
I've created a program for my job that unlocks spreadsheet files quickly and efficiently. What we use to have to do before this program is we'd have to go into the system, search for the file, kill the users process containing the file, unlock the file, then the user can finally get back into their spreadsheet. With my new program it first cd's into the directory containing the files, you enter the file number "folio", it searches through a list of locked files using shell commands, then unlocks the specific one for the user.

I'm looking for some critique on my work, I would really like to know what I can do better what I did wrong, etc..



require 'fileutils'

module Kernel
    def ls_grep
        `cd '/my/dir'`
        `ls -la|grep -i .lock`
        puts "Enter Folio #"
        @input_folio = gets.chomp
        lockfile = "/my/dir.~lock.#{@input_folio}.ods#"
        if @input_folio =~ /^\d{7}/ 
            if File.exist?( lockfile )
                puts "Unlock file?"
                input = gets.chomp.upcase
                if input == 'Y'
                     FileUtils.rm( lockfile )
                     puts "File unlocked."
                    puts "You went through that trouble for no reason..."
                puts <<-EDE.gsub(/^\s*>/, ' ') 
                >Lockfile not found for Folio # #{@input_folio}"
                >If the file name doesn't match the folio number, get the file name
                >and use that instead of the Foilio number...
            puts <<-EDF.gsub(/^\s*>/, ' ')
            >What part of 'Folio #' is hard to understand? 7 DIGITS"
            >If the file name doesn't match the folio number, get the file name
            >and use that instead of the Folio number...

Example usage:

Enter Folio #

 Lockfile not found for Folio # 1234567"

 If the file name doesn't match the folio number, get the file name
 and use that instead of the Foilio number...

Enter Folio #

 What part of 'Folio #' is hard to understand? 7 DIGITS"

 If the file name doesn't match the folio number, get the file name
 and use that instead of the Folio number...

Enter Folio #

1 Answer 1

  • Don't put your method inside Kernel.
  • Rename ls_grep to something more descriptive, e.g. unlock_spreadsheet.
  • The two shell commands (cd and ls|grep) aren't needed. The code doesn't depend on the current directory, and you're not using the commands' output.
  • Don't use an instance variable (@input_folio) as a temporary variable inside a method. Make it a local variable.
  • The regex matches anything that begins with sevent digits. Use /\A\d{7}\z/ instead in order to match against the whole string.
  • Don't check if the file exists before deleting it, someone might delete it after you check and before you try to delete it. Instead, try to delete it and catch the possible exception.
  • Don't use recursion to repeat the method. Use a loop.
                puts <<-EDE.gsub(/^\s*>/, ' ') 
                >Lockfile not found for Folio # #{@input_folio}"
                >If the file name doesn't match the folio number, get the file name
                >and use that instead of the Foilio number...

Remove the call to gsub:

                puts <<-EDE

 Lockfile not found for Folio # #{@input_folio}"

 If the file name doesn't match the folio number, get the file name
 and use that instead of the Foilio number...


You may want to put those strings in global constants to avoid this decrease in indentation in the code.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Local variables are $variable correct? What do you suggest instead of kernel should I make it into a class instead? Also what do you mean by check for the possible exception? \$\endgroup\$
    – 13aal
    Commented Nov 28, 2015 at 1:01
  • \$\begingroup\$ Just variable, like lockfile. Make ls_grep a global method: simply def ls_grep; ...; end not inside anything. Instead of the File.exist? condition, wrap the deletion inside a rescue block: begin; FileUtils.rm(lockfile); puts "success"; rescue Errno::ENOENT; puts "No such file"; end (semicolons are newlines) \$\endgroup\$
    – Spike
    Commented Nov 28, 2015 at 16:25
  • \$\begingroup\$ The indents in the gsub are on purpose \$\endgroup\$
    – 13aal
    Commented Nov 28, 2015 at 23:39

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