if (currentWeight < minMax.min){
          minMax = minMax.copy(min = currentWeight)
        else if (currentWeight > minMax.max) {
          minMax = minMax.copy(max = currentWeight)

        val provisionalMinMax = getMinMaxWeight(connectedAtom, touchedAtoms + atom)
        if(provisionalMinMax.min < minMax.min) minMax = minMax.copy(min = provisionalMinMax.min)
        if(provisionalMinMax.max > minMax.max) minMax = minMax.copy(max = provisionalMinMax.max)


    * Atom vibration simulation.
    * It takes a random atom from the model as parameter and parses from there all connections. Simulating a random
    * initial atom state and regarding probability of all connections and sub connections. Resulting in the same
    * connections but may be with different states then before.
    * @param atom A random atom form the model. Needs at least one connection. Otherwise the given atom will just be
    *             returned.
    * @return The new atom with the same connections but eventually different states.
  def vibrate(atom:Atom): Atom ={
    var touchedAtoms:Set[Atom] = scala.collection.immutable.Set()

    val currentMinMaxWeight = getMinMaxWeight(atom)

    val minWeight = currentMinMaxWeight.min
    val maxWeight = currentMinMaxWeight.max

    val weightRange = if(Math.abs(minWeight) > Math.abs(maxWeight)) Math.abs(minWeight) else Math.abs(maxWeight)
    val scaledWeightRange = weightRange * 1.2

    val random = scala.util.Random

    def vibrateInner(innerAtom:Atom, currentAtomState:AtomState):Atom ={
      val newAtom = new Atom(currentAtomState)

      touchedAtoms += newAtom

      innerAtom.getConnections().foreach(connection => {
        val connectedAtom = connection.connectedAtom

        if(!(touchedAtoms contains connectedAtom)){
          val weight = connection.weight

          val probability = Math.abs(weight) / scaledWeightRange
          val randomDouble = random.nextDouble()
          val isFollowing = probability - randomDouble >= 0

          if(weight != 0){
            var connectedAtomState:AtomState = null

            if(weight < 0) {
              connectedAtomState = if (isFollowing) getOppositeState(currentAtomState) else currentAtomState
              connectedAtomState = if (isFollowing) currentAtomState else getOppositeState(currentAtomState)

            connectedAtom.atomState = connectedAtomState

            newAtom.fuse(connection.weight, vibrateInner(connectedAtom, connectedAtomState))
            println("Error: Weight should never be 0!")
            return newAtom


    vibrateInner(atom, getRandomAtomState())

object IsingModelSmall{
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val model = new IsingModelSmall

    println("E(x1,w) = " + model.calcStableState(model.x1))
    println("E(x2,w) = " + model.calcStableState(model.x2))
    println("E(x3,w) = " + model.calcStableState(model.x3))
    println("E(x4,w) = " + model.calcStableState(model.x4))
    println("E(x5,w) = " + model.calcStableState(model.x5))
    println("E(x6,w) = " + model.calcStableState(model.x6))
    println("E(x7,w) = " + model.calcStableState(model.x7))
    println("E(x8,w) = " + model.calcStableState(model.x8))


    val vibrationLoopCount:Int = 10000
    val atomicLoopIndex = new AtomicInteger()
    println("Simulating vibration of atom " + vibrationLoopCount + " times.")

    val statesToCount = (1 to vibrationLoopCount).toTraversable.par.map(loopIndex => {
      val vibratedX1 = model.vibrate(model.x1)

      if(atomicLoopIndex.incrementAndGet() % 10000 == 0) print("\r" + atomicLoopIndex.get())


    println("\r" + atomicLoopIndex.get())

    val states = statesToCount.keySet.toList.sorted

    states.foreach(state => println(state + "\t: " + statesToCount.get(state).get))


package deeplearning

import deeplearning.AtomState.AtomState

import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

  * Created by Julian Liebl on 26.11.15.
  * Class which represents an atom in the Ising Model.
class Atom(var atomState: AtomState) {
  var connections:ListBuffer[AtomConnection] = ListBuffer()

  def addConnection(atomConnection: AtomConnection): Unit ={
    connections += atomConnection

  def removeConnection(atomConnection: AtomConnection): Unit ={
    connections -= atomConnection

  def removeConnection(atom:Atom): Unit ={
    connections = connections.filter(connection => !(connection.connectedAtom equals atom))

