This is a program to read and store the data from a Excel file (.xlsx) which is uploaded by users.
- Any better approach to reduce the usage of if-else to return the error message?
- How to design or construct a good coding pattern before I code? What kind of aspects I should pay more attention on ?
Excel file uploaded by user:
| Date | XXX | XXX | ATM | Card-AMEX | Card-MASTER | Card-VISA | Cash | Total | By |
| 11/01/2015 | XXX | XXX | 0 | 100 | 50.20 | 0 | 0 | 150.20 | ADMIN |
| | XXX | XXX | 0 | 0 | 50.00 | 0 | 0 | 50.00 | ADMIN |
| 12/01/2015 | XXX | XXX | 0 | 200 | 10.25 | 0 | 0 | 210.25 | ADMIN |
public SalesFileParseResults Parse_Xlsx(string filePath)
SalesFileParseResults res = new SalesFileParseResults();
res.Success = true;
if (File.Exists(filePath))
int EXPECTED_col = 15;
int lnCnt = 0;
string content = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
// Note:
// Add Reference: NOPI.dll, NOPI.OOXML.dll, NPOI.OpenXml4Net.dll
// HSSFWorkbook: xls, XSSFWorkbook: xlsx
XSSFWorkbook excel = new XSSFWorkbook(filePath);
ISheet sheet = excel.GetSheetAt(0);
if (sheet.LastRowNum > 0 && sheet.GetRow(0).LastCellNum > 0 && sheet.GetRow(0).LastCellNum <= EXPECTED_col)
int startIndex = -1;
int endIndex = -1;
int ATM = -1;
int AMEX = -1;
int MASTER = -1;
int VISA = -1;
int CASH = -1;
for (int i = 0; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++)
if(sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(0).ToString() == "Date") //may contain empty cell
startIndex = i + 1;
for (int col = 1; col < sheet.GetRow(i).Cells.Count; col++)
if (sheet.GetRow(i).Cells[col].ToString() == "ATM") ATM = col;
else if (sheet.GetRow(i).Cells[col].ToString() == "Card-AMEX") AMEX = col;
else if (sheet.GetRow(i).Cells[col].ToString() == "Card-MASTER") MASTER = col;
else if (sheet.GetRow(i).Cells[col].ToString() == "Card-VISA") VISA = col;
else if (sheet.GetRow(i).Cells[col].ToString() == "Cash") CASH = col;
else if(sheet.GetRow(i).GetCell(3).ToString() == "Total")
endIndex = i;
string format = "dd-MMM-yyyy"; //01-Jul-2015
if(startIndex > -1 && endIndex > -1)
for (int j = startIndex; j < endIndex; j++)
double sumATM = 0;
double sumAmex = 0;
double sumMaster = 0;
double sumVisa = 0;
double sumCash = 0;
DateTime dt;
if (DateTime.TryParseExact(sheet.GetRow(j).GetCell(0).ToString(), format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt))
sumATM = ATM < 0 ? 0 : Parse_double_SothysXlsx(res, lnCnt, "Others", sheet.GetRow(j).GetCell(ATM).ToString());
sumAmex = AMEX < 0 ? 0 : Parse_double_SothysXlsx(res, lnCnt, "CreditCardAmex", sheet.GetRow(j).GetCell(AMEX).ToString());
sumMaster = MASTER < 0 ? 0 : Parse_double_SothysXlsx(res, lnCnt, "CreditCardMaster", sheet.GetRow(j).GetCell(MASTER).ToString());
sumVisa = VISA < 0 ? 0 : Parse_double_SothysXlsx(res, lnCnt, "CreditCardVisa", sheet.GetRow(j).GetCell(VISA).ToString());
sumCash = CASH < 0 ? 0 : Parse_double_SothysXlsx(res, lnCnt, "Cash", sheet.GetRow(j).GetCell(CASH).ToString());
//Check next row is datetime?
bool isFound = false;
for (int k = j + 1; k <= endIndex; k++)
DateTime dtNext;
if (k == endIndex || DateTime.TryParseExact(sheet.GetRow(k).GetCell(0).ToString(), format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dtNext))
isFound = true;
j = k - 1;
else if (sheet.GetRow(k).GetCell(0).ToString() == "")
sumATM = ATM < 0 ? 0 : Parse_double_SothysXlsx(res, lnCnt, "Others", sheet.GetRow(k).GetCell(ATM).ToString());
sumAmex += AMEX < 0 ? 0 : Parse_double_SothysXlsx(res, lnCnt, "CreditCardAmex", sheet.GetRow(k).GetCell(AMEX).ToString());
sumMaster += MASTER < 0 ? 0 : Parse_double_SothysXlsx(res, lnCnt, "CreditCardMaster", sheet.GetRow(k).GetCell(MASTER).ToString());
sumVisa += VISA < 0 ? 0 : Parse_double_SothysXlsx(res, lnCnt, "CreditCardVisa", sheet.GetRow(k).GetCell(VISA).ToString());
sumCash += CASH < 0 ? 0 : Parse_double_SothysXlsx(res, lnCnt, "Cash", sheet.GetRow(k).GetCell(CASH).ToString());
if (isFound)
SalesData sd = new SalesData();
sd.DateTime = dt;
sd.CreditCardAmex = sumAmex;
sd.CreditCardMaster = sumMaster;
sd.CreditCardVisa = sumVisa;
sd.Cash = sumCash;
sd.Others = sumATM;
res.Success = false;
res.Messages.Add("Line " + lnCnt + ": Invalid format.");
res.Success = false;
res.Messages.Add("Line " + lnCnt + ": Invalid format. Maximum: "+ EXPECTED_col +" columns.");
catch (Exception ex)
res.Success = false;
res.Messages.Add("Line " + lnCnt + ": " + ex.ToString());
if (res.SalesData.Count > 0)
res.Success = true;
res.Success = false;
res.Messages.Add("File not found.");
string hi = "";
foreach (SalesData item in res.SalesData)
hi += item.DateTime.ToString() + "\n" + item.Others + "\n" + item.CreditCardAmex + "\n" + item.CreditCardMaster + "\n" + item.CreditCardVisa + "\n" + item.Cash + "\n\n";
return res;
public SalesFileParseResults Parse_Xlsx(string filePath)
if (File.Exists(filePath))
if(sheet.LastRowNum > 0 && sheet.GetRow(0).LastCellNum > 0 && sheet.GetRow(0).LastCellNum <= EXPECTED_col)
for (int i = 0; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++)
// set the keyword index based on header
if(startIndex > -1 && endIndex > -1) //make sure both index are set
for (int j = startIndex; j < endIndex; j++)
// grab data
//add to List ...
return "Invalid format"
return "Invalid format. Maximum: "+ EXPECTED_col +" columns.");
return "File not found"
return res;
As you can see, there are multiple nesting if-else because I need to verify some condition. Is there any method or better code design to do something similar as I doing now? I read some suggestions:
- create new method to replace to a part of the code
- Switch case
- create class as validator
But I do not know how to implement with the suggestions above.