  def removeConnections(atoms:Seq[Atom]): Unit ={
    connections = connections.filter(connection => !(atoms contains connection.connectedAtom))

  def getConnections(): Seq[AtomConnection]  ={

    * Creates a weighted connection between the atom and anotherAtom. Returns the other atom in order to be able to
    * chain the creation of a model.
    * @param weight weight of the connection
    * @param otherAtom other atom
    * @return other atom
  def fuse(weight:Double, otherAtom:Atom): Atom ={
    AtomConnection.fuse(this, otherAtom, weight)



package deeplearning

  * Created by Julian Liebl on 26.11.15.
  * Class which represents an atom connection in the Ising Model.
case class AtomConnection(connectedAtom:Atom, weight:Double)

object AtomConnection{
    * Creates a weighted connection between two atoms.
    * @param a1 first atom
    * @param a2 second atom
    * @param weight weight of the connection
  def fuse(a1:Atom, a2:Atom, weight:Double): Unit ={
    a1.addConnection(new AtomConnection(a2, weight))
    a2.addConnection(new AtomConnection(a1, weight))


package deeplearning

  * Created by Julian Liebl on 25.11.15.
  * Class which represents an atom state in the Ising Model.
object AtomState extends Enumeration {
  type AtomState = Value
  val Up, Down = Value

    * Helper method which returns the numerical state value.
    * Up = 1
    * Down = -1
    * @param atomState atom state
    * @return the numerical representation of the atom state
  def getAtomStateValue(atomState: AtomState): Int ={
    if(atomState equals Up) 1 else -1

    * Helper method which returns a random atom state.
    * @return the random atom state
  def getRandomAtomState(): AtomState ={
    val r = scala.util.Random
    if(r.nextInt(2) equals 0) Up else Down

    * Helper method which return the opposite atom state.
    * @param atomState atom state
    * @return the opposite atom state
  def getOppositeState(atomState: AtomState) ={
    if(atomState equals Up) Down else Up

4 Answers 4


Thank you for this interesting question. Generally, your code is quite clean and the years of experience are visible through it. I'm also a Java developer, switching on Scala, that I love more and more.

Here are my observations about this code.

class Atom

The main thing about it is the usage of var connections. Variables are discouraged in Scala; they should be used in reduced scope without external exposure (connections has public access here).

So we can just transform the field into val:

val connections = ListBuffer[AtomConnection]()
// note that the type declaration with ":" is not necessary here

Now we cannot reassign the field, but we can operate on its contents when necessary. removeConection(Atom) method would look like this:

def removeConnection(atom : Atom): Unit ={
  connections.find(connection => connection.connectedAtom == atom) match {
    case None => {}
    case Some(atomConnection) => { removeConnection(atomConnection) }

The principle is: when the first AtomConnection element is found that contains the specified Atom, it redirects to the overloaded removeConnection function with this element; otherwise it does nothing.

Please note that the equality is checked with ==, which is equivalent to Java's equals.

The same kind of changes can also be done with removeConnections(atoms:Seq[Atom]) function, but it doesn't seem to be used throughout the code.

The getConnections() function is not necessary at all. It looks like a sort of Java's residue; val connections already has public access and the reference is immutable.

Generally, I'm not sure about the validity of the choice to use var atomState and the exposed ListBuffer for connections field in Atom class. This sort of mutability is somewhat against Scala's principles, but I don't see yet how to work it around.

class IsingModelSmall

In def calcStableState, def getMinMaxWeight and def vibrateInner there are similar calls:

atom.connections.foreach(connection => {
  val connectedAtom = connection.connectedAtom
  if(!(touchedAtoms contains connectedAtom)) {

They can be refactored into a dedicated function:

private def filterNonConnected(atom : Atom, touchedAtoms:Set[Atom]) =
  atom.connections.filter(connection =>

Now the var sum counter in calcStableState can be eliminated:

def calcStableState(atom:Atom, touchedAtoms:Set[Atom] = Set()): Double ={
  val a1v = getAtomStateValue(atom.atomState)
  val sum = filterNonConnected(atom, touchedAtoms).foldLeft(0d)((sum, connection) => {
    val connectedAtom = connection.connectedAtom
    val a2v = getAtomStateValue(connectedAtom.atomState)
    sum + a1v * a2v * connection.weight + calcStableState(connectedAtom, touchedAtoms + atom)

What is done in calcStableState: 1) we filter the connections to work on with the refactored filterNonConnected; 2) we use the standard foldLeft function to calculate the sum. It takes the initial value 0d and performs the calculation using the current value in sum, tupled with each of the filtered connections.

getMinMaxWeight function can also be simplified using our refactored filterNonConnected and foldLeft:

def getMinMaxWeight(atom:Atom, touchedAtoms:Set[Atom] = Set()): MinMax ={
  filterNonConnected(atom, touchedAtoms).foldLeft(MinMax(0,0))((curMinMax, connection) => {
    val currentWeight = connection.weight
    val provisionalMinMax = getMinMaxWeight(connection.connectedAtom, touchedAtoms + atom)
    MinMax(List(curMinMax.min, currentWeight, provisionalMinMax.min).min,
           List(curMinMax.max, currentWeight, provisionalMinMax.max).max)

Please note that there is not a single if-else left in this function.

BTW, there is a potential bug in the original implementation. MinMax shouldn't be initialized with (0, 0), but rather with (Double.MaxValue, Double.MinValue).

vibrateInner function can be refactored using the same principle, bu there will be two more things: 1) the removeConnection call needs to be separated into a dedicated loop, for example:

innerAtom.connections.foreach(connection => {

But I'm not sure that from the point of view of design it's a good solution, because it looks like a violation of LoD. There should be a better approach to solve it.

2) the calculation of connectedAtomState should be moved into a separate method, which will allow to eliminate the last var remaining in this part of code.

object IsingModelSmall

In Scala, there is no need to define def main(args : Array[String]). A simple extension of App would do the job:

object IsingModelSmall extends App {
  // the body of the main(args) method to be placed here directly
  • \$\begingroup\$ Great! Thank you very much already. I will implement your suggestions. Your are right about the bug. When there is no negative or positiv weight the zeros would cause an error in calculation! \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 1, 2015 at 8:17


If you have 8 variables that are almost identical, you should group them into a list for order, conciseness and to simplify future changes. I am looking at:

val x1 = new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Up))
val x2 = new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Up))
val x3 = new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down)) .fuse(99, new Atom(Up))
val x4 = new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Down))
val x5 = new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down)) .fuse(99, new Atom(Up))
val x6 = new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down))  .fuse(99, new Atom(Down))
val x7 = new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Down))
val x8 = new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down)) .fuse(99, new Atom(Down))

Using a list will also simplify printing.


Nice question!

In scala, it is better to use objects as enum values, since it can be much more powerful and works better with pattern matching. This article is worth reading.

object AtomState{
  sealed trait EnumVal
  case object Up extends EnumVal
  case object Down extends EnumVal
  val states = Seq(Up, Down)

Also, to avoid the repetition, you could use a nice idiomatic for loop.

val combinations = for {
  as1 <- AtomState.states
  as2 <- AtomState.states
  as3 <- AtomState.states
} yield (as1,as2,as3)


Prints out:


You can see how this could be applied in to yield your 8 variables instead:

val atoms = for {
  as1 <- AtomState.states
  as2 <- AtomState.states
  as3 <- AtomState.states
} yield new Atom(as1).fuse(-50, new Atom(as2)).fuse(99, new Atom(as3))

If a map is needed, although it feels like a bad practice:

val mapped = combinations.zipWithIndex.map{case (combo,index:Int) => ("x"+index,combo) }.toMap

You zip with the index, then map to a tuples of (key -> value), then convert the tuples to map.

Which prints:


Here are my edits so far. I do not want to post a new question yet. According to this post it is a good solution if it is a descriptive comment and helpful for others.

I put my x1-8 variables in a map instead. It results in a cleaner less duplicated code and simplifies the printing as @Caridorc has suggested.


var atomTemplates:Map[String,Atom] = Map(
  "x1" -> new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Up)),
  "x2" -> new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Up)),
  "x3" -> new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down)) .fuse(99, new Atom(Up)),
  "x4" -> new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Down)),
  "x5" -> new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down)) .fuse(99, new Atom(Up)),
  "x6" -> new Atom(Up)   .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down)) .fuse(99, new Atom(Down)),
  "x7" -> new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Up))   .fuse(99, new Atom(Down)),
  "x8" -> new Atom(Down) .fuse(-50 , new Atom(Down)) .fuse(99, new Atom(Down))


model.atomTemplates.toList.sortBy(_._1).foreach(entry => {
   println("E(" + entry._1 + ",w) = " + model.calcStableState(entry._2))

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